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发布时间 : 星期四 文章翻译入门吉林联盟智慧树知到超星尔雅网课答案更新完毕开始阅读


2019智慧树知到超星尔雅网课答案大全 第1章 单元测试

1、选择最佳译文:That fellow was chickenhearted. 答案:那个家伙胆小如鼠。

2、选择最佳译文:I was the youngest son, and the youngest child but two.


3、选择最佳译文:I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my old age.


4、选择最佳译文:大厅的灯晃得我睁不开眼睛。 答案:The lights in the hall made my eyes shut.

5、选择最佳译文:有些厕所仍然是这次尾声大扫除活动的死角。 答案:Some toilets seem immune to the cleanup campaign. 6、判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: 适

合植物生长的季节很长,园丁们乐于种植各种各样的花卉和蔬菜。 The growing season is long, and gardeners delight in growing a wide variety of flowers and vegetables. 答案:对

7、判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: 虽然他病过好几年,现在去完全好了。 Though having been ill for years, he is now quite well.


8、判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: The time congressmen of every stripe turned apoplectic. 这一次各种各样的议会成员都疯了。 答案:错

9、判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: He was restlessly tired, even as he lay in bed. 即使躺在床上,他仍累得坐立不安。 答案:错

10、判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: So I made a mistake,big deal. 所以我犯了一个错误,成交吧。 答案:错

第2章 单元测试

1、选择最佳译文:We had plenty of company in the way of wagonloads and muleloads of tourists— and dust. 答案:跟我们作伴的真不少,有乘马车的游客,有骑骡子的游客──一路尘土飞扬。

2、选择最佳译文:He is lying on his back, fixing his eyes on the shining stars in the sky.


3、选择最佳译文:这个出租车司机黑着呢,经常宰顾客。 答案:This taxi driver is an old screw. He often overcharges.

4、选择最佳译文:你相信我会跟她那种女孩结婚?你有病啊! 答案:You really believe I could marry a girl of her sort? You must have rocks in your head, eh?

5、判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: Every bullet has its billet. 战场上,生死由天。


6、判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: All the boys buttoned their faces as soon as the boss came in. 老板一进来,伙计们都板起了脸。 答案:错

7、判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: The cook was forced to eat crow. 厨师被迫吃下乌鸦。 答案:错

8、判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: 街坊邻居的孩子们把我的生活搅得不得安宁。 The neighbor’s kids are the bane of my life. 答案:对

9、判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: 孩子们都穿上了大衣,戴上了围巾和手套,全身都给裹得暖暖和和的。 The children were snuggled up in overcoats, muffles, and mittens. 答案:对

10、选择最佳译文:His face is very mobile. 答案:他的那张脸表情反复无常。 第3章 单元测试

1、选出划线部分的恰当译文。 These buys are big enough to be selfrespecting. 答案:有自尊心

2、选出划线部分的恰当译文 She is quite unpopular among her colleagues for she is so egotistic. 答案:自私自利


答案:Fact is stranger than fiction. 事实胜于雄辩

4、判断下面译文是否正确。 【原文】It was clear to me that we were soul mates when it came to reducing government and expanding economic opportunity. 【译文】显而易见,涉

及减少政府干预和扩大经济机会这个问题,我们俩真是灵魂伴侣。 答案:错

5、给下列对话选出最恰当的译文 —What kind of money do girls like the most ? —Matrimony.

答案:“——姑娘们喜欢什么样的钱,美元还是日元?” “——良缘。”

6、下列译文中,没有使用增补译法的是。 答案:一箭双雕、一举两得、一石二鸟


答案:For this reason television signals have a short range.

8、下面句子在翻译中,可以省略的词是。【原文】He put on his coat and hat and went to a chemist’s shop. 答案:his、and



10、在英译汉中,由于英汉静态动态表达习惯的不同,往往将英文中的名词、介词、副词等转换为汉语中的。 答案:动词

第4章 单元测试

1、判断译文是否正确 原文:The engine didn’t stop because the fuel was finished. 译文:因为燃料耗尽,引擎才没有停止运转。 答案:错