安徽省2019届中考英语总复习语篇组合练(六)精练(新版)人教新目标版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章安徽省2019届中考英语总复习语篇组合练(六)精练(新版)人教新目标版更新完毕开始阅读

B. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? C. 人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎? D. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。


My parents turned my whole world upside down when they told me they were getting a divorce(离婚).I couldn't believe our family was going to break up.

It changed my life completely. My mother and I moved into a small apartment across town,while my father and brother, Bill, stayed in our house.

And very soon I had my stepfather, Dan. Even though I wasn't very nice to him, he never gave up on me.

As time went on,I realized that we had some things in common. We liked to talk about movies and TV shows. We began to spend a lot of time hanging out together. It gave us a chance to get to know each other.

Dan was always around when I needed advice on lessons or other things.And I began to be warm to Dan. We began to enjoy the time we spent together.Dan,my mother and I often went out to have a delicious meal and took short trips.Finally,I discovered I had a happy family that I had never had before.

My father also found happiness — he remarried and had another child named Michelle.

At the age of 13,I learned an important lesson — the change is not always bad. Sometimes the change is just what we need.

1.How many people were there in the writer's family before his parents got a divorce? A. Three. C. Five.

B. Four.

D. Six.

2.At first, the writer his stepfather.


A. liked B. couldn't stand

C. was unfriendly to D. was nice to

3.Which of the following is NOT true about Dan according to the passage? A. He had another child named Michelle. B. He often hung out with the writer. C. He often took short trips with the writer. D. He gave the writer advice on many things.

4.What did the writer think of his new family at last? A. Happy. B. Strange. C. Awful. D. Uncomfortable.

5.What does the writer want to tell us through his story? A. Life is not easy for every one of us.

B. Sometimes the stepfather is better than the father. C. He met too much trouble in his early years. D. Sometimes, the change may be what we need.



【完形A篇短文大意】 本文主要介绍了西伯利亚的一个小镇——奥伊米亚康的一些情况。

1.C 【解析】 结合下文的\67.7 ℃\,此处表示\那里的气温冬天可低至零下67.7



2.A 【解析】 结合下文的\temperatures\可知,此处是说蔬菜和水果无法生长。故用grow。

3.D 【解析】 根据上文的\temperatures are around - 50 ℃\,这里的地面在冬季一直是冰冻的。故用always。

4.B 【解析】 此处是说,如果不在外面开车的话,就得把车停放在暖和的车库里,以防车被冻坏。故running符合文意。

5.A 【解析】 结合下文的\可知,此处是说预防损害,故用prevent。 6.C 【解析】 结合下文的\可知,此处是说那儿的人们尽可能少地在户外待着,以避开低温。故用spend。

7.D 【解析】 结合\可知, 此处是说尽可能快地远离寒冷。get out of\远离,摆脱\符合文意。

8.A 【解析】 结合下文的\可知,此处是说通常户外又黑又荒凉,故用dark。

9.B 【解析】 设空前后内容为转折关系,故用However。 10.A 【解析】 此处指气温上升,故用rise。

【完形B篇短文大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者因为考试成绩没有好朋友的理想,错把朋友的关心当作嘲笑。后来朋友所做的一件事使作者羞愧不已,并深受感动。

1.A 【解析】 根据空格前关键词\可知,本句表示\但是她总是把它们藏在一副黑色的眼镜后面\。behind意为\在……之后\符合文意。

2.C 【解析】 结合下文可知,作者和安娜发生了一点不愉快,因此此处指\然而有一天,我差点儿结束了我们的友谊\。nearly意为\几乎,差不多\符合文意。

3.B 【解析】 联系设空后的\可知,此处为固定结构\。此处被修饰的中心词是形容词sad,因此用副词so。

4.A 【解析】 alone\独自\大声地\仅仅,只\简单的\。结合上下文可知,此处是说,\我\独自坐在教室里。故选A。

5.D 【解析】 everything意为\每件事,所有事物\意为\某事,事物\anything意为\任何事物\意为\什么也没有\。but表示转折,联系前文\我看了她一会儿\可知,此处指\但是什么也没说\因此用nothing。

6.C 【解析】 根据上文可知,\我\这次考得非常不好,而安娜考得很好;又结合\away from her\可知,此处是说\我\认为她是在嘲笑\我\。laugh at\嘲笑\符合文意。 7.B 【解析】 根据上文\,此处表示\她继续


问我问题\。keep doing sth.意为\继续做某事\符合文意。

8.A 【解析】 结合最后一段中的\可知,此处表示\你想让我告诉你正确答案吗\。故answers符合文意。

9.A 【解析】 联系下文\exam paper back\可知,此处指\把我的试卷送回来了\。give\给\符合文意。

10.C 【解析】 结合上下文可知,此处是说\我\非常惊讶。surprise意为\惊讶\符合文意。


【阅读A篇短文大意】 本文介绍了中国的待客之道。中国是礼仪之邦,热情好客。当有客人来家里做客时,中国人会热情招待客人,为客人沏茶,准备吃的,还会和客人聊天等。 1.A 【解析】 画线的词是hospitable,结合上下文可推断,中国人是世界上最\好客的\人之一,故答案为A。

2.C 【解析】 由第二段中的\you visit a Chinese family, the host usually makes tea for you. Then he will serve you snacks(小吃) like biscuits or candy\可知答案为C。

3.C 【解析】 由第三段中的\one of the things that surprises a Western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for visitors, which won’t happen at Western tables\可知答案为C。

4.A 【解析】 由第三段中的\Chinese family go out of their way to make you feel at home\可知答案为A。

5.B 【解析】 通读全文可推断,孔子的那句话意为\有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?\。故答案为B。

【阅读B篇短文大意】 我父母的离婚完全改变了我的生活。很快我有了继父,起初我对他并不友好,但他没有放弃我。后来我发现我们有很多共同之处,我们的相处也更加融洽了,最后我发现我有一个很幸福的新家庭。从这件事中我学到了一个道理:改变并不总是坏的,有时改变正是我们所需要的。

1.B 【解析】 由第二段的内容可知答案为B。

2.C 【解析】 通读文章,尤其根据第三段中的\though I wasn’t very nice to him\可知答案为C。

3.A 【解析】 由倒数第二段的内容可知A项的描述是不正确的。

4.A 【解析】 由倒数第三段中的\had never had before\可知答案为A。