辽宁省葫芦岛市2014-2015学年高一下学期期末考试试卷(英语)(扫描版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章辽宁省葫芦岛市2014-2015学年高一下学期期末考试试卷(英语)(扫描版)更新完毕开始阅读




1—5 CABCB 6—10 ABBCA 11—15 CBBCC 16—20 AAACB 阅读理解

21—23 BCD 24—27 BDCA 28—31 CDBA 32—35 BACD 36—40 CFEGB 完形填空

41—45 CBADC 46— 50 ACBCD 51— 55 BDADC 56—60 CDBAB 61. to copy / copying 68. it

62. to

63. who 64. made

65. an

66. and 67. distant

69. practising

70. has spent


I’m a student. I hope it that you can give me some good advice. Recently I met one problem,

that has been making me upset. So I’m writing to ask for your help. Wang Hong, one of my which

best friend, has been getting on well with me. We often stay at home chat happily or go friends chatting

to∧cinema together. Therefore, an unpleasant incident happens to us last week. She read my the However happened

personal letters and told others about our secret. That made me very annoying. I had planned my annoyed

to break up with her. But the friendship among us changed my mind. After all, we have been between

friends for a long time. Please tell me how to solve the problem.

书面表达 Dear editor,

In our country, the number of some wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller. Some of them are even dying out. The reasons are as follows: To start with, people have been cutting down trees for building, causing some animals to lose their habitats. Besides, many animals are being endangered because of pollution. In addition, too much hunting also causes the disappearance of certain species of wild animals.

In my opinion, it’s time we took immediate measures to change the situation. We shouldn’t cut down trees without permission. Instead, we are supposed to plant more trees to protect the animals’ living conditions. At the same time, more nature reserves are expected to be set up. I believe as long as we take action immediately, we will live in harmony with animals and life will become better.

Sincerely yours, Li Hua

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