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发布时间 : 星期二 文章研究生英语精读教程教师参考书(第三版上)-参考答案及授课详解更新完毕开始阅读


[14] 他还在思考着“绝对静止的定义”,一种导致他产生最初相对论的悖论。 这种理论排除了绝对静止的可能性。因为一切物体对于其他有关物体来说都被看 做处在运动之中的。他还对移动物体的电动力学冥思苦想,他说:“这有希望成 为一篇优秀论文。”

[15]“我曾写信给你,谈到过我对相对运动想法的正确性有怀疑,”他写道。 “但我的怀疑只是基于简单的数学上的错误。现在我比以前更深信无疑了。” [16] 斯塔赫尔先生在5 月号的《今日物理》上撰文说,这篇文章“ 意味着爱 因斯坦已经采用了某种形式的相对论原理”,尽管还不是最终形式。

[17] 虽然玛丽克被历史学家描写成一位缺乏想象力的女子,这些信却表明, 她对无限性很感兴趣。

[18] “ 我认为,人们不能了解无限性,不应归咎于人脑的结构,” 1897 年她 给当时18 岁的爱因斯坦的信中写道。

[19] 她接下去写道:“倘若一个人在年轻时期,在学习掌握新概念时,不被 无情地局限于地球,或者甚至局限于四面围墙的斗室之中,而是被允许走出去涉 足一下宇宙的话,他当然是能够做到这一点的。”

[20] 科学史家们,诸如哈佛大学的热拉尔·霍尔顿认为,爱因斯坦“涉足

宇宙”的能力和用纯抽象方式思维的能力对他的各项具有革命性的发现是必不可 32



少的。特别引人注目的是,霍尔顿先生在一次采访中说,尽管他们各自都有困 难,但他们在通信中对物理学的兴趣竟然占着最重要的位置。

[21] 他又说:“ 对科学史学工作者来说,最重要的是”,在爱因斯坦的一生 中这样早的时候就有迹象表明,他“ 就已经在深刻地思考着光的特性、相对论和 分子运动的问题了”。他说,这一思想“ 都体现在一系列引人注目的论文之中”, 并从1905 年起陆续发表。

[22] 尽管玛丽克与爱因斯坦多次长期分离,但他俩有时也设法团聚,去瑞

士的崇山峻岭观光,作徒步旅行。1901 年5 月在一次短途旅行时,玛丽克得知 自己怀孕了。

[23] 然而,爱因斯坦提到此事的第一封信是以谈论一篇关于用紫外线产生

阴极射线的论文开头的。该信接着才写道:“ 你要高兴喜欢才是,可别忧愁烦恼。 毕竟我不会离开你,而且我一定会把一切圆满了结。”

[24] 当他在后来的几封信中再谈到这个孩子的情况时,仿佛孩子已经生下 了。他问道,“小家伙好吗?”

[25] 玛丽克希望生个女孩,所以他们在孩子未出生时便叫她 “莉塞尔” (莉丝 的昵称)。当爱因斯坦得知在伯尔尼找到工作的消息后,他写信给玛丽克说,“我 高兴死了。唯一得解决的事情就是怎样使莉塞尔和我们在一起。我不想使我们不 得不离开她。”

[26] 尽管遭到母亲的反对,爱因斯坦还是于1903 年元月在伯尔尼与玛丽克

结为伉俪。根据爱因斯坦文集下一卷上发表的一封信,爱因斯坦夫妇后来得知, 女儿的猩红热已经痊愈。看来这孩子还是住在她母亲的故乡了。在通信中有关这 女孩的最后情况只是提到了猩红热。

Key to the Exercises

Exercise A

Ⅰ. Comprehension

1. T

2. It looked down on her background and had disdain for her. The parents

Unit Four 33

were bitterly opposed to Einstein marrying Maric. She was shocked at first, then she switched to a desperate offensive. 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. T

