新目标2018-2019年九年级上学期期末调研英语试题含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章新目标2018-2019年九年级上学期期末调研英语试题含答案更新完毕开始阅读

A.important B.rich C.poor D.old

61.Henry Ford was the first to .

A.make a car B.make cars in large numbers

C.find a car D.drive a car

62. America is . A.a nation with a few cars B.a nation driving cars

C.a nation without wheels D.a nation with wheels

63.Cars in America become a part of their .

A.art B.culture C.nation D.country

( 3 )

When you travel in HongKong, you must be careful of the traffic rules, because the traffic keeps

to the left and it's different from that of the interior(内地) of China.

Before crossing the street, you must look to the right and then to the left. If the traffic lights are

red, the traffic must stop, people can cross the zebra line(斑马线). If the traffic lights turn green,

the traffic can go, people must not cross the road.

In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come from work, the streets are very

九年级英语试题第 13 页 (共8页)

busy.The traffic is the most dangerous.

When you go somewhere by bus in HongKong, you have to be careful, too. Do remember the

traffic keeps to the left. Have a look first, or you may go the wrong way.

In HongKong, there are a lot of big buses with two floors. You’d better sit on the second floor.

From there you can enjoy the city. How wonderful it is!

64.The traffic keeps to the in the interior of China. A.right B.left C.middle D.behind

65.In HongKong, cars and buses can go at the crossing when the traffic lights are . A.red B.green C.yellow D.brown

66.The traffic is busy in HongKong.

A.in the morning B.in the afternoon C.in the evening D.A and C

67.---Why do you choose the second floor of a big bus when you travel in HongKong?

题号 第二节 五 六 七 总分 ---Because .

A.it is clean here B.it is safe for travellers

C.it is a good place to go sightseeing D.it is cheaper here

九年级英语试题第 14 页 (共8页)


第二节 任务型阅读(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)

( 4 )

The 14-year-old girl Susan Davis is having a party. At this party, there are neither cakes nor

candles. There is only a room full of art supplies (供应品) and many kids she never met. And

all the kids are homeless.

Susan got the idea last year after her school. She worried that kids who could not afford

their own supplies would give up drawing. So she started writing letters to big companies(公

司) to ask for help. Then the girl received lots of donations(赠品)from some of the biggest art

supply companies. Susan collected more than $3,000 in supplies, enough to make a home for

kids to paint their own watercolors.

By far she’s held three parties. What she did was encouraged by the White House. Susan

received the President’s Awards(奖赏). Now Susan does it for a different reason - to get the

poor kids to enjoy art.


Name Susan Davis 九年级英语试题第 15 页 (共8页)

●No cakes and no ( 68 ) . Features (特点) of the parties ●Only a room filled with(69 ) supplies and many kids. ●Hold for homeless kids. The reason of having the parties Susan didn’t want the kids to (70) drawing. ●She ( 71 ) to The way to hold the parties big companies to ask for help. ●She collected over $3,000 in supplies.

72 73 74 75 76 五、补全对话 (共5小题:每小题2分,满分 10分)



A: Mom, I’m really worried.

B: Why? ( 72 )

A: I can’t find my schoolbag.

九年级英语试题第 16 页 (共8页)