Unit8Topic2导学案 联系客服

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Unit 8 Our Clothes

Topic2 We can design our own uniforms.

Section C导学案

Ⅰ. Teaching aims

4. Knowledge aims:


text,reason,heat,airport,officer,patient,spread,daily,firefighter,solider,official (6)继续学习宾语从句和it作形式主语的句型。 2. Skill aims:

(1) 能够根据课文插图猜测文章大意。 (2) 能够根据上下文语境来猜测单词。 (3) 能够根据图表来复述短文。 3. Emotional aims:

5. Culture awareness: 了解制服的社会功能。 Ⅱ. The key points and difficult points 1. Key points:

(1)继续学习宾语从句和it作形式主语的句型。 (2) 了解制服所扮演的社会功能。 2. Difficult points:


(2)短文内容较长,涉及的任务较多,要完成1c的复述,学生会有一定的难度。 Ⅲ. Learning strategies

1. 充分利用教材提供的插图来预测文章大意。 2. 积极参加读前的讨论活动,激活相关背景知识。 Ⅳ. Teaching aids 多媒体课件/图片/小黑板 V. Teaching procedures Stage 1( 5 mins):Revision Stage 2(5mins): Pre-reading Stage 3(10 mins) While- reading


Stage 4(15 mins):Post –reading Stage 5 Phrases & Sentences

1,消防人员穿特殊服装和戴头盔是为了保护他们自己免受高温和坠落的天花板的伤害。 2, “保护...... 免受......的伤害”

3,当我们在机场看见航空公司飞行员穿着制服时,我们相信他们知道怎样驾驶飞机。 4,所以对于我们来说了解日常生活中的不同制服是有必要的。 5, 在日常生活中 6,便装(两个) Stage 6单项选择。

( ) 1. It’s important for us ______ exercise an hour every day. A. do B. to do C. finishing D. finished ( ) 2. Everyone should ______our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans ______pollution.

A. protect, away B. protect, it C. protect, from D. protect, out

( ) 3.____my opinion,students shouldn't smoke,it's bad___our health.

A. On,for B.With,at C. In,at D. In,for ( ) 4.We should help old people and children ____________. A. in the day life B.in the daily life C. at the day life D.on the daily life 短文综合填空。 School Uniforms

I am a middle school student. I think students should wear school ________ at school every day, especially at school meeting. ________ (合适的)school uniforms can not only ______(展示) good discipline but also make us happy. I think they can even make us study much harder. What’s more, school uniforms are _________(便宜)than casual clothes. Clothes in fashion cost too much. We can’t _______(支付)them. So I don’t think we should wear them at school.

VI. Blackboard design

第三课时(Section C—1a,1b,1c)

Words and expressions Grammar daily 宾语从句

firefighter V +(that)+ 从句 soldier 形式主语

text It’s + 形容词+ that + 从句

reason It’s +形容词+ for sb. + to do sth.

plain clothes---causal clothes

protect... from ... how to +v get help from

in uniforms ⅥTeaching Reflection


Unit 8 Our Clothes

Topic2 We can design our own uniforms.

Section D导学案

Ⅰ. Teaching aims

5. Knowledge aims:

(7)学习并掌握新词汇 similar,dressing,as well as

(8)归纳总结宾语从句和It作形式主语的用法 。 2. Skill aims:

(1)能够根据单词的英语释义学习单词 。 (2)能够让别人明白自己的设计意图。 3. Emotional aims: 6. Culture awareness:

了解北美国家的着装文化。 Ⅱ. The key points and difficult points 1. Key points:

(1)归纳总结宾语从句和It作形式主语的用法。 (2) 了解北美国家的着装知识。 2. Difficult points:

(1)根据单词的英语释义学习单词。 (2)理解短文中出现的让步状语从句和主语从句。 Ⅲ. Learning strategies

1.阅读短文前先快速地读一遍要回答的问题,带着问题阅读更能集中注意力。 2.利用英语释义学习英语单词更有助于理解单词的意思。 Ⅳ. Teaching aids 多媒体课件/图片/小黑板 V. Teaching procedures Stage 1( 10 mins):Revision Stage 2(3mins):Pre-reading Stage3(8 mins) While-reading


Stage 4(10 mins):Post- reading

Stage 5 Phrases & Sentences

1, 人们穿什么取决于他们的喜好。 2, 依靠,依赖,随......决定,取决于


3, 还有,除......之外(也)。置于句中

4, 过生日时,一些孩子们戴着纸质的生日帽。 5, 事实上 Stage 6 Retell

_________know what people in North America wear _________and __________ . In fact, they have __________, though there are ____________ such as_______, ________, ________ and __________. What people wear _______their ____________. On birthdays, some children ___________. At Christmas, some people wear ____________. In winter, Canadian people wear _____________ the same as people ___________ do. People in _____________________ wear suits to work in offices, as well as _______________, just as people do _________. People in cities ____________wear quite ________clothes. Stage 7 Exercise

( ) 1. Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Don’t ____ your dictionary all the time. A. work on B. depend on C. decide on D. put on ( ) 2. They sell books _____ toys.

A. as well B. as well as C. as good as D. as

( ) 3. There are many kinds of fruits______ apples,grapes,bananas and so on. A.for example B. such as C. just as D. such that ( ) 4. The heavy rain stopped us _____ going hiking.

A. out B. to C. on D. from ( ) 5. —Do you know______________________? —Next year.

A. when he came here B. when did he came here C. when he will come here D. when will he come here VI. Blackboard design

第五课时(Section D—Grammar and Functions,1a,1b,Project) Words and expressions Grammar dressing 宾语从句

similar V +从句(特殊疑问句句) be similar to 让步状语从句: but/ though as well as 主语从句: What+从句 ⅥTeaching Reflection