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发布时间 : 星期六 文章北京理工大学博士研究生入学考试英语试题附答案和详解更新完毕开始阅读

在最严重的情况下,官员估计12周内的死亡人数相当于以往一年内死于流感的人数。在全国性流感的高峰时期,有19 000人住院,这将促使国会下令腾出学校来容纳病人。




为了避免这种情况的发生,Defra,the Wildfowl和Wetland上周宣布要对11000只野鸟进行测试,这个数量是正常测试数量的三倍。“禽流感由候鸟从俄罗斯东部传到英国的概率很低,”Defra的首席兽医德贝说,“但是我们必须保持警觉。”


【难句1解析】Experts from the Department for the Environment,Food and Rural Affairs(Defra)identified Newcastle disease,a virus usually mortal to turkeys and geese but not humans, in a flock of 9,000 pheasant chicks imported from France ahead of the shooting season.

句中的a virus usually mortal to turkeys and geese but not humans是Newcastle disease的同位语,把全句的宾语和后面的状语分隔开来。

【难句2解析】Should diseased birds reach Britain,the first step for veterinary officials would be to contain the outbreak as they did with Newcastle disease.


【难句3解析】The fear is that wild geese moving from western China to Siberia may have spread the virus to several species of ducks and gulls that briefly visit British shores on their annual migration north.

句子的表语很长,一直到句末。表语里还有个定语从句that briefly visit British shores on

their annual migration north修饰ducks and gulls。

Part Ⅱ Translation

Section A 21.



(1)or that they feel guilty about与are ashamed of,afraid of的主语一致,所以翻译时可以省略。

(2)a neat little method意为“一种巧妙的小技巧”。

(3)Few of us know how to heal it中的heal是“治愈”的意思,这里可以灵活地翻译为“摆脱”。

(4)最后一句中we think we are,we believe we have been等这样的句子,我们在翻译时没有必要把英语中出现的每一个代词都翻译出来,这句话中重复出现we,在翻译时可以适当省略。



是谁的问题上。 【难点解析】

(1)fix who we are不可直接翻译为“固定我们是谁”,把fix翻译为“定位”比较合适。 (2)waste a moment doing是动词短语,表示“浪费时间做什么”的意思。 23.




“Everything that happens to us and every choice we make is a reflection of what we believe about who we are”的句子结构是:Everything(主语)+that…(that引导的定语从句修饰everything)+every choice(主语)+we make(定语从句修饰choice)+is a reflection(谓语和宾语)。在翻译时,应提前翻译修饰主语的定语从句。




(1)of little consequence意为“不重要”,如It is of little consequence to me(这对我无关紧要)。

(2)第三句It is not your concern what others may be saying or doing中it是形式主语,真正的主语是what others may be saying or doing,在翻译的时候可以用“你”来做主语,把what引导的从句译为宾语。

(3)“Self-esteem begins and ends with you,the self”这句在翻译时不可直接翻译为“自尊的开始和结束”,应做一些变通。

Section B

【参考译文】Now, millions of Americans have become obsessed with staying slim and “in shape.” The pursuit of a youthful physical appearance is not, however, the sole reason for American's fascination with diet and exercise. Recent research has shown the critical importance of diet and exercise for personal health. As in most technologically developed nations, the life-style of North Americans has changed dramatically during the course of the last century. Modern machines do all the physical labor that people were once forced to do by hand. Cars and buses transport us quickly from point to point. As a result of inactivity and disuse, people's bodies can easily become weak and vulnerable to disease. In an effort to avoid such a fate, millions of Americans are spending more of their time exercising. The effect of this new appreciation of the

importance of exercise is evident: parks are filled with joggers and bicyclists, physical education programs are enjoying a newly found prestige, and many companies are providing special exercise facilities for their employees to use during the work day.


(1)“成千上万的美国人”可以翻译为millions of Americans,这里的millions of表示数量多,不是指几百万的意思。


(3)“由于无所事事”可以根据文章的意思翻译成As a result of inactivity and disuse,因为从文章的内容可以推出这里的无所事事应该是指“缺少活动,不活动”的意思。

Part Ⅲ Writing


What Should Human Do to Preserve the Nature?

In the past few centuries, humans have had an especially negative affect on the earth's natural environment. It is essential to realize that as rational beings, humans have the ability to not only understand the problems we have created and what needs to be done to amend them, but also the capability of accomplishing these tasks.

One of the major threats to our environment is the amount of waste we produce. There are many things that we can do to reduce waste. We can put three separate recycling bins in classrooms, offices and kitchen. One bin is for paper, another for organic waste, and the third is for cans and bottles. We should think about whether we need all the paper you use. We also can print or copy on both sides of the sheet.

What's more, we should protect our wetlands and waterways. They provide habitat for wildlife, they can be breeding grounds for fish, and the source of life for entire communities—including humans. Let's install water conservation devices in the home, school and workplace. Using triple shower heads, flow restrictors on taps, and dual flush toilets can more than halve the amount of water we use, which will save our money too. Don't use soaps or detergents in the river when camping, as this can upset the aquatic ecosystem.

In addition, the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion are global issues, but there are lots of things we can do to help solve these problems at the source. We can choose an energy-efficient

appliances and a fuel-efficient vehicle. The best way is to choose a home close to work, then we can go to work on foot or by bike.

To save our Earth, we can take some measures to protect environment. If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.