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A 35th B 34th C 33rd D 32nd

3 In 1837, the first college-level institution for women , Mount Holyoke Female Seminary , opened in _____ to serve the ― Muslim sex‖.

A New England B Virginia C Massachusetts D New York 4 The capital of Massachusetts is _____. A Providence B Boston C Montpelier D Augusta 5 _____ is the dividing line between the South and North. A The Hudson River B The Potomac River C The Ohio River D The Missouri River 6 _____ is Washington’s largest city. A Boise B Denver C Tacoma D Seattle

7 Washington D.C., the capital of U.S. is situated on the _____River banks. A St. Lawrence B Hudson C Potomac D Missouri 8 When did the American Civil War break out? A 1775 B 1812 C 1861 D 1863

9 Who prepared the draft of the Declaration of Independence?

A John Adams B Thomas Jefferson C Benjamin Franklin D John Hancock 10 In which day is Halloween celebrated?

A 5 November B 31 October C 17 March D 25 December 练习题答案及题解:

1 B,文坛巨匠海明威是美国人。 2 A,肯尼迪是美国的第35任总统。

3 C,美国的第一所女子学院开设于马萨诸塞州。 4 B,麻省的首府是波士顿。

5 D,美国南北的分界线是密苏里河,东西的分界线是密西西比河。 6 D,华盛顿州的最大城市是西雅图。 7 C,华盛顿特区位于波托马克河上。

8 C,美国内战爆发于1861年,结束于1865年。 9 B,为美国起草独立宣言的是托马斯?杰弗逊。 10 B,万圣节前夕是10月的最后一天即10月31号。 美国概况5( 转)

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1 The world-famous Harvard University is in _____. A Massachusetts B New York C Washington D.C. D Maine

2 Which of the following statements about American education is wrong? A Elementary and secondary education in America is free and compulsory

B Private schools are financially supported by religious or nonreligious private organizations or individuals. C There are more public colleges and universities than the private ones

D Credits taken at community colleges are normally applicable to requirement for a four-year bachelor’s degree.

3 _____ is a symbol of American theatre and world-class entertainment. A Broadway B Wall Street C The Fifth Avenue D Times Square 4 ____ is not a tourist attraction in the United States. A Yellowstone National Park B Grand Canyon C St. Patrick’s Cathedral D Stonehenge

5 ____ was an actor before he became the President.

A Ronald Reagan B Abraham Lincoln C Herbert Hoover D Jimmy Carter

6 New Englanders were originally known as _____, which come to stand for all Americans. A Hippies B Yankees C Uncle Sam D Brother Jonathan

7 On the 30th of April 1789, George Washington took the oath of office in _____, which housed the government then.

A New York B Washington D.C. C Philadelphia D Boston 8 Which of the following people was not an American President? A John Hancock B John Adams C John Q. Adams D Jimmy Carter 9 Henry Fond was the first man to _____.

A design a plane B fly an aeroplane C mass-production D design and make a car

10 ―That government of the people, by the people, for the people, … ‖were the words by _____. A Thomas Jefferson B Abraham Lincoln C Andrew Johnson D Theodore Roosevelt 练习题答案及题解:

1 A, 哈佛大学位于马萨诸塞州的剑桥(Cambridge)镇。

2 C, 在美国, 私立高等教育机构要多于公立的。象麻省理工, 耶鲁大学, 哈佛大学都是私立的。 3 A, 百老汇是一条由南向北贯穿曼哈顿全岛的大道, 其中心地带是在第42借“时代广场”附近, 周围云集了几十家剧院, 上演被称为现代歌舞剧的剧目。

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4 D, Stonehenge 在英国, 是古代城池的遗迹。

5 A, 里根从政前曾经在好莱坞闯荡20多年,参与演出了50多部电影。

6 B, Yankees 一词具有丰富的含义。 现在用于代表美国人,俗称美国佬。 在美国南部,Yankee是指美国北部各州的居民, 即北方佬;而对多数美国人来说,Yankee 意味着新英格兰人。

7 A, 1789年George Washington 在纽约宣誓就职, 1790年首都迁往费城。 1800年以后定都华盛顿。 8 A, John Hancock,因其当时在《独立宣言》上的签名很大,他的名字在美语里变成了签名的代名词。 9 C, Henry Ford 早期是一名技师, 虽然没有发明汽车, 但他是第一位批量生产汽车的人。

10 B, 这是Abraham Lincoln 于1863年11月19日在葛底斯堡阵亡将士墓举行落成仪式上发表的著名的《葛底斯堡演说》的片语。


1 The Rocky Mountains is located in _____.

A Great Britain B Australia C South Africa D North America

2 Hollywood, the centre of American movie industry, is closest to which city? A Los Angles B Chicago C New York D Washington 3 Which of the following is an American newspaper? A The Guardian B Newsweek

C The International Herald Tribune D The Daily Telegraph 4 The U.S. is called a ―melting pot‖ because _____. A its steel industry is highly developed B it has great influence on the world

C it is an important economic center of the world D people from different races live there together 5 The first Puritans came to America on the ship _____. A Codpeed B Susan Constant C May Flower D Discovery

6 Americans celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday in May to honor those who have _____. A given their lives for their country B made great scientific discoveries C won American great reputation in sports D donated large amounts of money to the country

7 ―Trick or Treat‖ is a phrase that children often use when they celebrated _____.

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A New Year’s Day B Veteran’s Day C Halloween D Christmas

8 The Easter egg and the hare, two of the symbols most frequently associated with Easter, are considered to present _____.

A vigor and bravery B fertility and new life C originality and speed D happiness and fun

9 Which of the following books is not written by Mark Twain, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens?

A The Adventures of Tom Sawyer B The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn C Life on the Mississippi D Leaves of grass

10 Which of the following books is written by Washington Irving? A Nature B The Scarlet Letter C The Sketch Book D Farewell to Arms 练习题答案及题解:

1 D, 落基山脉位于美国西北部, 向东南延伸。 2 A, 好莱坞和迪士尼均位于洛杉矶。

3 B, 《新闻周刊》是美国的报纸, 而《国际先驱论坛》是法国的, 《卫报》和《每日电讯》为英国的。 4 D, 美国被称之为“大熔炉”是因为来自世界各地的人们所带来的各自的文化在此交融形成独特的多元文化特征。

5 C, 首批清教徒到美国时乘坐的船是“五月花号”。 6 A, Memorial Day 是美国的阵亡将士纪念日。

7 C, 万圣节是美国的传统节日。万圣节前夜, 孩子们带着各种面具, 穿着奇异的衣服,跑到邻居家门前,高声喊着:“Trick or Treat”,向大人们讨要糖果。不给的邻居就会遭到小孩的恶作剧。 8 B, 复活节彩蛋和兔子是“多产和新生”的象征。 9 D, Leaves if grass 是 Walt Whitman 的作品。

10 C, Washington Irving 被称作是美国文学之父, 这是他最有名的作品。A 是 Ralph W. Emerson 的作品, B 是 Nathaniel Hawthorne 的作品, D 是 Earnest Hemingway 的作品。 美国政治体制练习(转)

1. The Judicial Branch is headed by _____. A. the Supreme Court B. Congress C. President

2. The general election in America is held every _____ years.

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