四川省成都市第七中学2019届高三下学期入学考试试 英语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章四川省成都市第七中学2019届高三下学期入学考试试 英语更新完毕开始阅读


英语试题 第Ⅰ卷

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What will the man buy for the woman?

A. Notebooks. B. Paper. C. Pencils. 2. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a bookstore. B. In a library. C. In the woman’s office. 3. Why will Mr. Rogers be out of the office next week?

A. To take a holiday. B. to attend a wedding. C. To travel on business. 4. What does the man mean?

A. The woman can’t leave early.

B. He’ll pick up the woman’s parents. C. Mr. Black won’t come at 4 o’clock. 5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A lift worker. B. The man’s sister. C. A lift accident. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. Why did Gareth Jones quit the game halfway?

A. He got hurt. B. He was too tired. C. He broke match rules. 7. What will the speakers do next Saturday?

A. Visit Gareth. B. Watch a game. C. Play a match. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What impressed the man most?

A. The plot. B. The main performers. C. The songs. 9. What do we know about the musical? A. The woman has seen it.

B. The writer won awards for it. C. People speak highly of its plot. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. What did the woman think of the house owner? A. Kind. B. Cold. C. Serious.


11. Why did the woman leave the flat?

A. The rent was high. B. The room was too cold. C. The neighbors were noisy. 112. How did the woman’s neighbor act when they met one morning? A. Angrily. B. Sadly. C. Dishonestly. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. How high does the woman need to climb for the walking?

A. 1,500 meters. B. 2,000 meters. C.4,000 meters. 14. How did the woman prepare for the walking? A. She slept out in the tent in winter.

B. She climbed a 4,000-meter high mountain. C. She took long walks through the hills daily. 15. What did the woman think of the walking?

A. It was hard but enjoyable. B. It was difficult and tiresome. C. It was wonderful and smooth.

16. What was the most exciting moment during the walking? A. Watching the sunset. B. Seeing the ruined buildings. C. Walking through the Sun Gate. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. How long does the break in Barcelona last?

A. Two nights. B. Three nights. C. Seven nights. 18. What costs extra money for the Barcelona break?

A. Flights. B. Breakfast. C. Evening meals. 9. On what can visitors get discounts with a discount card?

A. All the city sights. B. Some restaurants. C. 5-star hotels. 20. When is the deadline of the booking for the Barcelona break? A. September 30th. B. October 5th C. October 31st. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



A year after graduation, I was offered a position teaching a writing class. Teaching was a profession I had never seriously considered, though several of my stories had been published. I accepted the job without hesitation, as it would allow me to wear a tie and go by the name of Mr. Davis. My father went by the same name, and I liked to imagine people getting the two of us confused. “Wait a minute!” someone might say, “are you talking about Mr. Davis there tired man, or Mr. Davis the respectable scholar?”

The position was offered at the last minute, and I was given two weeks to prepare, a period I spent searching for briefcase (公文包) and standing before my full-length mirror, repeating the words, “Hello, class. I’m Mr. Davis.” Sometimes I would give myself an aggressive voice. Sometimes I would sound experienced. But when the day eventually came, my nerves kicked in and the true Mr. Davis was there. I sounded not like a thoughtful professor, but rather a 12-year-old boy.

I arrived in the classroom with paper cards designed in the shape of maple leaves. I had cut them


myself out of orange construction paper. I saw nine students along a long table. I

2handed out the cards, and the students wrote down their names and fastened them to their breast pockets as I required.

“All right then,” I said. “O key, here we go.” Then I opened my briefcase and realized that I had never thought beyond this moment. I had been thinking that the students would be the first to talk, offering their thoughts and opinions on the events of the day. I had imagined that I would sit at the edge of the desk, overlooking a forest of hands. Every student would yell. “Calm down, you’ll all get your turn. One at a time, one at a time!”

A terrible silence ruled the room, and seeing no other opinions, I inspected the students to pull out their notebooks and write a brief essay related to the theme of deep disappointment. 21. The author took the job to teach writing because ______.

