动态性动词与静态性动词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章动态性动词与静态性动词更新完毕开始阅读

131)a.He grew to believe that what he did was right.

b.He became more and more convinced that what he did was right. c.He gradually formed the belief that what he did was right. (他越来越相信他所做的是对的。)

come当系动词用,后跟的形容词多是褒义,如come true/right/easy/natural等,其含义相当于become,prove to be,例如: 132)a.His dreams have come true. b.His dreams have been realized. (他的梦想实现了。)

133)a.He says everything will come all right in the end. b.He says everything will prove to be correct in the end. (他说到头来一切都会是正确的。) 134)a.It comes easy with practice.

b.It proves to be easy when it is put into practice. (实际去做它并不难。)

135)a.That sort of thing comes natural to him.

b.He does that sort of thing without hav-ing to learn or make an effort. (那一类事情对他是轻而易举的。)


136)a.The door has come open. b.The door is now open. (门打开了。)

137)a.The handle/hinge has come loose. b.The handle/hinge is now loose. (把手/活页已经松了。)

138) a.The door has come unhinged. b.The door is now unhinged. (门的活页已经掉了。)

139)a.The flap of the envelope has come unstuck. b.The flap of the envelope is unstuck. (信封口没有粘上。)

140)a.The knot has come untied. b.The knot is untied. (绳结已经解开了。)

141)a.The buttons on my coat have come unfastened. b.The buttons on my coat are unfastened. (我上衣的扣子都松开了。)

142)a.The child's shoe laces have come undone. b.The child's shoe laces are undone. (这个孩子的鞋带松了。)

系动词go后跟的形容词,大多数是贬义的,如go bad/wrong/rotten/dead/sour/bald/blind/mad等,例如:

143)a.The meat has gone bad.

b.The meat is now bad. (肉坏了。)

144)a.The machine has gone wrong.

b.Something has gone wrong with the machine. (这台机器出毛病了。)

145)a.Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot summer. b.Fruit quickly goes/becomes bad in hot summer. c.Fruit quickly rots in hot summer. d.Fruit quickly decays in hot summer. (在炎热的夏天,水果很快就腐烂。) 146)a.The engine went dead. b.The engine became useless. (这引擎不能用了。)

147)a.The milk went sour. b.The milk turned sour. (牛奶坏了。)

148)a.He's going bald. b.He's becoming hairless. (他的头发秃了。)

149)a.The poor man went blind at the age of sixty. b.The poor man lost his eyesight at the age of sixty. (这个可怜的老人在六十岁时眼睛瞎了。) 150)a.The old woman went mad. b.The old woman went insane. (这个老妇人疯了。)

go后面还可跟表示色彩的形容词,例如: 151)a.She went pale at the news. b.She turned pale at the news. (听到这个消息,她脸色苍白。)

152) a.His eyes went green with envy. b.His eyes turned green with envy. (他的双眼发出妒忌的神色。) 153)a.He went red with anger. b.He turned red with anger. (他气得满脸通红。)

154)a.His face went red with anger. b.His face turned red with anger. (他气得满脸通红。)

155)a.His hair has gone white. b.His hair has turned white. (他的头发变白了。)

156)a.He went white with anger. b.He turned white with anger. (他气得脸色煞白。)

turn作系动词,后面可跟形容词,表示颜色、温度等变化,例如: 157)a.The apples are turning red. b.The apples are becoming red. (这些苹果正在变红。)

158)a.The ink turns black when it dries. b.The ink becomes black when it dries. (这种墨水干了就变黑。)

159)a.The weather has turned much colder. b.The weather has become much colder. c.The weather is now much colder. (天气变得冷多了。)

160)a.The hot weather has turned the milk. b.The milk has turned sour. c.The milk is now sour.



161)a.The man has turned traitor. b.The man has become a traitor. (这个人变节了。)

162)a.I hope you'll never turn pessimist. b.I hope you'll never become a pessimist. c.I hope you'll always remain an optimist. d.I hope you'll always remain optimistic.


163)a.When his wife is away from home, he has to turn cook. b.When his wife is away from home,he has to do the cooking. (妻子不在家时,他只好自己动手做饭。)

wear当作系动词用,后跟形容词,表示由于使用、消耗、摩擦而产生的变化,例如: 164)a.The stone steps have worn smooth.

b.The stone steps have become smooth as a result of many years'use. (这些石梯级已经磨得滑脚了。) 165)a.The material is wearing thin.

b.The material is becoming thin as a result of being used for a long time. (这衣料已经磨薄了。)

run当作系动词用,后跟dry/short/low/loose/cold 等形容词,表示“枯竭”、“耗尽”、“匮乏”等概念,例如:

166)a.The well has run dry.

b.There is no water left in the well now. (这个水井干涸了。)

167)a.The cows are running dry. b.The cows are not giving milk. (这些乳牛已没奶了。)

168)a.The river is running dry.

b.The river is ceasing to flow. (这条河流干涸了。)

169)a.We are running short of supplies. b.There are fewer and fewer supplies for us. (我们的供应越来越缺乏。) 170)a.We ran short of water.

b.There was less and less water for us. (我们越来越缺水。)

171)a.Supplies are running short/low. b.There are fewer and fewer supplies. (供应越来越不足。)

172)a.We will run out of supplies before we are able to renew them. b.We will run short of supplies before we are able to renew them. (我们的供给来不及补充就会用完了。)

173)a.It has been a long time since I heard my own temper running loose. b.It has been a long time since I found myself losing temper. (我有好久都没有发脾气了。)

174)a.His blood ran cold as he listened to the terrifying story. b.He became frightened as he listened to the terrifying story. (听着那恐怖的故事,他吓得毛骨悚然。) fall当系动词用,后跟形容词,但不能跟其比较级。常用的形容词有 ill/sick/vacant/silent/due等,例如:

175)a.As mother fell ill,all the housework fell to me. b.As mother fell sick,all the housework fell to me. (因为妈妈生病,所有的家务都落到我头上。) 176)a.The post of headmaster fell vacant. b.The post of headmaster became vacant. (校长的职位现在空缺。)

177)a.At the President's entry everyone fell silent. b.At the President's entry everyone became silent. (总统一进来,人们立即肃静起来。) 178)a.When do the taxes fall due? b.When do the taxes become due? c.When do the taxes come due? (要纳的税该什么时候到期?)

fall后面可以跟前置词短语behind the times,out of favour,in love with等,例如: 179)a.He has fallen behind the times. b.He no longer keeps up with the times. (他已落后于时代。/他已赶不上时代。) 180)a.She has fallen out of favour. b.She is no longer in favour.

(她已经失宠了。/她再也不得宠了。) 181)a.John has fallen in love with Jane. b.John is now in love with Jane.