安徽省2012年专升本英语词汇复习练习(Whole) - key 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章安徽省2012年专升本英语词汇复习练习(Whole) - key更新完毕开始阅读

第19课时 (put – reserve)

I. 单词拼写

1.— Three q__________ of the money was spent on the program.

— 75%? Oh, my dear!

2. Tobin will take a general knowledge q__________, and he’ll answer many difficult questions. 3. Tracy works hard and makes r__________ progress in her studies. 4. The PRC stands for the People’s R__________ of China.

5. I have quite a good r__________ with my parents; we are very happy together. 6. Frank’s dream of opening a restaurant became a r__________ in 1987. (现实) 7. Each child had to r__________ a poem to the class. (背诵)

8. Thanks to the R__________ and Opening-up Policy, China’s economy has improved a lot. 9. We take all the old bottles to be r__________. (循环)

10.He donated money to set up schools in r__________ mountain areas. (偏远的) II. 词形转换

1. Alice read the letter with a __________ expression on her face. (puzzle)

2. This part of the community needs to be protected from __________ prejudice. (race) 3. Unexpectedly, he came to see me on a cold __________ day in October. (rain)

4. I __________ that you are very busy, but could I talk to you for a few minutes? (realization) 5. Tape __________ are widely used in English classes in China. (record) 6. Be __________! You can’t expect her to do all the work on her own! (reason) 7. Keep the file for future __________; it can be looked at in the future. (refer) 8. My car’s quite old, but it’s still pretty __________. (rely)

9. It’s difficult to meet all the __________ of the strange customer. (require)

10. Do something __________ before going to bed – read a book or take a hot bath.(relax) III. 单项选择

1. Lisa! I’m sorry – I _____ recognize you – you ____ your hair cut! A. don’t, had B. didn’t, have had C. don’t, have had D. didn’t, had 2. The recording was ____. I can know exactly what happened at that time. A. bad quality B. good quality C. of bad quality D. of good quality 3. Buy vegetables ____ small quantities for your immediate use. A. in B. with C. at D. on 4. Tanya, be ____! Our baby is sleeping and you may wake him up. A. silent B. still C. quiet D. noisy 5. It remains ____ whether the operation was successful. A. to be seen B. to see C. seeing D. to have seen 6. Australia’s unemployment ____ rose to 6.5% in February.

A. percent B. rank C. level D. rate 7. — Can you see the sign on the door? --- Yes, it ____ ―No Entry‖.


A. reads B. reflects C. registers D. reports 8. We regret ____ you that your application has not been successful.

A. informing B. to inform C. being informed D. to have informed

9. When the head teacher said someone didn’t obey the class discipline, we all knew whom he was


A. replying to B. reacting to C. referring to D. relating to 10. The terrible situation required that the manager ____ present.

A. be B. was C. would be D. shall be IV. 选词填空 put recover regular relief replace quit receive reserve react remove 1. She _______________ no support from her parents; she had to rely on herself. 2. He’s in hospital, _______________ from a heart attack.

3. Our _______________ opening hours are from 10 am to 7 pm. On weekends we close at 5pm. 4. The old houses will be torn down and _______________ with a shopping mall.

5. Emma is not behaving very reasonably nowadays. I think she’s _______________ against her

teachers’ strictness.

6. I didn’t recognize Tom until he _______________ his dark sunglasses. 7. To our _______________, the missing boy finally came back home.

8. It’s fairly risky. Or to _______________ it another way, don’t try this at home. 9. These seats are _______________ for special guests.

10. Doctors have given him six months to live if he doesn’t _______________ drinking. V. 句子翻译

1. 价格降低了21%。(reduce)

_________________________________________________________________ 2. 她拒绝接受他们的邀请。(refuse)

_________________________________________________________________ 3. 现在用动物做实验被认为很残忍。(regard)

_________________________________________________________________ 4. 在律师来之前他一直保持沉默。(remain)

_________________________________________________________________ 5. 婴儿完全依赖别人喂食。(rely)

_________________________________________________________________ 6. 这首歌曲让我想起了童年。(remind)

_________________________________________________________________ 7. 我还记得爷爷跟我们做游戏的情景。(remember)

_________________________________________________________________ 8. 如果你知道答案,就请举手。(raise)

_________________________________________________________________ 9. 药品应该放在小孩够不到的地方。(reach)

_________________________________________________________________ 10.这对夫妻经常为钱而吵架。(quarrel)




(residence – security)

I. 单词拼写

1. The teacher gave the children some chocolate to r__________ them for behaving well. 2. Let’s go to that r__________ and try some Chinese food.

