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Please limit your answers to 200 words.

2、What are your main activities and interests? What do you contribute and what do you gain from them? Please limit your answers to 150 words.

3、Describe a major piece of work undertaken during your course. Please limit your answer to 150 words. HSBC

1、Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give details of your role, whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered.

2、Please state how you have benefited from your work experience. Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement to date? What do you see as your personal strength, and why?

3、why the position you have applied for is appropriate for you; why you have selected HSBC; and what your career objectives are.

SHELL(壳牌的经典Open Question,每年都一样,不怕你事先准备,可以用中文,就怕你的人不够优秀。有兴趣、有毅力的来事先准备一



1、Please give reasons for your preference. 请给出选择该职业的原因

2、In Shell we often work in challenging environments and have to strive to achieve our objectives. Please describe your most outstanding non-academic achievement highlighting your approach to any significant difficulties faced in meeting your objective(s).


3、Shell contains a diverse mix of talented individuals who sometimes have different ideas on how to proceed. The ability to draw on these differences, influence others and then move forward with a common purpose is critical. Please describe a challenging occasion, which required your persuasive skills and your ability to organize other people in order to reach a successful resolution.




4、The energy business provides a dynamic working environment and our ability to initiate change is key to ensuring that we retain our competitive edge. Please describe the most innovative change that you have initiated and what you did to implement this change.


5、Due to the complexity of the business we pursue around the world, critical thinking and analytical skills are essential. To help us evaluate these skills, please analyze fully the main challenges associated with environment protection and its future trends. (Please use your own analysis. We do not expect you to research this area.)



6、In this case, you are assuming the role of Business Development Manager of Shell Retail business. As part of its Retail business strategy, the company plans to lease a location to open a convenience retailing store. There are two landlords (A&B) each of which offers a different location for your selection.Location A has higher number of passer-bys but costs more to lease, and Location B is situated in a place with lower number of passer-bys but costs less to lease as compared with Location A. You are invited to present your analysis of the followings:

1)What kind of additional information/data do you need to collect/get in oder to make the decision? 2)What are your selection criteria?

3)How would you make your final decision in steps?

在本题中,我们假定你是壳牌公司零售业务部门业务发展经理。作为零售连锁业务策略的一部分,公司计划开设一家便利超市。有两位业主(甲和乙)分别向你提供了可供租赁的一块场地。其中,甲的场地所处位臵人流量较大,但要价较高;乙的场地所处位臵人流量较小,但要价较低。 请就下列问题进行分析:
