2012十八届noip提高组题目及答案 - 图文 联系客服

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begin ans := 0; calc(1,1); writeln(ans); end; exit; end; if (left[x]=0) and (right[x]=0) then begin

left[x) := th; father[th] := x; dfs(th, th+1); father[th] := 0; left[x] := 0; end; if right[x] = 0 then begin

right[x] := th; father[th] := X; dfs(th, th+1); father[th] := 0; right[x] := 0; end; if (father[x] > 0) then dfs(father[x],th); end;

begin readln(s1); readln(s2); n := length(s1); fillchar(left,sizeof(left),0); fillchar(right,sizeof(right),0); fillcahr(father,sizeof(father),0); dfs(1,2); end. 输入: ABCDEF BCAEDF


五、完善程序(第1题第2空3分,其余每空2.5分,共计28分) 1.(排列数)输入两个正整数n,m(1?n?20,1?m?n) ,在1?输入:3 2 输出:1 2

1 3 2 1 2 3 3 1

3 2

const SIZE=20; var used :array [1..SIZE] of boolean; data :array [1..SIZE] of integer; n,m,i,j,k :integer; flag :boolean; begin readln(n,m); fillchar(used,sizeof(used),false); for i:=1 to m do begin

n 中任取m个数,按字典序从小到大输出所有这样的排列。例如

data[i] := i;

used[i] := true; end; flag := true; while flag do begin for i:=1 to m-1 do write(data[i],' '); writeln(data[m]); flag := ① ; for i := m downto 1 do begin ② ; for j := data[i]+1 to n do if used[j] = false then begin used[j] := true; data[i] := ③ ; flag := true; break; end; if flag then begin for k:= i+l to m do for j:= 1 to ④ do if used[j]=false then begin data[k] := j; used[j] := true; break; end; ⑤ ; end; end; end; end.



指令 1[空格]e 2 3 0 涵义 在栈顶压入元素e 弹出(并输出)栈顶元素 翻转栈顶的前c个元素 退出 表1:指令的涵义

输入 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 3 1 5 3 2 2 2 输出 3 2 5 栈中的元素 (左为栈底,右为栈顶) 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 5 1 4 5 2 3 1 4 5 2 1 4 5 1 4 说明 输入正整数c 压入元素1 压入元素2 压入元素3 压入元素4 翻转栈顶的前c个元素 压入元素5 翻转栈顶的前c个元素 弹出栈顶元素3 弹出栈顶元素 2 弹出栈顶元素 5 3 2 2 2 0 错误信息 4 1 错误信息 1 4 1 空 空 空 由于栈中元素不足c个,无法翻转,故操作失败,输出错误信息 弹出栈顶元素4 弹出栈顶元素1 由于栈中元素不足c个,无法翻转,故操作失败,输出错误信息 退出 表2:输入输出样例


NSIZE = 100000;

CSIZE = 1000; var n,c,r,tail,head :longint; s : array[1..NSIZE] of longint; //数组s模拟一个栈,n为栈的元素个数 q :array[1..CSIZE] of longint; //数组q模拟一个循环队列,tail为队尾的下标,head为队头的下标 direction,empty :boolean;

function previous(k :longint) :longint; begin if direction then previous := ((k+c-2) mod c) + 1; else previous := (k mod c) + 1; end;

function next(k :longint) :longint; begin if direction then ① else next := ((k+c-2) mod c)+1; end;

procedure push; var element :longint; begin read(element); if next(head) = tail then begin inc(n); ② ; tail := next(tail); end; if empty then empty := false else head := next(head); ③ := element; end;

procedure pop; begin if empty then begin writeln('Error: the stack is empty!'); exit; end: writeln( ④ ); if tail = head then empty := true else begin

head := previous(head); if n > 0 then begin

tail := previous(tail); ⑤ := s[n]; dec(n); end; end; end;

procedure reverse; var

temp :longint; begin if ⑥ = tail then begin

direction := not direction; temp := head; head := tail; tail := temp; end else

writeln('Error:less than',c,' elements in the stack!'); end;

begin readln(c); n := 0; tail := 1; head := 1; empty := true; direction := true; repeat read(r); case r of 1 : push; 2 : pop; 3 : reverse; end; until r = 0; end.