常用介词的用法 联系客服

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142) She relied on him.

143) She soon replied to their letter.

144) Her illness resulted from want of food. 145) The game resulted in a tie.

146) He served in the air force during the war. 147) He retired and settled in a seaside town

148) She shared in her husband’s happiness and sorrow. 149) She shared the room with two workmates. 150) She spoke of the man as an old friend.

151) She succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain. 152) All the villagers are supplied with electric light. 153) They supplied fruit to the hotel.. 154) He threatened them with the police.

155) He was treated for her illness by several doctors. 156) You cannot put that across me.

157) You will have to answer for your foolish behaviour. 158) The workers are racing against time.

159) In study of English we often run up against difficult prepositions. 160) You use a wrong method , you are hitting your head against a wall. 161) He has lost his umbrella , and a new one at that.

162) He flew into a temper at the mention of the man he dislikes. 163) The fog prevented us from seeing anything.

164) According to the newspapers, the strike will be settled tomorrow. 165) In addition to swimming , he likes tennis. 166) You go ahead of us, we can wait.

167) I’ll tell you the answer once for all. Don’t ask me again.

168) We’ll go to see the Summer Palace by all means when we are in Beijing. 169) He knows English apart from French. 170) Are you aware of what may happen? 171) I was in bed when you called.

172) Let some peasants be better off first.

173) She broke into tears when I told her the news. 174) Tell me the truth, don’t beat about the bush. 175) Take the umbrella in case.

176) We have to help him in any case. 177) He is in charge of this.

178) One should always base one’s opinions on fact. 179) The train was soon out of sight/

180) You think you are right, but , on the contrary, you are wrong. 181) He devotes all his time to studying.

182) It goes without saying that he will come soon. 183) His absence is due to illness. 184) They are engaged in a project. 185) You are far from right.

186) He spoke on(in) behalf of his class. 187) We are looking forward to seeing you. 188) The car is out of order.

189) On the one hand , you have studied very hard, but, on the other hand , you have not learned as much

as you need.

190) He is too hard on me.

191) May I have a word with you?

192) She hears from her letter every week. 193) Why are you in such a hurry? 194) I’ll tell you the story in detail.

195) We use chopsticks in place of knives. 196) We were in sight of land at dawn. 197) He went to school in spite of the rain. 198) We arrived in time to find good seats.

199) What is the influence of the moon on the ocean? 200) I will go instead of you .

201) She introduced me to her parents. 202) The hot sun was beating down on us. 203) Please get into touch with me by phone. 204) Don’t look down upon him. 205) You can’t mix oil with water. 206) I’m not in the least tired.

207) The president will be on the air at 9 p.m

208) His house is opposite to mine. 209) The dictionary is out of date. 210) The word is out of place here. 211) I don’t know how to set about it. 212) He persists in doing it.

213) We must put the plan into practice. 214) He cut the apple in half.

215) Please remember me to your father.

216) You should set a good example to the younger boys 217) All men are equal in the eyes of the law.

218) Why were you absent from school yesterday? (二)在句尾的介词



1)What are you smiling at? 你在笑什么?

2)Who were you talking to? 你在跟谁说话?

3)He is the man I chatted with。 他就是跟我聊天的人。

4)Who were you having lunch with? 你跟谁在一起吃午饭?

5)There is nothing to be so pleased about。 没有什么值得这样高兴的事。 6)Whom shall I send the box to ? 我把盒子送给谁呢?

7)Please give me a piece of paper to write on。 请给我一张纸,我写点东西。

8)This is the decision we have arrived at。 这是我们作出的决定。

9)It is only the noise that I can’t put up with。 我只是受不了那吵闹声。

10)His mother gave him some money to buy a book with。 他妈妈给他一些钱去买书。 11)We must find a room to live in。 我们要找个房间住。

12) You’ve just made the very mistakes you accused me of. 你正是犯了你指责我犯的错误. 13) Who is this book written by ? 这本书是谁写的?

14) Bread is a thing we can’t do without. 面包是我们不可缺少的东西. 15) Let’s find a restaurant to eat in . 我们去找个饭馆去吃饭吧. 三.有关介词的几个问题


么决定的呢?回答是:由句子的内在联系决定的。例如表示地点的at和in ,一般地说,小地方用at,大地方用in。然而;海淀区的北京相比,海淀区小;海淀区和苏州街相比,海淀区大,所谓大小只是相对而言的。例如:

1)I live at Suzhou Street in Haidian。 我住在海淀苏州街。

2)I live at Haidian in Beijing。 我住在北京海淀。

此外,不同的介词表示的意思不同。例如: 1)He threw the ball to her。 他把球扔给她。(to:由此及彼)

2)He threw the ball at her。 他拿球砸他她。(at:瞄准)

3)He threw the ball on her。 他把球砸在她身上。(on:碰上)

4)Tomorrow morning at 9 I’ll call for you.


5)Tomorrow morning at 9 I’ll call on you. 明天早上九点我来看你.(on:接触)

(二) 在不需要强调动作的时候常用介词表达同一概念,这种结构语言简明,地道,合乎英语规范.例如: 1)This book is beyond me.(=This book is too difficult for me to understand.) 2)The house is on fire.(=The house is burning)

3) We are at the meeting (=We are having a meeting) 4) I went to the pictures.(=I went to see the film.) (三) 怎样把介词译成汉语

1.有些英语介词可以译成汉语的动词. 英语介词往往可以表达汉语动词所表达的意思.通过英汉互译练

习可以更好地掌握英语介词的确切含义.这是我们学习英语介词的有效的方法之一.例如: 1) Are you for or against it ? 你是赞成还是反对? 2) Nobody is on duty today. 今天没有人值班. 3) I’m leaving Beijing for Shanghai. 我离开北京去上海. 4) I’ll speak in English. 我将用英语讲.

2.有些词要根据其原始概念或引伸的意义而译成相应的汉语.例如: 1) He is above doing such things. 他不至于做这样的事. 2)You are far from right. 你完全错了.

3) After you. 您先请.(直译: 我在你后面走.) 4) He is behind other pupils in English. 他在英语方面不如其他学生.