值班机工英语题库{长江海事局}_第二章 联系客服

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其他考试/ 值班机工 第二章


I just want to ________ for the welding machine before use. A、 look at the note book B、 read the note book

C、 read the instruction book D、 look at the instruction book 02012001B5

They tried every way ________ the diesel generator, but the air pressure was too low.

A、 starting B、 to start

C、 to have started D、 to be started 02022001C5

In the engine room ________ to be used in place of the exhaust gas boiler while in port.

A、 there is no boiler

B、 there are three boilers C、 there is another boiler D、 there are a lot of boilers 02052001D5

I remember ________ the purifier the day before yesterday, but it went out again. A、 to repair

B、 being repaired C、 to be repaired D、 repairing 02042001C5

The engine room alarm is on、 What’s the ________? A、 thing B、 event C、 matter D、 affair 02012002A5

A.C. is better then D.C. ________. A、 in many ways B、 on many ways C、 to many ways D、 by many ways 02012003A5


The electrician ________ the motor windings yesterday morning. A、 cleaned, varnished and baked B、 will clean, varnish and baking C、 cleans, varnishes and bakes

D、 is cleaning, varnishing and baking 02102002A5

How are you going to ________ the motor with the fresh water pump? A、 connect B、 engage

C、 disconnect D、 disengage 02052002B5

They are going to disassemble oil water separator ________. A、 inspection

B、 for inspection C、 for inspect D、 inspecting 02012004A5

The generator often runs ________. A、 with sparks and noise B、 by electricity

C、 by sparks and noise D、 with electricity 02102003D5

He can ________ the lathe, but he can’t ________ the grinding machine. A、 operating/ repair B、 repair /operating C、 repairs/making D、 operate /operate 02062001D5

The third engineer ________ the exhaust valves in the working shop the day before yesterday. A、 grind B、 is grind C、 will grind D、 ground 02102004B5

The shipyard can make propellers, winches and ________ for vessels. A、 equipment

B、 other equipments C、 others equipment D、 another equipment



Our plan is ________ by ourselves.

A、 to renews the damaging pipes and valves B、 to renew the damaging pipes and valves C、 to renew the damaged pipes and valves D、 to renews the damaged pipes and valves 02012005B5

Our No.1 generator ________ and we started No、2 generator immediately. A、 failing suddenly B、 failed suddenly C、 fail suddenly D、 fails suddenly 02032001A5

The pump ________ last voyage is being repaired now. A、 damaged B、 damaging C、 damages D、 damage 02032002B5

Two sets of centrifugal pumps ________ disassembled. A、 is to be B、 are to be C、 are to D、 to are 02032003C5

There are still a few steam pumps ________. A、 in the C/E′s room B、 in the main deck C、 in the engine room

D、 in the captain′s cabin 02012018B5

Electricity makes a motor ________. A、 to run B、 run

C、 to be run

D、 to be running 02012019A5

I’d like to ________ some special tools for the generator from you, Mr. Chief Engineer. A、 borrow B、 lend


C、 lending D、 borrowing 02042020B5

These rubber rings ________ English system, not metric system, I think. A、 are B、 are of C、 are on D、 are for 02072021A5

You’d better ________ the steering gear right now. A、 inspect B、 to inspect C、 inspecting D、 inspected 02052022A5

________ fuel oil and lube oil must be purified ________ entering the engine. A、 Both/ before B、 Both/ after C、 Neither/ before D、 Neither/ after


The ejector pump works in a different way ________ the displacement pump. A、 compared with B、 to compare with C、 compared for D、 to compare for 02072024C5

Let’s go and inspect ________ that is used to control the ship’s course. A、 generator

B、 oil separator C、 steering gear D、 main engine 02092025A5

Checking telegraph begins with the order ________. A、 “Slow” B、 “Ahead” C、 “Astern” D、 “Full” 02022026B5

We haven’t got the instruction book for ________. A、 the automatic boiler already