新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案Unit4 联系客服

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6 我离开沙坑,走了几码,憎恶地踢地上的土。突然,我感到有一只手放在我的肩头。我扭头,看到一双友善的蓝眼睛,正是那个高个子德国跳远运动员。他在第一轮预赛中已然轻松地获得决赛资格。他紧紧地握住我的手。 7 ―杰西·欧文斯,我是卢兹·朗。我想,我们是初次见面。‖他的英语说得很好,尽管带有德语口音。

8 ―很高兴见到你,‖我说。为了竭力掩饰内心的紧张,我接着说:―你好吗?‖ 9 ―我很好。问题是:你怎么样?‖ 10 ―你想说什么?‖我问。

11 ―一定有什么事儿让你心神不安,‖他说,显现一副外国人掌握了一点儿美国俚语的那种得意神情。―你本来闭着眼睛也能获得决赛资格。‖

12 ―说真的,这一点我也知道,‖ 我对他说道 ——这句话对人说出来,感觉不错。

13 我们一起聊了几分钟。我没有告诉他是什么在―吞噬‖我,然而他好像理解我的愤怒,就千方百计消除我的焦虑。他虽然一直在纳粹的青年运动中接受教育,却和我一样,不相信雅利安人种优越论。当然,他看起来的确很有优势,这一事实让我俩开怀大笑。他高我一英寸,身体精瘦,肌肉发达,明亮清澈的蓝眼睛,金黄的头发,棱角分明、非常英俊的面庞。最后,他看我稍稍安静下来,就用手指着起跳板。

14 ―看,‖他说, ―为什么不在跳板后面数英寸处画一条线,尝试从那里起跳?你肯定不会犯规,而且肯定应该能跳出足以获得决赛资格的成绩。预赛不得第一名,有什么关系呢?明天才是最重要的。‖

15 我领会了他话中的真谛,所有的紧张情绪仿佛突然从我身上退去。我信心百倍,在跳板后足足一英尺处画了一条线,接下来就从那里起跳。我以几乎超出一英尺的成绩获得决赛资格。

16 那天晚上,我走到卢兹·朗在奥运村的房间向他致谢。我知道,若没有他,我不可能参加第二天跳远项目的决赛。在他的住处,我们坐着谈了两个小时 —— 讨论田径、我们自己、世界形势还有许多别的事情。

17 最后,我起身告辞,此时我们都知道真正的友谊已经建立。第二天,卢兹将走上田赛场尽全力打败我。但是,我知道他希望我发挥最佳水平—— 即使这意味着将夺冠的是我。

18 卢兹最终打破了自己的历史记录。他这么做,也激励我攀登成绩的巅峰。我依然记得,在我最后一跳落地时—— 这一跳把奥运纪录推向26英尺5.31英寸 —— 他就在我身边祝贺我。尽管希特勒在距离不到100码的看台上对我们怒目而视,卢兹依然使劲地握住我的手,这一握绝非那种―伤心欲绝却强颜欢笑‖的虚情假意。

19 在那一刻,我对卢兹的纯真情谊如同24克拉的宝石,即使熔化我毕生的金牌金杯,都不足以为这颗宝石镀上一层金光。我接着体会到,现代奥运的奠基人皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦当年头脑里正是孕育着卢兹这样的完美形象才说道:―奥运最重要的不是夺冠而是参与。生命最重要的不是征服而是奋力拼搏。‖

Good Usage (Paras. 1-2) childishly insisted nationalistic feelings at an all-time high


disciplined myself

with the Games in mind was going over on the boat had my eye especially on set the world’s record of

win that Olympic event hands down

Good Usage (Paras. 3-4) was in for a surprise

hitting the pit at almost 26 feet kept him under wraps add some new support to hot under the collar about

Good Usage (Paras. 5-6) was no exception qualifying jumps foul out of the trials make a fool of myself

look into the friendly blue eyes of easily qualified for the finals on his first attempt

offered me a firm handshake

Good Usage (Paras.7-12) Something must be eating you.

be able to qualify with your eyes closed

Good Usage (Paras.13-14) took pains to reassure me not… any more than laughed over the fact looked the part

a lean, muscular frame

a strikingly handsome, chiseled face What does it matter if …? Tomorrow is what counts.

