人教精通版六年级下册英语单元测试题-Unit 2 There is a park near my home Lesson 8 同步练习3(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章人教精通版六年级下册英语单元测试题-Unit 2 There is a park near my home Lesson 8 同步练习3(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 1 There is a park near my home Lesson 8同步练习(含答案)【精品】


1.behind the supermarket _____________________ 2.in front of the house _____________________

3.near the school _____________________ 4.across the street _____________________ 5.between the toy shop and bank _____________________ 6.beside the flower shop _____________________

7.healthy food _____________________ 8.favourite vegetable _____________________


1.hindbe__________ 2.nare__________ 3.arkp__________ 4.pohs__________ 5.roda__________ 6.fonrt__________ 7.sidebe__________ 8.ouseh__________


( ) 1. How are you ? A. It’s Saturday. ( ) 2. I’m from China. B. It’s sunny. ( ) 3. What’s your name? C. I can write. ( ) 4. What day is today? D. Come in, please. ( ) 5. How’s the weather? E. That’s Ok.

( ) 6. What can you do? F. Welcome to the USA. ( ) 7. May I come in? G. My name’s Cloudy. ( ) 8. I’m sorry. H. Fine, thank you. ( ) 9. Can I help you? I. No, I can’t. ( ) 10. Can you go swimming? J. Yes, please.


It Doesn't Matter

Mr. Baker has two children. One is a boy called Peter and the other is a daughter called Rose. Peter is an eleven-year-old boy. He studies at school. Rose is four and stays at home.

One evening Mr. and Mrs. Baker managedtheir small shop and left their children at home. Peter had some homework to do. At five to nine he brought out his exercise-books. He began to do it in his father's study. About twenty minutes later his sister came in. she found a piece of paper and began to write something on it.


\ \(惊讶地). \ \(平静地). \( )1. Mr. Baker is a ________.

A. shopkeeper B. bookseller C. conductor D. policeman ( )2. Rose stays at home because ________. A. she's a girl B. her parents are poor

C. she's ill D. she's too young

( )3. The word \

A. 学习 B. 研究 C. 书房 D. 学科 ( )4. Rose's friend Jo is ________ years old. A. four B. five C. six D. seven ( )5. Peter was surprised because ________.

A. Rose can write a letter B. Jo can read a letter

C. Rose said she was writing a letter D. Rose said Jo couldn't read a letter 答案:

一、1.在超市后面 2.在家的前面 3.在学校附近 4.穿过街道

5.在玩具店和银行中间 6.在花店周围 7.健康的食物 8.特别喜爱的蔬菜 二、1. behind 2.near 3.park 4.shop 5.road 7.beside 8.house 三、1.H 2.F 3.G 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.E 9.J 10.I

四、1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C