基于单片机的液体点滴控制系统设计说明书论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章基于单片机的液体点滴控制系统设计说明书论文更新完毕开始阅读


sign position, as well as the control data that it wants. Stations are in always to take over state , will want to return to main station information, state changes over to dispatch, data’s dispatching completely is still in to take over state, wait main station control and inquiry. Main station adopts to decide point with tour inspection two ways.罴醬畝饼誊歿凑鈑繳锱。 (3) Software flow chart is as Fig 3:

IV. Experiment Result

(1) A bit speed control: Set a speed of a bit, the measure by every time with showing that. At the same time, regulate the high to control the speed of a bit, shows as follows: In table, the data analysis of test can be known ,this system has reached title requirement completely ,also, has highest precision under the condition in the mezzo speed, in the two ends of dropping rapid of controlling scope, the controlling error is also on the small side.鲢診龄師該铃書銨鴇开。 (2) Liquid surface inspection to give an alarm test: Measure liquid



surface’s altitude give an alarm,under the case of the fast rapid speed, have recordedsome groups of data, is 2.5 respectively.磚緙鹅綱谩擞鴻鑌纸蘚。 (3) For system enter the time needed by steady state test, the longest time is 1 minute and 32 seconds, this time is from the lowest end to the highest end, and the regulation time of other condition is smaller than this number. By the time that this system enters steady state, is smaller than the index. It satisfies title requirement.鬮煒鳍輥賠還鲂隊驼骡。 V. Conclusion

The system have completed title requirement basically and have realized the control regulation of a bit, can compare accurate regulation to assume random setting value .毕懍鲅鵑较惻飾顳矯泾。 In systematic design course, it is simple that we make great effort line in line with practical attitude, to make the hardware circuitry simpleness and bring into play the agile of program and let high limit to excavate SCM resource, in order to satisfy problem requirement to keep close to life reality. However, since time is hurriedly and the ability infinity. This system still has the place of many worthwhile improvements, with the expecting of the readers’ criticism and comment.

钆歷驾无醬赔隽驍韉贈。 REFERENCES

[1] Zhang Hong-run Zhang Ya-fan. SCM principle and application Beijing: Tsinghua University pressed in 2005.徠鲣饮脸铄尝鏍鯢炀憑。 [2] Kang Hua-guang technical basic digital partial (the edition of 4th) Beijing: It is higher to educate pressed in2000.謂镊颇铵鋃誼铰鸚镉糁。 [3] Blanco J, et al. Micromachined inertial sensor development at north. Proc. 49th Annual Meeting,Institute of Navigation, 1993; 变赵陧涼镦囑釧亿殮錙。 中文译文:





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荟蓥闶漸陸讣轾减鈿異。 关键字:单片机,红外传输。 I.介绍

在医学上, 传统的输液装置在输液过程中需要把速度控制在一定范围内,随液体不断的减少,输液瓶内输液的速度不断降低,不能满足医疗需求。本设计采用红外检测监控速度使它转换为数字信号再输入到单片机中。单片机使用数字管显示出速度,并且根据设计需求控制步进电机,使速度控制在提前设定范围内,这样可以增加系统的实用性,用户可以使用数字键盘与网络沟通以及根据需要设置点速度。可以通过控制系统实现几个病房输血控制的切换。它可以取代现有医院的输血和输液并实现简单的控制,还能提高精度。这装置在家庭中使用有广阔的市场前景,拥有较高的社会和经济效益。鹏筛镐討颛办費叹摄虏。 系统框图如图1所示:




A单片机简介: 单片机又称微型控制器,是20世纪70年中期十年发展起来的一种模块化控制集成电路 ,其特点是功能强大,体积小,可靠性高,价格便宜。它出现后,不仅方便的应用于工业控制、数据采集、智能融化等领域,在机电一体化和家用电器中也得到了广泛的应用,最大地提高了自动化水平和技术水平。因此应用程序和供应链管理的发展已经成为高科技领域的项目。糝殒锔雋駛鶯诼垆辐驄。 B步进电机的介绍: 它是一种数字控制系统,它可以改变数字变量的输入,从而改变数字脉冲信号,数字脉冲信号首先给马达一个角度转动命令使其变化。原理图如图2所示:頜层铢壶鲜儀計尧當涇。 ①监测点速度的设计:采用红外传感器测量点速度,直接接上直流电流,电路简单,性能稳定。考虑使用滴液管,液滴下落反射红外线会让接受管和产生低电平信号,但如果反射信号太弱,不能有效地实现监控。滚伛钮硕鷙耸蒋忆貯赠。 ②速度控制:首先这是快速设定一个初始高度并检测滴。然后,反复调节,控制液滴进入发生器时高与低之间的关系,使液滴速度达到满足设定的下降速度值的要求。铣饜酝贻龙鵠臚拧奥凭。 ③液面检测与报警:使用红外探测技术,实现预警功能。让红外发射管与接管管安装在瓶的两侧,并建立一定高度的警戒线,水的多少会影响传感器接收