Good Usage (Paras.15-16) the tension…ebb out of

the truth of what he said hit me

Good Usage (Paras.17-18) broke his own past record

pushed me on to a peak performance a fake smile with a broken heart


Good Usage (Para. 19)

melt down all the gold medals and cups the 24-carat friendship I felt for have had …in mind

not winning but taking part

not conquering but fighting well

Key Words and Expressions for Text A

all-time a. being the greatest, biggest, most, etc., ever known 前所未闻的;空前的

e.g. 1. After nearly a month of heavy rain, the water in the lake had reached an all-time high.

2. The president's popularity nationally is at an all-time low. 总统在全国的人气目前正处于历史最低点。

discipline vt. train or develop, esp. in self-control and obedience训练;训导;管教

e.g. 1. Though (he is) very busy, he disciplines himself to exercise at least twice a week.

2. Out on the golf course you must discipline yourself to let go of detailed theory. 在高尔夫球场上,你必须训练自己做到不拘泥于细枝末节的理论。

have one’s eye on sth. infml have sth. as an aim; have a wish for sth.〖非正式〗以……为目标;想要……

e.g. 1. Jack isn’t content with his present job, so he has his eye on a new one.

2. Mark has his eye on the captaincy of the basketball team. 马克一心想当那支篮球队的队长。

kind of infml in a certain way; rather; slightly 〖非正式〗有点儿;有几分;相当 e.g. 1. I was kind of disappointed when I found that my mailbox was still empty.

2. It was kind of strange to see him again. 再看到他有点奇怪。

win (sb./ sth.) hands down infml win sb. or sth. very easily 〖非正式〗轻易取胜

e.g. 1. Your team is much stronger than theirs; it’s obvious that you’ll win them hands down.

2. If she's on her game, she can win the match hands down.


be in for be about to have (sth. unpleasant) 肯定会经历,注定要遭受(不愉快的事情) e.g. 1. I’m afraid we’re in for a storm.

2. Whoever breaks the school windows will be in for trouble! 无论谁打破了学校的窗子,都要受罚。

under wraps infml kept secret from the public〖非正式〗不公开的;不对外泄漏的 e.g. 1. The documents about this research project will be kept under wraps for ten years.

2. As introduction day approached, the dealers would keep their new cars under wraps. 样车介绍之日临近,承销商会把他们的新车严密地裹起来。


hot under the collar angry or excited and ready to argue恼怒的,气冲冲的 e.g. 1. Fred will get hot under the collar if you play a joke on his younger sister.

2. He became hot under the collar when he realized that he had been cheated. 当他意识到自己被骗时,不禁勃然大怒。

qualify vi. [(for)] be of a high enough standard to enter a competition [常与for连用]获得参赛资格

e.g. 1. Our team didn’t perform well enough to qualify for the second round of the competition.

2. You must qualify yourself for the post.


make a fool of oneself behave unwisely or in a silly way and lose people’s respect出丑,闹笑话

e.g. 1. I really made a fool of myself when I presented a bunch of roses to Judy, who

surprisingly turned round to kiss the young man behind her.

2. If you go to the wedding in this dress, you'll make a fool of yourself. 你要是穿这件衣服去参加婚礼,你会出丑的。

look the part have the appearance of being a particular kind of person看上去像某一类人

e.g. 1. He’s a very successful businessman, but he doesn’t really look the part, wearing a pair

of worn-out shoes and driving an old car.

2. You'd never guess he was a security guard – he doesn't look the part at all. 你根本就猜不到他是保安,他看上去不是干这一行的。

proceed vi. [(to, with)] rather fml begin or continue in a course of action or set of actions [常与to或with连用]〖较正式〗着手;继续进行

e.g. 1. Angela had a cup of tea and proceeded to tell us every detail about what had happened

to her husband during the war.

2. We're not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale. 我们不确定是否还要继续减价促销。 CF: advance, progress, proceed, move on, go 这些动词均含―前进,行进,进展‖之意。

advance 主要用于具体的人或物,也可指科学技术和运动等。

progress 指按某一既定目标前进,取得发展,目的性很明确,强调经常和稳定地前进。

proceed 侧重指继续前进。

move on 非正式用语,侧重从某一停止点向某地前进,但不表示前进的目的地。 go 最常用词,含义宽泛而不确切,依上文确定其具体意思。

congratulate vt. [(on)] express one’s pleasure, praise, or admiration for (sb.) because of a happy event or sth. successfully done [常与on连用]祝贺,向……道贺

e.g. 1. My friends congratulated me on having passed the swimming test.