仁爱版英语七年级下册教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章仁爱版英语七年级下册教案更新完毕开始阅读

Section D


1.音标/t/ /d/ /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ /l/ /m/ /n/ 2.谈论日常活动。 3.复习一般现在时。4.复习频度副词。 重点: 1, 2和5

难点:一般现在时,频度副词。 教具 录音机 课时建议:1 教学过程: 第一步:复习

1.复习并学习新单词:measure, pleasure, volleyball和while。 2.根据图画猜测单词,看谁读得快而准。

3.听录音1,然后再跟读,学会音标/t/ /d/ /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ /l/ /m/ /n/ 第二步:呈现

1.请学生两人一组依次谈论他们的日常活动。 A: How do you usually go to school? B: I usually walk to school.

A: What do you do in your spare time? B: I often play basketball.

2.表演Section C 1a这个采访活动。一个表演interviewer,一个表演Michael, 看哪组同学表演最好。 3.谈论自己的日常活动。如:

I usually get up at 6∶30. / I have breakfast with my parents at 7∶30. I never come to school late. / Sometimes I walk to school. 第三步:巩固

1.听录音1然后再跟读,学会音标/t/ /d/ /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ /l/ /m/ /n/ 2.阅读2并且回答下列问题。

How does Jane go to school? / What time do classes begin in the afternoon? 第四步:练习

1.填写第8页的表格,两人一组讨论,据课文内容彼此检查答案。 2.谈论你好朋友的日常活动。 3.听录音3填空。


第五步:综合探究活动 完成5。

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Topic 2 Section A

教学目标:1.谈论学校建筑。2.谈论兴趣喜好。3.学习现在进行时。 重点: 1,2a and 3 难点:现在进行时与一般现在时的区别 教具 录音机 课时建议:1~2 教学过程: 第一步:复习

1.师生问答,复习第一个话题中的重点句子。 T: How do you usually go to school? S: I usually go to school on foot.

T: How does your father often go to work? S: He often goes to work by car.

T: How often do you go to the library? S: Three times a week.

2.找几个同学在班上作关于自己爸爸或妈妈一天情况的报道。 第二步:呈现

1.把1的图画展示给大家,学习表示学校建筑的名词:library, playground, lab, computer room, canteen, gym, classroom building, swimming pool, dormitory...

2.请A同学到前面去跳舞,在这个同学跳舞的同时,老师问: What is she doing?(帮助学生回答)She is dancing.

(然后再问)Is she dancing?(帮助学生回答)Yes, she is. Is she singing? No,she isn’t.

3.请三名同学轻轻地唱The More We Get Together。 (老师边问边回答)What are they doing? They are singing.

Are they singing? Yes, they are. Are they dancing? No, they aren’t. 4.听2a回答问题。

Which place does Kangkang like best? / What is he doing? Which place does Wang Wei like best? / What is he doing? 第三步:巩固


2.再次播放2a,根据课文内容完成2b。 第四步:练习


2.参看3里的图画回答下列问题,然后听录音核对答案。 What is Jane doing? / What is Michael doing? 3.听3,两个一组问和答。


A: Where is she? B: She is in the gym. A: Is she in the computer room? B: No, she isn’t. A: What is she doing? B: She is dancing. 第五步:综合探究活动


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On the playground, Mr. Li and Mr. Wang are playing table tennis now. Liu Jun and his good friends are playing basketball. Look there! Some girls are playing the guitar...

Section B

教学目标:1.复习校园建筑。2.复习现在进行时。3.学习如何表达在图书馆借书,借用物品。 重点: 1a,2和3a

难点:现在进行时与一般现在时的区别 教具 录音机 课时建议:1 教学过程: 第一步:复习


T: What’s this? S: It’s a dining hall.

T: Can you spell it? S: Yes. d-i-n-i-n-g,h-a-l-l,dining hall. 以同样的方式复习其它词,如:library, playground, lab...

2.请一位同学到前面做动作,另外两位同学猜测他/她在做什么,然后问答。 A: Is he singing? B: No, he isn’t. A: What’s he doing? B: He’s reading. 第二步:呈现

1.利用图片或动作学习新词:shelf, keep, return, borrow, newspaper, purse, etc. 2.请同学们用刚才所学的单词造句。

3.双人活动练习1b,同学之间使用不同的物品进行对话练习: A: Excuse me,can/may I borrow your...? B: Sure/Of course. Here you are. 4.听录音1b,回答问题:

What book does Kangkang want to borrow? / How long can Kangkang keep it? 完成1b。 5.听录音2,学习以下句子:

Maria is looking for her purse, but she can’t find it. Anything else?

Thank you all the same. 第三步:巩固

1.放录音1a,1b和2,学生跟读。 2.两人一组表演1a,1b和2。 第四步:练习


What’s the lost thing? / What’s the found thing? 第五步:综合活动探究




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Section C


1.复习表示建筑的名词。2.学习并制作海报。 本课重点: 1a和2a

难点:现在进行时与一般现在时的区别 教具 录音机 课时建议:1 教学过程: 第一步:复习

1.教师使用带有学校建筑的图片来复习单词:library, playground, canteen... 如: T: What’s this? S: It’s a library. T: Where is our classroom?

教师帮助学生回答:It’s next to the teachers’ office. T: Where are the library and canteen?

(教师帮助学生回答)They are near our classroom. T: Where is the computer room?

教师帮助学生回答:It’s upstairs next to the lab.

教师把新词next to, near, upstairs写在黑板上,教学新词。 2.独立学习,完成1a。 第二步:呈现

1.使用图片来教学生生词:news, stamp, hall, collection... 2.双人活动,使用图片来练习以上所学生词。 3.听录音2a,回答问题:

When does the match begin? / When does the movie Gone with the Wind begin? / When does the movie The Sound of Music begin? / Where can we watch the movies?

对电影Gone with the Wind和The Sound of Music稍作解释。完成2a和2b。 第三步:巩固

1.放录音2a,学生跟读。 2.请一个同学上前表演2a。 第四步:练习


2.双人活动,向对方介绍该校情况,完成1c。 3.独立学习,阅读2a,完成3。 第五步:综合探究活动

1.写一篇小短文:My Ideal School。


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