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Figure 1: overseas act as purchasing agency subject type comparison chart The analysis of the above figure as follows:

Degree of risk: Generally speaking, acquaintances handle affairs, trust index is lower than the other two overseas acted as purchasing agency, the other two waysinvolved in tax law (to explainspecifically in the back passage ), the quality of the goods is not sure, business credit (refunds, etc.), making consumers and overseas purchasers will have the problem in asymmetric information, therefore existed a higher degree of risk.

Consumer: acquaintances overseas purchaser does not exist, because it is a proxy object for the consumer is uncertainty, professional overseas purchasing are specific large forums or websites, aimed at the consumers who buy luxury items, official overseas purchasing is comprehensive e-commerce websites, whichafford services to all kinds of consumers.

Degree of subdivision: the degree of subdivision is mainly according to a slightly linear positive proportion composed by the upper surface of the consumer.

Professional level: Generally in large-scale e-commerce website and company, stick, the forums, whether personal or team, have ability to analyze market, whether goods of the overseas market or goods in the domestic market, can give consumers a better view, and provide services for consumer’s different demand , satisfy the consumers’ demand that do not need to \consumers’ hidden costs, such as time, cost, and acquaintances overseas purchasing generally already determined the goods stores for consumers, only need to inform the agent acquaintance without their professional technology .

2.2 The characteristics of overseas purchasing

(1) Diversification and scale of consumer groups : the increase of white collar workers , the improvement of consumption level, aged during 1990, 2000 ,for their fashion goods pursuit, \the implementation of two child policy , the arrival ofgrowth peak period , maternal and child supplies is in high demand, more and more female users have economic ability, and the standard of \


and more demanding; consumer groups’ diversification and scale and so on are all intensify the consumption.

(2) The convenience of payment: as the electricity supplier quickly grab market, Alipay, QQ, WeChat wallet, extended dual currency credit card, including the Paypal payment platform makes consumers can easily simply use the international credit card to pay in the form of e-commerce .

(3) The individualized demand and service: the nouns like “tidy products, personalized, unique, convenient, taste, exclusive etc.” emerge continuously, the consumer more and more emphasis on personal \index\and \index, ,assemble their own computer, choose different patterns of lines of watches, bags full range of fashion, electronic products, ; to the entrusted party, more and more sites attaches great importance to the individual needs of consumers, and to provide consumers with specialized advisory service, and display different commodities for consumers to choose.

(4) Barrier of Products and services are broken: the net can help consumers under the conditions of in the country to purchase foreign goods, and avoid the problem of international personal shopping linked in foreign exchange controls, customs clearance speed, international settlement, financial security and the language barrier. [4]

2.3 Overseas purchasing process

Overseas purchasing as a new way of online shopping, the subject involved in mainly consumers, overseas purchasing private party, website, and other enterprises, government, consumers in the choice of a friend or acquaintance or the official website or other websites to choose their needed goods and reasonable delivery date, communicationaddress and agency party for mutual agreement, through Alipay or other forms of settlement, the agent to provide consumer for goods in foreign countries, the foreign professional express company or personally take back to our country by the domestic third party logistics merchandise and then sent to consumers.



All kinds of customers’ order information processing and packaging for agents communication To buy consumers’required goods The third party logistics companies accept the goods

The agent take back personally The goods sent abroad consumers accept the goods communication The two sides reach a agreement 3 Overseas purchasing of the causes and development of the analysis of the status quo

3.1 The analysis of overseas purchasing

The development scale of overseas purchasing: with the increase of income and consumption level, the rapid development of e-commerce industry, the humanization and convenience of service makesdemand for the domestic consumer international products increased.

For consumers to pay the cost to agents, including commodity costs, fees, (tariff, consumption tax, domestic and foreign transportation costs, agency fees), due to the fixed costs, fees in many cases are vary with the condition. Started in April


8,2016,this policy aimed at: Bonded import and import mail. Proposed that tax once full of 2000 yuan must be collected in full included consumption tax and other tariff: all goods were in accordance with 70% of the amount of levy (except for luxury goods, cosmetics, generally most of the goods now consumption tax is 0, VAT is 17% tax, belonging to raw materials of the value-added tax is 13%), then to within the limits of the cross-border imports ,most of the tax is payable for the 17%*70%=11.9%. The new deal for cosmetics, light luxury goods and etc that its the original tax credits for commodities is advantaged, such as 500 yuan of skin care products, due to the allowance more than 50 yuan, 250 yuan of taxes should paid, now only need to pay value added tax in the 500*11.9%=59.5 yuan for value-added tax; but for the cost of cheap goods caused certain effect, there is likely to raise prices; for some of price bundling goods maternal and child products, such as the existence of the price of milk, increased ,even to buy a pot will pay the tax of 11.9% .

In other words ,for cross-border business, the introduction of the new tax policy no longer enjoy allowance of advantage, clear consumers as a taxpayer, the actual transaction price (parcels and goods retail price, freight charges and insurance premium) as the dutiable value, e-commerce trading platform and logistics enterprises as the withholding agent; application of this policy that goods with customs three single connection between platform and goods, but do not link customs work, only express and postal enterprises can provide three single, and a commitment to undertake relevant legal liabilities of commercial is legal .Other types in accordance with the existing policy to implement. Policy clear again that needs must dock with customs , providing three single information.

For the electricity supplier, and private enterprise website, has advantages and disadvantages, with the continuous growth of consumer demand, diversification of the commodity category, and payment settlement (domestic Alipay system, perfect foreign Paypal platform), its facilitation, profit potential and prospects showed; but for the implementation of the new deal, on the one hand, it will bring some price increase cause the total cost increase, may lead to some goods overseas purchasing