上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年高二10月月考英语试题(word版无听力部分附答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018学年高二10月月考英语试题(word版无听力部分附答案)更新完毕开始阅读

53. A.connected 54. A.rarely 55. A.symbol 56. A.bouncing 57. A.lacks 58.A. cared

59. A. motivated 60.A, challenges 61.A. put

62, A. attention 63. A. apart 64. A, function 65. A. boundaries 66. A.necessary 67. A. talent

B. expanded C. exposed B. certainly C. probably B. memory C. truth B. dating C. turning B. adds C. makes B. expected C.asked B.relaxed C. convinced

C. advantage B. profits

B. mix C.build B. association C. attraction B. aside C. off B.eating C. expression B. problems C. barriers B. perfect C. proper B. honor C. potential D. extended

D. consistently D.reality D. tracking D.brings D. decided D. astonished D.adventures D. pick

D. adaptation D. back D usage D. efforts D. possible

D. responsibility


Starbucks literally changed the definition of \good cup of coffee\For Starbucks, the brand had three elements: coffee, 68_ and stores. Strict control over the quality and processing of the beans 69_ that the coffee would be of the highest possible quality. Outstanding store personnel were employed and trained in coffee knowledge and 70_ service. Store design, aroma all 71 _ the \Almost all Starbucks stores were corporately owned and controlled. Starbucks prided on the \its customers.

73_, you get more than coffee when you visit Starbucks; You get great people, first-rate music, a comfortable and upbeat meeting place, on brewing excellent coffee at home. At home you are part of a family. At work you are part of a company. And somewhere in between is a place where you can sit back and be yourself. That is what a Starbucks store is to many of its customers—a kind of \escape, read, 75_ or listen. The green Starbucks logo is a mermaid that looks like the end of the double image of the sea. It was designed by Terry Heckler, who got the 76_ from the wooden statue of the sea. Mermaid logo also 77_ original and modem meanings: her face is very simple, but with modern abstract forms of packaging.

Starbucks makes the typical American culture gradually broken down into elements of

78_ : the visual warmth, hearing the way, smelling the aroma of coffee and so on. Just think, through the huge glass windows, watching the crowded streets, __79_ sipping a coffee flavor, which is in line with the \life.

But the essence of Starbucks is not about the coffee, although it's 81_. coffee.

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Coffee is only a carrier. Coffee consumption, _82_, is and cultural.

68. A. customers 69. A. ensured 70. A. employment 71. A. resulted from 72. A. coming across 73. A. Actually 74.A. dependence 75.A. negotiate 76.A. imagination 77. A.conveys 78.A.brand 79.A. greedily 80. A. easy 81.A. great

82.A. for instance B. managers B. assured B.customer B. contributed B.making up B.Gradually B. effect B. perform B. inspiration B. creates B. logo B. gently B. busy B. rare

B. to large extent D. clients C.people

D. confessed C.predicted

C. environment D. greeting C. benefited from D. stuck to

C. going beyond D. depending on

D. extremely C.Luckily

D.remark C. advice

D. chat C. quarrel

D. illustration C. patent

D. cultivates C. credits

D. experience C. possession

D. indifferently C. reluctantly

D. energetic C. miserable

D. bitter C. expensive

D. by contrast C. in addition

Section B

Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Food and ideas about cooking it have been passing from one part of the world to another since the Stone Age Revolution began in the Middle East. They were part of the spread of civilization, though since people change their tastes in painting and architecture much faster than their tastes in food, knowledge of what was eaten is far less than knowledge of the houses that were lived in or the clothes that were worn. Cookery books were few before the 17th century, and how close are the general eating habits at any period to the cookery books published?

Changes owed more to the movement of people, of animals, of merchants, of rich landowners, than to books. Before canals, railways, good roads, most people ate what could be produced within a thirty-mile area. Ports did better, of course, if they were on a route. For most people food was basically regional food and there was not always enough of it either. Even in good areas, poor country people had little to eat since most of what they produced went for sale at local markets. Only rich men could buy expensive seeds to grow unusual vegetables, or employ gardeners who

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understood how to grow fine fruit unfamiliar to the place they lived in, or afford cooks trained elsewhere to provide variety at mealtimes.

