冀教版四年级上册英语全册教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章冀教版四年级上册英语全册教案更新完毕开始阅读


1 .师生互相问候。学唱英文歌曲

唱 \THE HOKEY POKEY\(借以复习 his 和 her) 播放录音,与学生一起跟着录音边唱边做动作。然后快速复习唱歌时做的动作。 教师:(对单个学生) Stand, please. Wave your arm. (对全班) What's he /she doing? 全班: He/She's waving his /her arm.

教师:(对另一名学生) Stand, please. Shake your leg. 全班: He/She 's shaking his / her leg. 用图片装扮,把讲桌设计为一服饰店。

教师扮演导购员 , 对商品进行解释并提问 . 例如:教师: This is a clothes shop. The name of the shop is \” . Here we have many beautiful clothes. Look!( 指着一件蓝色的裙子 )What is it? 学生: Skirt.

教师: What colour is it? 学生: Blue.

2 .教授新单词 --Shoes,socks,dress,shorts.

教师继续扮演导购员,对大家进行新品介绍。(介绍新单词) 教师: Here are \brand on sale\新品上市 )How nice! Look ! What is it? It's a dress. Dress. Dress. Class, say it ,please!


学生: Dress, dress.

教师: Very good! It's a dress.

用同样方法介绍 shoes,socks,dress,shorts. 播放录音,让学生看书跟读。 3 .做游戏

用问答方式复习 :Whose is this? Is this your_______? 教师:(拿起已带到班上的衣服) Whose is this? 全班: I don't know. 教师: Is this your _____? 全班: No.

教师:(像一位学生要一条围巾或一件毛衣,拿着它问这位学生) Whose is

this? Is this your______? 学生: Yes.

教师:(问一位不是物主的同学) Is this your______? 学生甲: No.

教师:(指着物主) Is this his ?her ___? 学生甲: Yes.

教师: Yes, it's his /her ____. Say it , please, class. 全班: Yes, it's his /her____.

教师: Whose _____is it? Whose _____is it ? 全班: It's his /her______.


教师: Very good!

4 .播放录音,让学生看书跟读。 课堂练习: 让学生画线连接单词和图画。 Is this his / her _____? Are these his / her_____? 板 书: Lesson 4: Shoes and Socks shoes, socks, dress, shorts Is this his / her ? Are these his / her ?

布置作业:完成《活动手册》中的习题。 Lesson5 Days of the week 教学目标:



情感态度、价值观:了解东西方文化差异,继续产生并保持对英语的爱好。 教学重点:

1 、学生能说、读、写、用星期名称单词

2 、学唱《 He ’ s Wearing Red Pants 》的歌曲 教学难点:

1 、区分 Tuesday 和 Thursday


2 、学唱《 He ’ s Wearing Red Pants 》的歌曲 教 具:单词卡片 录音机 教学课时:一课时 教学过程: 一、 Greeting. 二、新授:

1 、 T : There are seven days of the week ,the first day is … ? Ss: Sunday.

Show them seven pictures about days of the week. Ss: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday.

T: Now let ’ s sing a song 《 Days of the week 》 ,and pass the pictures one by one.


2 、 Read these days by the ways they like a. 按顺序读。 b. 倒读。 c. 挑自己喜欢的读。 3. What day is it today?It ’ s … 通过各种拍手的节奏来练习句子。 4. 听录音。 5. 跟读课文录音。