(完整版)计算机信息管理毕业论文 联系客服

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rst.MovePrevious End If End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() '后一记录 If rst.EOF = True Then frmMsg.Show

frmMsg.info.Visible = True

frmMsg.Text1.Text = \已经到达最后一条记录了!\Exit Sub Else

rst.MoveNext End If End Sub

Private Sub DataGrid2_Click() Call connect_db

open_connection (\连接book表 tablename = \

If privilege = 1 Then '如果只是普通用户,无法查询员工信息


frmMsg.error.Visible = True

frmMsg.Text1.Text = \对不起,您没有查阅的权限!\ Exit Sub End If

open_connection (\连接worker表 tablename = \

open_connection (\连接record表 tablename = \

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rst End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim ret As Integer

If Command4.Caption = \查 询\ Command4.Caption = \确 定\Else

If Option1.Value = False And Option2.Value = False And Option3.Value = False And Option4.Value = False Then frmMsg.Show

frmMsg.notice.Visible = True frmMsg.Text1.Text = \请选择查询项!\ Exit Sub End If

If Text1.Text = \ frmMsg.Show

frmMsg.notice.Visible = True

frmMsg.Text1.Text = \请输入查询内容!\ Text1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If

seachtext = Trim(Text1.Text)

ret = open_seach(tablename, sfield, seachtext) If ret = 0 Then frmMsg.Show

frmMsg.error.Visible = True

frmMsg.Text1.Text = \对不起,没有你要的记录!\ Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Text1.Text = \ rst.Close

Set rst = Nothing

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rst

Command1.Enabled = False '上一条,下一条按钮为灰 Command2.Enabled = False Command4.Caption = \查 询\ Exit Sub End If

Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = True Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rst Text1.Text = \ Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Command4.Caption = \查 询\End If

End Sub

Private Sub DataGrid1_Click() Call connect_db

open_connection (\连接book表 tablename = \

If privilege = 1 Then '如果只是普通用户,无法查询员工信息


frmMsg.error.Visible = True

frmMsg.Text1.Text = \对不起,您没有查阅的权限!\ Exit Sub End If

open_connection (\连接worker表 tablename = \

open_connection (\连接record表 tablename = \

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rst End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Option1.Caption = \书号\Option2.Caption = \书名\Option3.Caption = \出版社\Option4.Caption = \作者\

Label2.Caption = frmLogin.Text1.Text Timer1.Interval = 1000