高一英语测试题及答案 Units1-5 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章高一英语测试题及答案 Units1-5更新完毕开始阅读

will they wear clothes or shoes made from animal skin, such as leather. They say that if it is wrong to kill an animal for food, it is worse to kill it for there are some groups that go even further. Fruitarians believe it is wrong to kill any living plant or animal. Besides refusing to eat meat, they will only eat fruit and vegetables that have not been killed when harvested. This means they cannot take an apple from a tree: they must wait until the apple falls to the ground. Only then can it be considered dead.

46. A lot of ___ choose to give up meat because they believe it is cruel to kill animals for food.

A. vegans B. vegetarians C. fruitarians D. researchers 47. According to the text, \ A. choose not to eat meat or fish B. choose to eat meat or fish C. choose not to eat protein D. choose to vegetables to the text, which one of the following is not mentioned? A. Only in China, there are so many people eat meat. B. There are many vegetarians in Europe.

C. Vegetarian diets are healthier than the average western diet. D. There are many reasons for people turning vegetarians. 49. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Meat is harmful to health B. Vegetarian diets are popular C. Food and health D. Meat and health


Many years ago, children who had good manners kept quiet if their parents were talking with other persons. Today, well-mannered children have more freedom.

Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other place.

Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia. Some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud \some countries, if you give a loud burp, you are told to say, \

In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia, it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. People show their good manners by turning their back on others while they eat.

What are good manners like in an East African town? The people try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you're polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you.

Suppose you visit a friend in Arabia. You should walk behind the tents until you come to his tent. If you pass in front of the other tents, you will be asked into them. The people will ask you to eat with them. And it is bad manners if you say no.

Mongolia, burping is a way of showing that_______.

A. you enjoyed your meal B. you are not full

C. your meal is not good D. you want to eat more Arabia it is bad manners _______ .

A. to walk behind the tents B. to visit a friend

C. to refuse to sit down D. to say no if you're asked to eat

52..In East Africa , people _______ a visitor _______ he finishes what he is doing. A. won't talk to; until B. don't like; until C. like to walk with; while D. talk to; before

of the following sentences is not true according to the passage? A. Well-mannered children should always keep quiet. B. Eating with others is bad manners.

C. Good manners are different from one place to another. D. People always want others to bother them. C

Badminton, Basketball, Fencing, Fitness machines, Gymnastics, Handball, Judo, Karate, Tennis, Roller skating, Table Tennis, Weight training

Sports Center

Membership Information

Membership includes the following benefits(优惠): No entry fee(money for entering)

Cheaper rate for use of equipment, courts(a space specially for ball games), etc. Book up to ten days in advance.

Cost of Membership

Family: 6 months £34. 12 months £58

Adult: Day membership: 65P; 1 month £3; 6 months: £18; 1 year: £36 Junior: Day membership: 40P; 6 months: £8; 1 year: £13 Rules of Membership

●Members may book courts, etc. by telephone 9:30 a.:30 . seven days a week up to ten days in advance. Membership number must be given when booking by phone and payment made immediately on arrival at the sports center. A booking made in this way may only be used by the member and his / her guest / guests.

●Members need not pay day membership fees only if they can show a membership card. Failure to do so will result in a day membership fee and full cost for use of any equipment, courts, etc.

●Bookings may be given up up to 48 hours before the day, otherwise the fee must be paid plus some extra payment for the work that has been done.

Fitness machines

These machines will help you to work almost every part in your body. Before training by yourself, it is necessary to come to a course of two classes which will give you the \are held every week on Monday and Friday at 12 noon and 9 . Fee per class: Member£, Non-member £.

54.If one of the sports center members wants to book a court for February 16 by phone, he or she must_______.

A. call the center on February 6 B. pay for that immediately

C. do that only for himself or herself D. tell his or her membership number 55.If a member hasn't brought his/her membership card with him/her, he/she will_______.

A. not enjoy any benefits B. be refused to enter C. have to pay money for entry but can use the equipment free

D. not need to pay entry fee but must pay for the equipment or court

56.If a center member fails to give up his or her bookings in time, he or she has to_______.

A. pay part of the money he or she should pay B. pay the total of the money he or she should pay

C. pay more than the money he or she should pay D. give up his or her membership 57.Which of the following statements is TRUE about fitness machines? A. You can use the machines at any time.

B. You are refused to use the machines by yourself without the \ C. You can come to the training course any day except Saturday and Sunday. D. Only a person who has the membership can come to the courses. D

In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually was made up of saying poetry aloud and giving speeches.

In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates(应试者) for the doctor’s degree.

Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same questions, was probably not known until the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modern industry. A room full of candidates for a state examination timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers, looks like a group of workers at an automobile factory. Certainly, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.

One type of test is sometimes called an “objective” test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test, the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three statements that look like answers to students who have not learned the material properly.

58. The main idea of Paragraph Three is that ___________ .

A. workers now take examinations B. the population has grown

C. there are only written exams today D. examinations are now written and timed

59. The kind of exams where students must select answers are ___________ . A. objective B. personal C. spoken D. written 60. Modern industry must have developed ____________ .

A. around the 19th century B .before the Middle Ages C. in Greece or Rome D. machines to take tests


Giving the right kind of praise

’t assume praise is all that is needed . generous with giving praise to others . special about what you are praising . use praise to improve poor performance . ’t praise ordinary performance. excellent praise in writing .

If you do this repeatedly you reduce the impact and meaning of genuine praise .Also , when some does excellent work your praise will not mean very much .Another problem is that praising a co-worker for ordinary work won’t necessarily motivate them to grow or perform even better .

Vague (含糊的 )praise like “keep up the good work”or “great job”is not vague praise only devalues genuine praise .Instead , make statements like , “I am impressed with the excellent work you did on the project .”Again , be specific and let them know exactly what you found to be outstanding performance and why .

Verbal (口头的) praise can be very encouraging but it can also be quickly forgotten and when the next problem arises .Occasionally provide genuine praise to others in the form of a memo or letter .It will be a permanent reminder to them of your admiration for their excellent work related stresses later arise ,it can be reread and encourage the reader all over again .

When a co-worker is performing well in one area and is weak in another ,use praise to improve the weak area .Praise what they are doing well and tell them why .Then encourage them to apply the same dedication and diligence to their weaker skills .

Over time greater work deserves more than praise and words of appreciation ! Don’t forget to spend time with your workers .


第一节:单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列各句句意和空白后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。