新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级(全一册)期中测试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级(全一册)期中测试题更新完毕开始阅读

key came.He __32___the lock and the door opened.The stone was very ___33___that the key could open it so easily.He asked the key:“__34___ did you do that?”The key__35____ him and said:“Because I understand its __36___.”

Life is just like this._37__we want to solve a problem,we must understand it ___38___.If we want to make friends with people we must understand ___39___.If we want our parents to ___40___us,we must first know their hearts.We must know what they hope for. 31.A.touch B.open C.reach 32.A.got out B.got to C.got in 33.A.worried B.thankful C.surprised 34.A.Why B.How C.When 35.A.smiled to B.talked about C.agreed with 36.A.problem B.work C.heart 37.A.If B.Because C.Although 38.A.first 39.A.us

B.1ater C.finally B.others C.them

40.A.love B.understand C.remember 四、阅读理解(30分)


When Mary was seven, her family moved to a new town.She usually went to school by school bus, for it was not near her house.

One morning, their family clock stopped and when they got up, it was too late for Mary to catch the school bus.Her mother said she would drive Mary to school on her way to the office. “But how can you find the way, Mum ?” Mary asked.“You have only been to my school once.”

“Yes.” her mother answered.“But you’ve been there by school bus seven times, you know the way.” “Oh, yes.” Said Mary.

They started out and Mary asked her mother to turn one way or another on their way to school, so she made her mother drive round most of the town before they got there.When they arrived, her mother found it was not really very far from their house.

“Why did you make me go such a long way?” her mother asked her.“Well, Mum.” answered

Mary.“I know only this way.The bus always goes like this, so the other children can take it to school.”

41.Mary usually went to school.__________________.

A.by can

B.by bike

C.on foot

D.by school bus.

42.One morning Mary got up late because _____________. A.her mother forgot to wake her up C.She was not feeling well 43.Mary ___________to her school. A.knew only one way

B.didn’t know the way D.knew many ways B.the family clock stopped D.She wanted to sleep more.

C.knew the shortest way

44.Mary made her mother go a long way because ______________.

A.she wanted to stay with her mother longer B.the school bus always went that way C.she didn’t want to get to school to early

D.she want to take other children to school 45.From this story we know that __________.

A.Mary was a kind –hearted girl.

B.Mary’s mother had never been to the school. C.the school wasn’t very far from Mary’s house D.Mary enjoyed going to school in her mother’s car


Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister(宰相), He said that the Minister would die the next day, The next day, the Minister fell to the ground from the horse, and really died.When the king learned this, he got angry and sent his men to catch Effendi at once.When Effendi was brought to him, the king shouted angrily, “Effendi, since(既然死)you knew when my Minister would die, you must know the date of your own death(死), say it out, or you’ll die today

Effendi looked at the king for a while, Then he answered, “But how can I know? I’ll die two days earlier than you, The king was afraid that if he killed Effendi, he himself would die after that, He thought he must keep Effendi alive(活着)as long as possible, so he let Effendi go. 46.This story tells us__________.

A.how Effendi fool(愚弄)the king B.when the king would die C.why the Minister died

D.Effendi knew the dates of everyone's death 47.The prime Minister died because __________.

A.Effendi killed him C.He was badly ill

B.Effendi said he would die D.He fell of the horse

48.Why did the king ask Effendi to tell him the date of Effendi's own death? __________.

A.Because the king wanted to know when he himself would die B.Because he wanted to find an excuse to kill Effendi C.Because he himself had known the date of Effendi's death D.Because he wanted to know when Effendi would die 49.The king let Effendi go because __________.

A.he hoped to live a long life B.he was afraid of Effendi

C.he didn't believe(相信) Effendi's words D.he knew he would die two days later 50.Which of the following is not true__________.

A.Effendi played a joke on the Minister. B.The king was afraid of death

C.Effendi didn't know when the king would die

D.If the king killed Effendi, he himself would die two days later


William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems.Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth.He wrote thirty-seven plays in all.They are still popular today.

He was born in 1564 in England.At school he liked watching plays.He decided to be an actor(演员)when he finished school at the age of fourteen.In 1582, he married a famer’s daughter.She was eight years older than he was.Their first child was a daughter.Later they had twins.In 1585, Shakespeare left his hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon.His wife and children stayed

behind.No one knows why he left or what he did between 1585 and 1592.

At twenty-eight he moved to London and joined a theatre company which opened the Globe Theatre in 1599.He became an actor, and he also wrote plays.He usually acted in his own plays.He earned almost no money from his writing.But he made a lot of money from acting.With the money he bought a large house in his hometown.

At the age of forty-nine, Shakespeare retired(退休)and went to live in Stratford-upon-Avon.He died at the age of fifty-two.He left his money to his family.He left his genius to the world.You still see his plays in English and in many other languages.He is one of the most famous writers in the world.

51.Shakespeare wrote many famous plays except __________.


B.Macbeth D.Man and Superma

C.Romeo and Juliet

52.Shakespeare decided to be an actor in _________.





53.In 1585, Shakespeare left his hometown Stratford-upon-Avon _______.

A.with his wife

B.with his daughter D.alone

C.with his wife and children

54.Shakespeare got much money from _________.





55.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Shakespeare had two children.

B.Shakespeare wrote both plays and poems. C.Shakespeare left his money to the Globe Theatre.

D.Shakespeare wrote plays in English and some other languages.
