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此外,动词feel及see,hear,后跟that从句时,不表示人体感觉,而表示思想认识,例如: 135)a.I feel(that) he is right. b.I think(that) he is right. (我觉得他是对的。)

136)a.I came to see that the plan was unwise.

b.I came to understand/realize that the plan was unwise. (我逐渐认识到这个计划是不明智的。) 137)a.I heard that John would come. b.I was told that John would come. (我获悉约翰要来。)

句型 Sb.hears/finds oneself doing sth.不是表示感觉能力或感觉状态,而是表示“意外结果”(unexpected result)或“意外经历”(unexpected experience)。这个句型可以改为 Sb.is(unexpectedly) heard/found doingsth.或People(unexpectedly)hear/find sb.doing sth.,例如:

138)a.She heard herself saying afterwards to the amazement of her friends,“I've won the first prize.”

b.She was(unexpectedly)heard saying afterwards to the amazement of her friends,“I've won the first prize.

c.People(unexpectedly)heard her saying afterwards to the amazement of herfriends,“I've won the first prize.


139)a.One day a few weeks later he found himself sitting in a village house,facing an old man of about eighty.

b.One day a few weeks later he was (unexpectedly)found sitting in a village house,facing an old man of about eighty. c.One day a few weeks later people (unexpectedly)found him sitting in a village house,facing an old man of about eighty.

(几星期后的一天,他没想到会坐在一所乡下小屋里,面对着一位大约八十岁的老人。) (4)过渡型动词:

过渡型动词表示由一种状态向另一种状态过渡的动作。这类动词用于进行时态,不同于过程型动词,不是强调过渡动作本身的过程,而是着重表明接近于过渡的完成状态。这类动词表示“出现”(appearance)、“消失”(disappearance)、“消亡”(perish)、“出发”(departure)、“抵达”(arrival)、“升起”(rise)、“落下”(fall)、“开始”(beginning)、“停止”(stoppage)等起始终止阶段的概念。表示人或物“出现”概念的动词有appear,make one's appearance,come out,emerge等,例如:

83)a.Quite a lot of new actors and actresses are appearing on the stage.

b.Quite a lot of new actors and actresses are making their appearance on the stage. (现在舞台上有许多新的男女演员出现。)

84)a.A large animal was emerging from the water. b.A large animal was coming out of the water. (一只庞大的动物正从水中露出。)

85)a.The moon was emerging from behind the cloud.

b.The moon was coming out from behindthe cloud. (月亮正从云后面露出来。)

表示人或物“消失”概念的动词有disappear,vanish,fade away,lose等,例如: 86)a.Our difficulties are disappearing. b.Our difficulties are going out of existence. c.Our difficulties are passing from existence. (我们的困难正在消除。)

87)a.The man was disappearing down the road. b.The man was going out of sight down the road. (这个人沿那路走下去而逐渐看不见了。) 88)a.The snow is disappearing. b.The snow is melting. (雪正在融化。)

89)a.This usage of the word is disappearing. b.This usage of the word is going out of existence. (这个字的这种用法正在消失。)

90)a.The sun was vanishing behind a cloud. b.The sun was disappearing behind a cloud. (太阳在一片云彩后面消失。)

91)a.Many kinds of animals are vanishing from the earth. b.Many kinds of animals are becoming extinct from the earth. c.Many kinds of animals are passing awayfrom the earth. (许多种动物正在从地球上绝迹。)

92)a.The man was vanishing from sight in the distance. b.The man was going out of sight in the distance. (那人在远处逐渐看不见了。)

93)a.The coastline was fading into darkness.

b.The coastline was going slowly out of view in the darkness. (海岸线在黑暗之中逐渐隐没。)

94)a.The noises were fading away in the distance. b.The noises were going out of hearing in the distance. (那噪音在远处逐渐消失。)

