常用介词的用法 联系客服

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1)It was somewhere towards one o’clock when he came back, 他回来的时候快一点钟了。

2)It’s getting on towards the end of the term now. 现在已近学期末。 (三十五)under 1。表示位置:在。。。下面;在。。。之下;在。。。之中;在。。。之内。例如: 1)You will find it under the seat. 你会在座位低下找到它。

2)It’s raining , come under my umbrella. 下雨了,到我的伞下面来吧。 2。表示从属,附属,归属关系:在。。。领导下;在。。。指导下;在。。。指引下;在。。。统治下。例


1)Under the leadership of the Party, the Chinese people are marching on the new Long March. 2) England was under Charles Second. 英国那时在查里二世的统治下。 3.表示级别,地位,数量,程度,标准,年龄,价格等:低于;少于;在。。。之下;未满;不足。


1)Children under ten years of age are admitted at half price. 十岁以下的儿童入场收半票。

2)He ran a hundred yards in under twelve seconds. 他以不到十二秒的速度跑完一百码。 4。表示过程:处在。。。状态中;在。。。之中。例如: 1)The railway is under construction. 铁路正在修建中。

2)The question is under discussion. 这个问题正在讨论。 3)He is under the health. 他有点不舒服。 (三十六) up

1。表示动作方向:向。。。上。例如: 1)He ran quickly up the stairs. 他很快跑上楼。

2)We traveled up the Rhine last summer. 去年夏天,我们溯莱茵河而上旅行。 2。表示位置:在。。。上头。例如:

1)Something is wrong with a bridge up the line. 铁路线上面的一座桥出了毛病。 2)We live just up the street. 我们就住在这条街上头。 (三十七)with

1。表示共同关系:和。。。在一起;同。。。;跟。。。。例如: 1)Can you come and stay with us for a time? 你能来和我们在一段时间么? 2)He went with his friends. 他和他的朋友们一起走了。 2.表示客体关系:例如:

1)His parents are very strict with him 他父母对他很严厉。

2)We are pleased with the house. 我们对这所房子很满意。 3)He is angry with me. 他声我的气。

3。表示工具,手段等:被;用。例如: 1)The ground was covered with snow. 大地被积雪所覆盖。

2)To kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕。

3)I dug a field with a pick, 我用镐挖地。

4. 表示从属关系:具有;带有;在…身边.例如: 1) I saw an old man with grey hair. 我看见一个白发老人.

2) I bought a book with a lot of pictures in it. 我买了一本书,里面有许多图片. 3) Have you some money with you? 你带着钱吗?

5.表示让步关系:尽管;虽有.例如: 1) With all his wealth, he is unhappy. 尽管他富有,但是不幸福.

2) With all her shortcomings, she is hardworking. 虽然她有许多缺点,但她很用功. 6.表示原因:因为;由于. 例如: 1) He jumped with joy. 他高兴得跳起来.

2) She is shivering with cold. 她正冷得发抖. (三十八) within

表示位置,地点,时间: 在…之内;在…里; 在…范围以内.例如: 1) The place is within five miles of the station 那地方离车站不到五英里. 2) I shall be back within an hour. 我在一小时之内回来. (三十九) without


1) He always goes out without a hat on. 他外出常不带帽子.

2) They left without saying good-bye. 他们不辞而别. 2. 在…外面.例如:

He is waiting for us without the gate. 他在大门外等我们.

二. 带介词的短语及在句尾的介词 (一) 带有介词的短语

英语大部分句子有介词. 下面所举的例句都有介词与名词或动词的成语性,半成性或非成语性的短

语. 介词在这些短语中起关键性作用. 掌握这些介词的用法是我们学习英语的重点之一.

1) I’ll call for you at 6 o’clock and we’ll go to the cimema. 我六点种来叫你,然后一起去看电影.

2) We called on Mr.Green yesterday but he wasn’t in. 昨天我们去拜访格林先生,但他不在. 3) I’ll call you up this evening. 我今晚给你打电话.

4) Who will care for the children ? 谁来照料这些孩子们?

5) During the illness of their mother the children were taken care of by a neighbour. 孩子们的妈妈生病时,他们由一位邻居照料.

6) The thief had gone ten miles before the police caught up with him. 那小偷逃了十英里,警察才追上他. 7) X stands for an unknown number. X代表未知数.

8) While working in a library , she came across a diary which had been kept by her great-grandfather 她在图书馆工作时,偶然发现她曾祖父的一本日记. 9) An idea suddenly came into his mind. 他忽然想出一个主意.

10) He was out of breath when he ran to the school. 他跑到学校时,累得上气不接下气.

11) It’s about time to do away with these old machines. 这些旧机器该淘汰了.

12) Don’t have anything to do with him, he is a bad egg. 别跟这个人来往,他是个坏蛋.

13) The meeting came to an end at last at midnight. 会议终于在午夜结束.

14) They got in the crops before the rain. 他们在雨前收割了庄稼.

15) John seems to be getting on very well at school. 约翰在学校好像有很大进步.

16) How are you getting on in your new job? 你的新工作进展如何?

17) He got on the bus at Tian’anmen Square and got off at the Beihai Park. 他在 天安门上车,到北海公园下车. 18) I get up at 7:00 every morning. 我每天早晨起点起床.

19) The soldiers refused to give in and fought on bravely. 20) We asked him to give up smoking. 21) Do you go in for stamp collecting ?