The undoubted advantages of present-day large-scale manufacture and organization—wonderful cleanliness, quick distribution, prices that allow far more people than. ever in the past to satisfy their hunger— have not so far come to us together with an excellent quality of flavor. Moreover, in a world where possibilities are endless, business seems to to limit choice beyond a certain level. Of the 300 varieties of pears that listed by one French 17th-century gardener-even though he had to admit that only 30 of them were really worth eating—only about half a are now produced in Europe.

33. Why do we know so little about the food people ate in the past? A.Eating habits used to change very quickly.

B.There were no cookery books before the 19th century. C.People did not change their tastes in food fast, D.There are very few paintings of food.

84. Changes in eating habits were caused by A.shortages of basic food B.the movement of population C.developments in agriculture D. the recipes of foreign cooks

85. What is the problem with our food today? A. It's too expensive for many people. B. It's manufactured too quickly. C. It doesn't taste as it used to.

D. It's exported in very large quantities.

86. What point is the author making in the example about the pear in the last paragraph?

A.There is not as much variety now as before.

B.There was more variety in the past but quality was not as high. C. Most pears that were produced were not fit to eat. D. There is more variety outside Europe than in Europe.


Ever had a time in your life where cash hasn't been as plentiful as you'd like and you've needed to tighten the budget? We all have,

According to the World Bank, global food prices, driven in part by higher fuel costs, are 36% above their level a year ago. Food and drink are among our biggest ongoing expenses, which means it's also one of the biggest opportunities for savings.

There are changes of the way you buy and prepare food that can make a big impact on your bank account. Making significant savings on your grocery bill isn't as hard as you might think, and you can still live well. Here is how. COOK FROM THE BEGINNING

In general, the more preparation or processing steps a food hag undergone, the

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higher the price. So it's best to cook things from the very beginning where possible. Even small changa can make a big cost difference. Try buying unwashed whole lettuce or salad leaves and giving them a cleaning yourself, The per-ki10?am price can be as much as ten times more for prepackaged salad leaves. STEWNG MEAT

Supply and demand play a big role in food pricing. Food that isn't fashionable can be excellent value for money. Unfortunately, lamb chops are not as inexpensive as they once were—but there are still plenty of other options. Look for oxtail, chicken wing tip' and feet, or ? other organs such as livers and lungs. A quick internet search will give you a host of ideas on how to prepare unfamiliar ingredients. A good place to start is with slow cooked casseroles or stews, BUY IN BULK

A good rule, based on experience, is that is cheaper\always better value. It does pay to compare the price to make sure you really are saving-a—if you can, check the ''unit pricing\—pates prices by volume and weight. And make sure you'll not end up throwing half of it out than using it by the expiry date.


Planning ahead is great way to economize and reduce the risk of expensive impulse purchases, so make a list of what you need before you head to the supermarket. It's also a good idea not to shop while you are hungry to resist the urge to pick up unnecessary food items, IGNORE THE LIST

Give yourself the flexibility to make the most of the supermarket specials and discounts, and to use different ingredients or change your weekly recipe plans depending on what's on sale or the best value for money on the day. 87. It can be learned from the passage that A. there may be less opportunity for you to save money when food prices are increasing greatly.

B.checking the expiry date is important when buying foods. C.the way we prepare our food affects our expenses.

D.changing your weekly recipe plans will help you stay healthy. 88. \

A. Buy foods in large quantities B. Buy unpackaged goods Only C.Bu y what's on sale D.Buy goods in smaller pack sizes 89. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Prepackaged food is usually of high quality.

B.We had better make a plan in advance about what to buy before going to the supermarket.

C.Preparing unfamiliar ingredients usually costs your money and time.

D.We should ignore the supermarket specials and discounts to avoid being tricked.


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