21世纪大学实用英语教案第二册 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章21世纪大学实用英语教案第二册更新完毕开始阅读

9) As we cannot agree on the matter, let’s on it. 10) The poor just wanted a job, any of a job.

11) It is not unusual for a woman to have a man as her assistant.

12) The man didn’t dare to look at us when he said that. , he was telling a lie.

13) If you had done it more , you could have avoided that mistake.

14) He hasn’t started his paper yet. He is still collecting for it.














Understanding the Text 1

allergic blame carefully complaint crazy data effort executive latter observe obviously separate sincere skeptical solution sort tradition vary vote whenever


15) the man came back from a business trip, he would buy his wife a present.

16) Keep the unions from the bread or they will make it smell.

17) I think she was to drive after drinking so much beer. 18) In America, some people are even to eggs. 19) On Mother’s Day, I wrote a thank-you letter to my dear mom.

20) Peter studies in the same class as John. The former likes sports and the enjoys music. ____________












Understanding the Text 1

Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms necessary. 6

check out come up with cool down jot down sure enough take notes 1) In the wet season, from the beginning of September onwards, the soil begins to rapidly. 2) Make it a habit always to go to a lecture or a meeting with a pen and paper and .

3) words and phrases, not whole sentences. You

where don’t have time to record exactly what’s said.

cool down


take notes


Jot down



Understanding the Text 1

check out come up with cool down jot down sure enough take notes 4) She said that she would come, and she came at 8 o’clock.

5) Scientists are working hard to a cure for this deadly disease.

6) The mechanic(机械师) the plane before it took off.

sure enough


come up with