绯闻女孩 Gossip girl 第三季Blair and Chuck恋情图文回顾 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章绯闻女孩 Gossip girl 第三季Blair and Chuck恋情图文回顾更新完毕开始阅读

Blair Waldorf:Last fall you said we couldn’t be together, and I believe you. But everytime I try to move on, you’re right there, acting like.. 你说我们不能在一起,我相信了。但是每次我想离开的时候,你又出现在我面前,像...

Chuck Bass: acting like what?. 像什么??

Blair Waldorf: Like.. maybe you want me to be as unhappy as you are. 像...也许你想让我和你一样不快乐。

Chuck Bass: I would never wish that on any one. I want you to be happy. 我从没这么想过。我希望你快乐。

Blair Waldorf: Then look down deep. Into the soul I know you have, and tell me if what you feel for me is real, or if it’s just a game. If it’s real, we’ll figure it out.. all of us. But if it’s not, them please Chuck, just let me go.

在你的灵魂深处,我知道你知道的,告诉你对我的感觉是真的,还是,这仅仅是一场游戏。如果是真的,我们会有办法在一起。如果不是,那请让我走。 Chuck Bass:It’s just a game. I hate to lose. You are free to go. 这就是一个游戏。我讨厌失败。你可以走了。 Serena: Chuck, why did you just do that? Chuck,你为什么要这么做?

Chuck Bass: Because I love her , but I can’t make her happy. 我爱她,但是我却不能让她幸福。 Season 2, Episode 24

每个问题都有它的答案,每个播种爱的人,都会收获她的爱情结果。等待了整整一季的Blair和我们,终于看到了我们最想看到的场景听到了最想听到的对白。That is just \

Blair Waldorf: I want to believe, but I can't. You hurt me too mant times. 我想相信,但是我不能。你伤我伤的太多了。 Chuck Bass: You can believe me this time. 这次你可以相信我。

Blair Waldorf:Oh. That's it? 就这样?

Chuck Bass: I love you too. 我也爱你。

相对前两季,第三季甜蜜和温馨的片段数不胜数。 Season 3, Episode 02

Season 3, Episode 05


Season 3, Episode 05