高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练1更新完毕开始阅读



Key to Day 1

1. aboard, abroad 2. absorbed, absent from, absence 3. accent, absolutely 4. accepted, accept 5. access, accessible 6. account, accomplish 7. accurate 8. accounted 9. accident, accidentally 10. able, ability

Key to Day 2

1. accused of 2. achieve nothing 3. admirable, admire, achievements 4. action, adapt 5. active, activities 6. actors, actresses, adds up to 7. accustomed, addition, addicted 8. address, management 9. addressed, add, actual, address 10. Actually, acts as

Key to Day 3

1. advised, in advance, advice 2. advantage, adventures 3. afraid, afford, affair 4. agree, agreement 5. affected, after all 6. affection, advertisements 7. affairs 8. against 9. agent, after, ages 10. Africa, African

Key to Day 4

1. were aimed at, in the open air 2. aid, lend your aid 3. are almost alike, alike 4. allow him to stay out, allow smoking 5. airport, by air/plane, alone 6. in all, ahead of 7. ahead of time, go ahead 8. to be left alone 9. along with, Above all, was still alive 10. alcohol, up in the air, let alone

Key to Day 5

1. had no alternative/choice but to 2. in amazement, amazed, amazing 3. a large amount of 4. Although 5. Among, ambassador 6. amounted to, ambition 7. with anger; animals 8. angry with, angrily 9. amusements, amuse 10. is always complaining about

Key to Day 6

1. announced…to 2. was annoyed with……for/at 3. another 4. anxious for 5. Apart from 6. if anything 7. apologized to; for being absent from 8. appealed to 9. is apparent that; apparently 10. was applied to 11. appearance 12. It appears that 13. anyhow 14. have an appetite for


Key to Day 7

1. appreciate it, make/fix an appointment 2. architect, covers an area of 3. argues with, over/about, arising from 4. was armed with, under arrest 5. arrangements, arrival 6.

appointed, approach 7. arrived at a decision, art, gained the approval of 8. arrow, April 9. showed her appreciation, arranged, wheelchair 10. approximately, arithmetic

Key to Day 8

1. was ashamed of, falling asleep 2. ashes, as, sets aside 3. In general/Generally

speaking, aspects 4. associated 5. Athletes, attach 6. astonished at, Atlantic 7. artist,, astronomer, astronomy 8. assistants, atmosphere 9. Asian 10. As long as


Day 9


1. My ________(姑母) ________________________________ (尝试) get close to the dog, but unfortunately she was ________ (攻击) by it, so she went to see the doctor ________ (马上). 2. The reference books are _______________ (可以借到的) for you in the library on the third _____________ (大街).

3. The _________ (作家) wrote many ___________(有吸引力的) stories happening in _______________ (澳大利亚).

4. All the ____________(观众) were ________________ (吸引) by his superior performance. 5. We ____________ (出席) a meeting, where the speaker talked about the global warming, which ____________________________________(引起我们的注意).

6. The meeting was held to make people _________ (意识到的)of the ___________(可怕的)environmental problems.

7. I was so surprised that I was __________ (授予) the first prize in English speech contest. But soon I was _____________ (叫醒) by my desk mate, only to find that I just had a day dream. But from then on, I decided to work hard to be a student above the ___________(平均水平).

8. You should __________________ (收拾好) your books to ________________ (避免) your house being in a mass.

9. After summer vocation, we students are required to return school in ____________ (八月),nearly one month ahead of time.

10. We should ___________________________________________(抱持积极的态度) our life. Key to Day 9

1. aunt, made an attempt to, attached, right away 2. available, avenue 3. author, attractive, Australia 4. audiences, attracted 5. attended, attracted/drew our attention 6.

aware, awful 7. awarded, awoken, average 8. put away, avoid 9. August 10. take a positive attitude towards

Day 10


1. In summer, foods and vegetables are often put in fridges, otherwise they will

_______________(变质) easily. As a result, they __________________________(对……有害) health with _______________(细菌).

2. The man with a ________ (羽毛球) in his hand is a friend of my brother. He is

a b________ because he is not married. But he is well-educated with a ________________ (学士学位).

3. According to the law, it is ______(禁止) to carry illegal objects among one’s ________(行李).

4. Yesterday when I _____________________________ (去理发), I saw

______________________ (一伙盗贼) caught by the police because of breaking into a ____________ (银行) and taking a large amount of money away. 5. As we know, pandas live mainly on b__________________. 6. Whoever gets a ticket will be admitted to the _____(舞会) regardless of their _______(背景).

7. Stopping to look up a new word while reading is actually a _____________ (障碍) to understand the whole passage.

8. We human beings must try our best to ________________________________(保持自然平衡), or else we will destroy its ecosystem.

9. While buying something, don’t be ashamed of ________________________ the salesmen ___________ the prices (和……进行讨价还价). In fact, it is a kind of art __________________ (以……为基础) your speech.

10. Jack ___________________(失去平衡) and fell off the __________(阳台). Although he was sent to the hospital in time, his parents walked_______________ (来回地)with anxiety. Key to Day 9

1. aunt, made an attempt to, attached, right away 2. available, avenue 3. author, attractive, Australia 4. audiences, attracted 5. attended, attracted/drew our attention 6.

aware, awful 7. awarded, awoken, average 8. put away, avoid 9. August 10. take a positive attitude towards

Day 11


1. Nowadays, lots of people tend to have __________________________ (日光浴)on the ____________ (海边) during holidays in summer.

2. The ________ (棒球) match this afternoon will be put off ___________(因为) the heavy rain.

3. The letters NBA stand for National __________________ Association.

4. A group of _____________ (蝙蝠) _____________ (拍动) their wings and flew into the air. 5. The painting ___________________________________ (以大自然的美为基础)is attractive. 6. Some videos have been banned ____________(基于……对的考虑) that they are too violent.

7. The man _______________________ (留胡子) is a chairman of a committee and he is __________________________ (极忙碌) and has no time to have a rest. Last week he broke down and had to stay _____________ (卧床) for two days.

8. So we should _______________ (记住) that health is the ___________ (基本的) thing we need to work and live on. So let us treasure our lives as we don’t know what will ______________________ (发生become…) us tomorrow.

9. Jenny was a ____________(漂亮) girl, but she suffered from a serious disease. She was brave enough to ________________________ (与……作斗争) the disease although she __________________________ (承受很大的负担). She said when she was going to have an operation, she felt her heart b____________ faster than before. Fortunately, she got well soon.

10. This toy car needs three _________ (电池). There are some in my ______________ (卧室).

Key to Day 11

1. sun baths, beach 2. baseball, because of 3. Basketball 4. bats, beat 5. on the basis of the beauty of nature 6. on the basis 7. with a beard, as busy as a bee, in bed 8. bear it in mind, basic, become of 9. beautiful, battle with, bore a heavy burden, beat 10. batteries, bedroom

Day 12


1. China is a developing country ____________________ (属于)the third world. 2. Physical exercise is _______________________________(对……有好处)health. 3. She has certainly ____________________________(充分利用)time to study hard. 4. The scientist ______________________ (专心致志于)the research into the causes of cancer.

5. Water can change into ice __________________________(零下,冰点之下). 6. We must mind our ______________(行为)in our daily life and sure enough we can ____________________(从中受益)it.

7. Li Ping ________________________________(坚信)that if he _____________________ (尽最大的努力)in his study, he will not ______________________(落后于)others. 8. The boy ______________ his mother ______________ her forgiveness(乞求原谅)because he ____________________(表现不好)in the party.

9. The universe ___________________________(形成)20 billion years ago, which is _________________________(难以置信).