A. he wanted to be respected B. he had written some stories

C. he wanted to please his father D. he had dreamed of being a teacher 22. What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 2? A. He would be aggressive in his first class. B. He was well-prepared for his first class.

C. He got nervous upon the arrival of his first class. D. He waited long for the arrival of his first class.

23. Before he started his class, the author asked the students to ______. A. write down their suggestions on the paper cards B. cut maple leaves out of the construction paper C. cut some cards out of the construction paper D. write down their names on the paper cards

24. The author chose the composition topic probably because ______.

A. he got disappointed with his first class B. he had prepared the topic before class C. he wanted to calm down the students D. he thought it was an easy topic


How should one invest a sum of money in these days of inflation (通货膨胀)? Left in a bank it will hardly keep its value, however high the interest rate. Only a brave man, or a very rich one, dares to buy and sell on the Stock Market. Today it seems that one of the best ways to protect your savings, and even increase your wealth is to buy beautiful objects from the past. Here I am going to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks, which I personally consider are among the most interesting of antiques.

I sometimes wonder what a being from another planet might report back about our way of life. “The planet Earth is ruled by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound. It has a face with twelve black marks and two hands. Men can do nothing without its permission, and it fastens its young round people’s wrists so that everywhere men go they are still under its control. This creature is the real master of Earth and men are its slaves.”

Whether or not we are slaves of time today depends on our culture and personality, but it is believed that many years ago kings kept special slaves to tell the time. Certain men were very clever at measuring the time of day according to the beating of their own hearts. They were made to stand in a fixed place and every hour or so would shout the time. So it seems that the first clocks were human beings. However, men quickly found more convenient and reliable ways of telling the time.


3They learned to use the shadows cast by the sun. They marked the hours on candles, used sand in hour- glasses, and invented water-clocks. Indeed, any serious student of antique should spend as much time as possible visiting palaces, stately homes and museums to see some of the finest examples of clocks from the past.

Antique clocks could be very expensive, but one of the joys of collecting clocks is that it is still possible to find quite cheap ones for your own home. After all, if you are going to be ruled by time, why not invest in an antique clock and perhaps make a future profit?

25. By quoting (引用) the remark of a being from another planet, the author intends to____. A. suggest human beings are controlled by a clock B. describe why clocks can rule the planet Earth C. tell readers what clocks look like D. compare clocks to human beings

26. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to measure the time?

A. Counting the beating of one’s own heart. B. Making use of candles, sand and water. C. Observing shadows cast by the sun. D. Keeping slaves busy day and night. 27. The underlined phrase stately homes in Paragraph 4 means __________.

A. state-owned houses B. houses in very good condition

C. grand houses open to the public D. houses where statesmen meet regularly 28. The purpose of the passage is ___________. A. to introduce the culture of antique clocks

B. to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks C. to compare different ways to make a future profit

D. to explain convenient and reliable ways of telling time C

Tell a story and tell it well, and you may open wide the eyes of a child, open up lines of communication in a business, or even open people’s mind to another culture or race.

People in many places are digging up the old folk stories and the messages in them. For example, most American storytellers get their tales from a wide variety of sources, cultures, and times. They regard storytelling not only as a useful tool in child education, but also as a meaningful activity that helps adults understand themselves as well as those whose culture may be very different from their own.

“Most local stories are based on a larger theme,” American storyteller Opalanga Pughsays, “ Cinderella, or the central idea of a good child protected by her goodness, appears in various forms in almost every culture of the world.”

Working with students in schools, Pugh helps them understand their own cultures and the general messages of the stories. She works with prisoner too, helping them knowing who they are by telling stories that her listeners can write, direct, and act in their own lives. If they don’t like the story they are living, they can rewrite the story. Pugh also works to help open up lines of communication between managers and workers. “For every advance in business,” she says, “there is a greater need for communication” Storytelling can have a great effect on either side of the manager-worker relationship, she says.

Pugh spent several years in Nigeria, where she learned how closely storytelling was linked to the everyday life of the people there. The benefits of storytelling are found everywhere, she says. “I learned how people used stories to spread their culture,” she says, “ What I do is to