11. They think Maric was a dull woman. 12. F 13. F 14. F 15. T

Ⅱ. Vocabulary

A. 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B

B. 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. A

Ⅲ. Cloze

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. D

Ⅳ. Translation

A. 马斯洛把自我实现的需要定义为“ 要求成为一个比现状更好的人,一个 实现自己有能力去达到一切的人”。在这种水平上生活的人,通常认为工作 就是要做的某种事情。其目的就是要使自己成为一个实现个人人生观的完整 的人。这是一种比得到受人尊敬的更高水平的需要,因为所涉及的人已感到 他或他的工作是有价值并受到尊敬的。这种人觉得他们的工作本身是有趣并 使他满意的。

能达到自我实现的需要起支配作用的阶段的人是很少的。一种普遍看法 是只有史怀泽或爱因斯坦到达了这个阶段,但是马斯洛认为,每个人都能在 一定程度上感到这种需要。

B. 1. These young worker-technicians have all the qualifications we can hope for.

2. I was more frightened than hurt.

3. They wondered what had become of the girl.

4. The farmers in that area like to intersperse peach trees among the willows.

5. I have a vehement hatred of people who are cruel to animals.

6. Even while enjoying the results of technical progress, man must defend 34



the primacy and autonomy of pure knowledge. In addition, pure

knowledge is the foundation for practical results that would not have been reached if this knowledge had not been sought disinterestedly. The first men to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which we can scarcely conceive of contemporary life.

Ⅴ. Writing

Suggested passage:

Li Siguang, an Outstanding Scientist

Li Siguang was born in Hupei in 1889. When he was a young man, he

went to Japan to study. After his return to China, he taught in universities and did geological research. As a patriotic intellectual, he loved his country and his people. He refused to work for the Kuomintang. In 1947 he went to Britain to escape persecution by the Kuomintang. After liberation, he came back to his motherland to take part in the building of socialism. In 1985, he became a member of the Chinese Communist Party.

Integrating theory with practice, Li Siguang applied dialectics in his research work, and set up a new branch of science-geomechanics. He was

the first man to declare to the world that China is rich in oil. Li made great contributions to our geological studies and to our oil industry. Armed with Li’s theory, Chinese geological workers have since found many big oilfields like Daqing, Shengli and Dagang.

Exercise B

Ⅰ. 1. crane 2. conviction 3. drought 4. creativity 5. diverse 6. customary 7. downtown 8. documentary 9. duplicate 10. diagnosis 11. bankruptcy 12. drainage 13. Drastic 14. editorial 15. disposal Ⅱ. 1. N

Unit Four 35

2. used for—used to

3. much candies—much candy 4. brought out—brought back 5. came down—came through 6. in the way of—by way of 7. receives fire—catches fire 8. N

9. specialist of—specialist for

10. (distribution of warm clothing) for—(distribution of warm clothing)to 11. to check in—to check up 12. without—with

13. a great diversity—a great diversity of

14. So rapidly electronics has advanced—So rapidly has electronics advanced 15. N

Ⅲ. 1. forget, before 2. whenever, along 3. that 4. Though 5. what 6. if

7. that 8. If, for 9. that, by

10. on, that 11. on, where 12. when, on

13. to, from, which 14. Although, beyond 15. for, that Ⅳ. 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C

?Supplementary Reading

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A 37

Unit Five 5 ?Text:

The End Is Not at Hand

The environmental rhetoric overblown The Planet will survive

Robert J. Samuelson Language Points

1. Para. [2]: But environmentalism increasingly resembles a holy crusade addicted to hype and ignorant of history.

“Addicted to hype” and “ignorant of history” are two attributes modifying “a holy crusade”, e.g.

① Water is a good solvent suitable for many substances. 水是(适于)许多 物质的良好溶剂。

② Heat used to evaporate a liquid is heat of evaporation. 用于蒸发液体的 热是蒸发热。

2. Para. [11]: Advanced nations have urban-air-pollution levels only a sixth that of the poorest countries.

The fractional numeral (a sixth) here serves as an attribute, e. g.

① The mass of an electron is 1/1850 that of a hydrogen atom. 电子的质量 是氢原子质量的1 850 分之一。

② It is one-twentieth the thickness of a human hair. 它相当于人头发的二十 分之一(那样粗细)。 38