3. I didn’t bother to cook and just had a ham s__________ for lunch. (三明治) 4. The dustmen collect the r__________ on Wednesday.

5. He did very well at math and won a s__________ to Cambridge University. 6. We all have a r__________ to protect the environment. (责任)

7. Most babies soon develop a daily r__________ of eating and sleeping. 8. The r__________ was launched from a space research base.

9. The broadcast comes live via s__________ from New York. (卫星) 10. She works as a s__________ in a big international company. (秘书) II. 介词填空

1. Dave didn’t respond __________ any of her e-mails.

2. He rested his elbows __________ the table and leaned forward. 3. The man retired __________ teaching three years ago.

4. Parents should reward children __________ their good behavior. 5. They aimed to make the country safe __________ terrorist attacks.

6. It is possible to disagree with people and still treat them __________ respect. 7. My suitcase was so full that I didn’t have room __________ anything else. 8. Lost in the desert, Mark went in search __________ water.

9. He reminded me to return the books __________ the library on time. 10. He jumped into the cold river and saved the child __________ drowning. III. 单项选择

1. Many of the villagers will leave, __________.

A. never to return B. to never return C. never returning D. will never return 2. The workers were lazy and failed to finish the building _____. A. at schedule B. on schedule C. behind schedule D. ahead of schedule 3. I suppose I’d better _____ now – we’ve been on the phone far over an hour. A. rot away B. run out C. ring off D. roll up 4. I can’t drive today. Can you give me a _____ back to town? A. sail B. ride C. rise D. return 5. We are still dealing with problems _____ errors made in the past. A. resulted from B. resulted in C. resulting from D. resulting in 6. _____ victims were killed in the recent coal mine accidents. A. A score B. Hundreds of C. Scores of D. A hundred of 7. The soldier risked _____ by his enemy when he saved the general from danger. A. killing B. killed C. being killed D. to be killed 8. _____ until the aircraft has come to a complete stop. A. Remain seated B. Remaining seated C. Remain to seat D. To remain seated

9. These gloves were _____ and I bought them at a lower price than usual.


A. in sale B. for sale C. in sales D. on sale 10.The manager was glad that sales _____ 20% over the Christmas period. A. raised by B. rose by C. raised to D. rose to IV. 选词填空

run right rough retell satisfy roll scold scene ruin scenery 1. The English teacher asked us to review and __________ what had happened in the text. 2. The best part of the trip is the __________; you can see beautiful mountains. 3. He __________ his car window down and said hello to me.

4. Peter’s mistake has __________ his chances of winning the championship. 5. She __________ a small restaurant in Boston and was able to make a living. 6. John did badly in the exam; his dad __________ him for it last night. 7. The police soon arrived at the __________ of the crime.

8. The program is designed to __________ the needs of adult learners. 9. I don’t know the __________ word to describe it.

10. The first year was __________, but things have gotten better.

V. 句子翻译

1. Lily的钻石项链被人抢走了。(rob)

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 农业在我国经济中起着重要的作用。(role)

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. 我们的汽油在半路上用光了。(run)

___________________________________________________________________________ 4. 据说这个歌星是个间谍。(say)

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. 他忍不住炫耀他的新车。(resist)

___________________________________________________________________________ 6. 我扔掉了所有的旧家具。(rid)

___________________________________________________________________________ 7. 老师对你的计划非常满意。(satisfy)

___________________________________________________________________________ 8. 我买了一个和你的一模一样的手机。(same)

___________________________________________________________________________ 9. 橙子含有丰富的维他命C。(rich)

___________________________________________________________________________ 10. 警察正在房间里四处搜查那份绝密文件。(search)