95)a.All memory of!his childhood was fading from his mind. b.All memory of his childhood was going out of his mind. c.He was losing all memory of his child-hood. (童年往事慢慢从他脑中消逝。) 96)a.She is fading away. b.She is losing strength. (她体力日衰。)

97)a.He is losing his eyesight. b.He is going blind. (他的双目逐渐失明。)

表示人或物“消亡”概念的动词有die,pass away,perish,wither等,例如: 98)a.The old man was dying from cancer.

b.The old man was passing away because of cancer. (这老人因患癌症而奄奄一息。)

99)a.The crops were dying because of lack of rain. b.The crops were perishing because of lack of rain. (这些庄稼因缺雨水而正在枯死。)

100)a.The leaves of this plant are dying off. b.The leaves of this plant are dying one by one. (这棵植物的叶子正一片一片枯萎掉。) 动态性动词与静态性动词(14)

101)a.Many old customs are gradually dying out. b.Many old customs are becoming extinct. (许多旧习俗正在逐渐消亡。)

102)a.The flowers were perishing because of the frost. b.The flowers were dying because of the frost. (这些花因为霜冻而凋谢。)

103)a.The grass was withering because of the hot sun. b.The grass was dying because of the hot sun. (这草因为烈日照射而逐渐枯死。)

表示人或交通工具“出发”的概念的动词有go away,leave,depart,set out/off,start out/off,takeoff等,例如:

104)a.When I passed by,he was leaving home. b.When I passed by,he was going away from home. (当我路过时,他正出门。)

105)a.When I hurried to the station,the train was departing. b.When I hurried to the station,the train was leaving. (当我匆忙赶到火车站时,火车已在开出。)

106)a.When I went to the seaside,they we resetting out/off on a journey round the world. b.When I went to the seaside,they we restarting out/off on a journey round the world. (当我来到海边时,他们正动身作环球旅行。) 107)a.The plane was taking off smoothly. b.The plane was making a smooth takeoff. (飞机正顺利地起飞。) 表示人、时间和交通工具“抵达”概念的动词有come,approach,get on for,draw near,arrive,land等,例如:

108)a.Spring is coming. b.Spring is getting near. c.Spring is drawing near. d.Spring is approaching. (春天正在来临。)

109)a.A boy of eighteen is getting on for manhood. b.A boy of eighteen is approaching manhood. (十八岁的小伙子正接近成年。) 110)a.He is getting on for 70. b.He is appoaching 70.


111)a.Midnight is approaching. b.It's approaching midnight. c.It's getting on for midnight. (临近半夜了。)

112)a.The train is arriving. b.The train is coming in. (火车正在进站。)

113)a.The ship was arriving in a port. b.The ship was coming into a port. (这艘船正进入港口。)

114)a.The plane was landing safely. b.The plane was making a safe landing. c.The plane was making a safe touchdown. (飞机正在安全降落。)

表示人或物“升起”概念的动词有rise,go up,ascend,get on,mount等,例如: 115)a.The sun was rising in the east. b.The sun was going up in the east. (太阳在东方升起。)

116)a.The river is rising after the rain. b.The river is going up after the rain. (雨后,河水正在上涨。)

117)a.The price of meat is rising. b.The price of meat is going up. (肉的价格正在上涨)

118)a.A few kites were rising in the air. b.A few kites were going up in the air. (几只风筝在空中升起。)

119)a.Black smoke was rising from the factory chimneys. b.Black smoke was going up from the factory chimneys. c.Black smoke was issuing from the factory chimneys. (黑烟正从工厂烟囱里冒出来。)

120)a.The aircraft was ascending higher and higher. b.The aircraft was going up higher and higher. (那飞机越飞越高。)

121)a.The mists were ascending from the valley. b.The mists were rising from the valley. c.The mists were going up from thevalley. (薄雾从山谷里升起。)

122)a.The boy was getting on a horse. b.The boy was mounting a horse. (这个男孩在上马。) 表示“落下”概念的动词有fall,come/go down,set,drop,descend,sink,decline,get down,get off,dismount等,例如: