2012-2013学年五年级第一学期单元测试(9--12) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2012-2013学年五年级第一学期单元测试(9--12)更新完毕开始阅读


(Unit 9---Unit12)

姓名: 班别: 学号: 成绩:



( ) 1. A: cool B: cold C: coat ( ) 2. A: windy B: wind C: cloudy ( ) 3. A: helped B: talked C: visited ( ) 4. A: house B: cow C: mouse

( ) 5. A: call my friend B: talk to my friend C: look at my friend ( ) 6. A: this morning B: last night C: last week

( ) 7. A: Tree Planting Day B: Tree Planting Camp C: planting tree ( ) 8. A: What was your hair like yesterday?

B: What was the bed like yesterday? C: What were your shoes like yesterday?

( ) 9. A: What did you do last week? B: What did he do last Sunday? C: What did she do last Monday?

( ) 10. A: Did he study yesterday? B: Did she study Chinese yesterday? C: Did Tim watch TV yesterday?


( ) 1. A: It’s white. B: It was wet. C: It’s a diary. ( ) 2. A: Yes, it was. B: Sorry, I don’t know. C: Yes, it is .

( ) 3. A: They watched TV. B: They are watching TV. C: They watches TV. ( ) 4. A: Yes, she did. B: No, she isn’t. C: Yes , she is . ( ) 5. A: Yes, they were. B: Yes, they are. C: Yes, they did.

三、听音判断是否与图相符,对的写“T”, 错的写“F ”。(8%) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 1


This is my _____________. It’s __________ now. I __________ it yesterday. The books _________ on the floor. The shirt ______ under the desk. My sister and I ___________ the computer games last night. And we __________ English after that.


一、按要求写单词。(16x0.5%=8%) A: 写 4个有关天气的形容词。

________________ ________________ _______________ _______________

B: 写出4个动词词组(可以是现在式,也可以是过去式)

_________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________

C: 写出以下动词的过去式。

carry______________ is ____________ listen____________ look_________ use________________ practice__________ paint___________ do__________


1. What _______(do) he ________(do) last night? He _______(call) his friend. 2. What________(be) the weather like today?

3. _______(do) they ___________(study) English yesterday? Yes. 4. What _________(be) the pants like this morning? 5. Let’s __________(put) the books there.


( ) 1. What _____ his hair like last week?

A: are B: were C: was ( ) 2. ______ you watch TV last night?

A: Do B: Did C: Does ( ) 3. What _____ you do the day before yesterday?

A: don’t B: did C: does ( ) 4. Did you study math last night? No, I _________.

A: don’t B: did C: didn’t ( ) 5. Did you ____________to music last night?

A: listened B: watched C: listen ( ) 6. I ______ my friend yesterday.

A: visited B: visiting C: visits ( ) 7. They ______pictures last night.

A: paints B: painting C: painted ( ) 8. I didn’t ________ the computer last night.

A: played B: play C: plays


( ) 9. They _________ his books to school every day.

A: carry B: carries C: carried ( ) 10. 你想知道朋友昨天有没有煮晚餐,你问他 :_______.

A: Did you cook breakfast yesterday? B: Did he cook lunch yesterday. C: Did you cook dinner yesterday?

( ) 11.你想问同学他昨天做了什么,你会问他:_________.

A: What did he do yesterday? B: What did you do yesterday? C: What did she do last week?

( ) 12. 你想知道同学喜不喜欢植树,你会问:___________.

A: Do you like painting trees? B: Do you like planting trees? C: What did you do ?

( ) 13. 你告诉妹妹说,你可以看着本书就了解了, 你说:_________. A: You can read . B: You can read this book. C: Don’t ask me. ( ) 14. 妈妈问你今天和昨天的衣服怎样,你会说:__________. A: My clothes were dirty yesterday, but they are clean now. B: My clothes was heavy.

C: My books were on the floor but they are on the desk now.


Model A: It was rainy yesterday but it’s sunny today. 1. cold / warm

____________________________________________________________________ Model B: My bedroom was messy this morning but it’s tidy now. 2. shoes / wet / dry

____________________________________________________________________ 3. shirt / clean / dirty

____________________________________________________________________ Model C: What did he do yesterday? He played the drum. 4. she / listen to music

____________________________________________________________________ 5. they / carry the books

____________________________________________________________________ Model D: Did you study this morning? No, I watched TV. 6. plant trees / paint a picture

____________________________________________________________________ 7. practice the piano / visit my friends



1. did / what / the / do / yesterday / he / day / before (?)

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. yesterday / she / a / did / hamburger / buy (?)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. parade / what / they / did / do / the / in(?)


_____________________________________________________________________ 4. there / a / is / slow / toad / the / on / road(?)

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. shirts / were / my / but / clean / are / dirty / they / now(.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 6. room / his / messy / is / was / this / tidy / morning / but / it / now (.)



1. What _______ your clothes _________ yesterday? They were ____________. 2. Was your bedroom ____________? No, it was ____________.

3. What ________ he __________ yesterday? He ___________ to music. 4. _______ you ____________ TV yesterday? No, I ___________.

5. He didn’t __________ the windows yesterday , he _____________dinner. 6. He ________ a computer last night. 1. 2. 3.





Yesterday was Sunday. It was sunny . Jim didn’t go to school. In the morning, he watered the flowers in the garden at home. The flowers were beautiful. In the afternoon, he visited his friends then they played basketball under a tree. In the evening, he watched TV and played computer games. He was very happy yesterday. A:

( ) 1. It was sunny today.

( ) 2. He played basketball in the morning yesterday.

( ) 3. He watched TV and played with his friend in the afternoon. ( ) 4. There is a garden in Jim’s house.

B: It was _________ yesterday. Jim was at ________ in the morning. He __________ his friend yesterday afternoon and __________ TV yesterday evening.


(9—12)听力答案: 一、

1. A: cool 2. C: cloudy 3. B: talked 4. C: mouse 5. A: call my friend 6. B: last night 7. B: Tree Planting Camp 8. A: What was your hair like yesterday? 9. A: What did you do last week? 10. C: Did Tim watch TV yesterday? 二

1. What was the weather like yesterday? 2. Was your shirt dry this morning? 3. What did they do last Sunday? 4. Did Jenny plant tree last year?

5. Did they play basketball yesterday morning?

三、1. What is the weather like today? It’s cloudy. (F)

2. What was your shirt like yesterday? It was wet. (T) 3. Were your shoes dirty yesterday? Yes, they were. (T) 4. What did he do last night? He talked to his friend. (F)

5. Did she plant tree last Sunday? No, she listened to music. (F) 6. The bedroom was messy this morning. (F)

7. Did you help your grandfather yesterday? No, I painted a picture. (T) 8. What did you do in the parade? I played the trumpet. (T)


This is my bedroom. It’s tidy now. I cleaned it yesterday. The books were on the floor. The shirt was under the desk. My sister and I played the computer games last night. And we studied English after that.