22) When she left college she went in for nursing. 23) I asked him to stop talking, but he still went on. 24) He is good at several languages.

25) When boys grow up, many of them will be fond of sports.

26) A profound friendship has grown up between the two countries. 27) Let me have a look at the book, then I will return you at once. 28) He always heads straight for home after work,

29) He helped me with my English , and I presented him a dictionary in return. 30) I’ve learned that poem by heart.

31) You must keep reading the texts until you have learned them by heart. 32) Is it so easy to feel at home in a foreign language? 33) I insisted on his coming with us.

34) Some people are very keen on playing chess. 35) Don’t give up hope , keep on trying. 36) Let’s stop here, for the time being . 37) They are leaving for Japan next week. 38) The two boys are looking for a lost coat.

39) If you don’t know the meaning of a word, look it up in the dictionary. 40) She is a good teacher and all her pupils look up her.

41) Don’t be afraid of the dog ,he only wants to make friends with you. 42) Have you made up your mind where you are going for your holiday? 43) In time of great danger one’s mind works fast.

44) It is about time someone pointed out his mistakes to him. 45) He pointed out the finest pictures to me.

46) He was proud of his success. He was pleased with himself.

47) You are not going to Shanghai just for the purpose of buying a pair of shoes. 48) It’s not likely that he did it on purpose.

49) Owing to the state of the ground ,the match has been put off. 50) Turn the light on . please.

51) Can you put me up here for the night?

52) You cannot expect people to put up with unhealthy working conditions. 53) The car ran out of oil three miles from town.

54) This reminds me of what we did together during the holiday. 55) Tom is busy with his homework. 56) I am very grateful for your help.

57) He tried many times and succeeded in the end.

58) He thought himself very clever,but the simplest person could see through him 59) See to it that you are here on time tomorrow morning. 60) I’ll see to it that he does not fool us again. 61) I have sent for a dozen copies of this book. 62) She is ill , please send for the doctor.

63) The city lies in a valley with high mountains all around it.

64) It was raining when we set out ,but after about an hour , the weather cleared up . 65) After he left the army, he went to settle down in a mountain village. 66) That boy hit him on the head and then ran away. 67) At one time, I used to go swimming every day.

68) One should take off one’s hat when one enters a room. 69) The strike did not take place after all. 70) I can’t tell Tom from his twin brother.

71) They have decided to try their motor-boat out on the lake.

72) As we look back upon the week we spent there, our heart are filled with happiness. 73) I enjoyed the films, the last one in particular.

74) The committee has turned down a plan for putting up more 20-storey buildings.

75) He seems to be very sure of himself, doesn’t he? 76) Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you go out. 77) Please turn off the gas-fire before you go to bed.

78) Our new factory is turning out larges quantities of products. 79) I cannot give you a reply off hand.

80) We had some anxious moments, but everything turned out all right after all.

81) It turned out that the driver of the bus had been drunk, which was the cause of the accident. 82) Any policy must fit in with the interests o f the people. 83) If he doesn’t turn up soon , we shall have to go without him. 84) I congratulate you on your recovery from illness. 85) What time do you usually wake up?

86) We owe all our achievements to the leadership of the Party.

87) You can get the book you need on your way to school in the morning. 88) What about going to Japan for our holiday?

89) The invading army was wiped out by a force only half their size. 90) The disease almost wiped out the population of the island. 91) He is again absent from school today. He must be ill. 92) She takes an active part in school activities.

93) She didn’t attend the meeting on account of her illness. 94) There is nothing to be afraid of .

95) He was angry with himself for having done such a foolish thing. 96) He was angry at being called names. 97) I am very anxious about her safety. 98) He is anxious for her well-being. 99) They agreed on the question. 100) She agreed to his suggestion.

101) He agreed with his father on the plan. 102) He aimed the gun at the target.

103) He armed himself against possible danger. 104) She asked at the hotel for her friend. 105) Today we begin at page 30, line 12. 106) To begin with , he is too old. 107) They believe strongly in him. 108) The book belongs to me.

109) She borrowed the radio set from her sister.

110) She thinks only of herself . She doesn’t care about other people. 111) She didn’t care for reading.

112) He changed his bike for a motorcycle. 113) He changed from Class 6 to Class 1.

114) When I first set foot in London , I was at a loss where to go.

115) He compared my handwriting with my sister’s and preferred hers. 116) She compared the young girl to a flower. 117) I congratulated him on winning the price. 118) Porridge consists of rice and water.

119) In the course of our conversation , he was wanted on the phone. 120) He died for his beliefs. 121) He died of hunger. 122) I am dying for a drink.

123) He disagreed with her over the matter. 124) They are short of hands.

125) The evening ended with a film.

126) He met with an accident when riding a bike.

127) The doctor failed in trying to find out the patient’s trouble. 128) She helped him in this matter. 129) She helped him with his English.

130) She went to the hospital in company of her children. 131) He inspired me with courage.

132) As to your final grade, that depends on your final exam. 133) He was deeply inspired by her example. 134) She joined in the singing.

135) She joined with us in the singing the song.

136) When she began to laugh at a joke , they all laughed with her. 137) They presented him with a clock as a souvenir when he retired. 138) They prevented (stopped) him from buying the house. 139) They quarreled over money.

140) They never quarrel with each other. 141) He soon recovered from his illness.