人教版新目标八年级下册英语《Unit5(reading)Do you remember what you were doing?》教学设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章人教版新目标八年级下册英语《Unit5(reading)Do you remember what you were doing?》教学设计更新完毕开始阅读

的要素:事件(What),时间(When), 地点(Where),人物(Who),感受(How),通过五个问题把握整个时间,并通过思维导图引导学生理解文章结构和具体的内容,为复述课文打下基础。) Task3:Retell Event1:


When What Where April 4, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King was... In America. was eating dinner did not talk ..... finished ... in silence What How completely shocked [设计意图:通过思维导图的方式引导学生从事件的几个要素来复述课文。有助于学生对课文的整体把握,训练学生对关键句型的掌握。] Task 4: Read part 2 and answer. 1. Watch a video.

2. Read part 2 and complete the chart: When What Where Who(Kate Smith) It was on A plane hit In September 11th,2001. the world York. trade center. It was taken down terrorists. Task5: Retell event 2


1.He didn't friend first. 2.She was very scared. at New She was her office. working in Believe her by

World Trade Center When What On Sept. 11,2001 The ... Center... was taken Who What Kate Smith was She looked... How scared

(设计意图:学生通过判断句子对错读第三段,让学生了解世贸大厦在2001年9月11日被撞毁这一重要历史事件,培养学生做判断题找相似句型的方法。并通过9·11视频,帮助学生了解恐怖主义,反对恐怖主义,培养热爱和平的精神品质。) Task 4: Listen and Read .


Task5: Summary.


April 4, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King was... In America. Event—1 was eating dinner Robert Allen did not talk....finish...in silence completely shocked Event—2 On Sept. 11,2001 The ... Center... was taken down by terrotists. Kate Smith was working.....when....... She looked...and realized...true. Kate Smith scared

(设计意图:帮助学生感知并学习“问题推进,图示总结”的阅读策略,让学生根据思维导图回顾文章内容。) Step 4: Post-reading

Task1: Discuss the questions with your group: ① What is your important events? ② Where did it happened? ③ When did it happened?

④ What were you/your friends doing? ⑤ Why do you remember the event?



Task2: Write an essay.

People often remember what they were doing when they had important events in their lives. For me, my important event is __________. I _________ on _______. I was _______ and my friend/... was__________. I remember the event because _____.

(设计意图:本环节为输出环节, 学生通过写作,学会用一般过去时和过去进行时叙述过去事情,描述事件时要注意包括事件的要素“事件—时间—地点—人物—感受”,提高写作能力。) Task3:Emotion Education Step 5 : Homework. 1. If you have time:

Surf the Internet and learn more important events in history.

2.Enjoy the video -- I have a dream by Dr. Martin Luther King