新视野BOOK2 UNIT 8 答案 联系客服

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him. 这个年轻人志向高远,非常希望能有所成就,让父母为他骄傲。 Suggested answer: 这个年轻人志向高远,非常希望能有所成就,让父母为他骄傲。


1. In the 1950s and 1960s, there was a steady growth in the US


2. In the good old days, most people chose to have a nice comfortable career in a salaried job.

A. T

A. T

B. F

B. F

3. It has now become impossible for most Americans to hold a long-term salaried job.

A. T

B. F

4. All American young men know what they are going to do in the future.

A. T

B. F

5. Young Americans who can’t find a position in society feel angry about their future.

6. According to the text, this is a pregnant moment only for major industrial economies.

A. T

A. T

B. F

B. F

7. Now we are at a moment in history when no great changes take place in our lives.

8. eople have got used to being without a job and to getting

lower pay, so they will not feel more and more anxious as

they read periodicals about the economy.

A. T

A. T

B. F

B. F

Vocabulary Task 1


Why don't you much better.

Your answer(s) eliminate

eliminatethese unnecessary words? It will make your article

Correct answer(s) eliminate



displayed Your answer(s)

no sign of happiness after she heard the good news.

Correct answer(s)




This point is

implicit. You'd better clarify it.

Correct answer(s) implicit

Your answer(s) implicit


A large

proportionof birds in this area will die in the end if they are not


Your answer(s) proportion

Correct answer(s) proportion


The police suspected that the murder was

Your answer(s) motivated

motivated Correct answer(s) motivated

by money, not hatred.


The country faced the

prospectof a winter without adequate food or

energy; the government was trying to find a way out.

Your answer(s) prospect

Correct answer(s) prospect


Two hotels are to be

constructedin this area to meet the rising demand of

tourists in the next few years.

Your answer(s) constructed

Correct answer(s) constructed


Both year.

civiland military groups would have to spend less in the following

Your answer(s) civil

Correct answer(s) civil


When considering people for jobs, we give experience.

Your answer(s) preference

preferenceto those with some

Correct answer(s) preference


Carol will be in charge of the office during my


Your answer(s) absence

Correct answer(s) absence


Having turkey (火鸡) is

traditionalat Thanksgiving in the United States. Correct answer(s) traditional

Your answer(s) traditional



comparison Your answer(s) comparison

with London, Paris is small in area.

Correct answer(s) comparison


Industrialthe workers in an industry.

Your answer(s) Industrial

relations concern the relationship between the management and

Correct answer(s) Industrial


It will take more than laws to bring about genuine racial society.

Your answer(s) equality

equalityin our

Correct answer(s) equality

Vocabulary Task 2

1. I love literature and admire a lot of famous writers, and I like Ernest Hemingway on particular. Correct form: in particular; Synonym: especially Your answer(s) especially especially Correct answer(s) in particular especially/particularly 2. She planned to visit New York, Tokyo, Beijing, Paris, and many other cities. By short, she wanted to go to many big cities around the world. Correct form: in short; Synonym: in brief Your answer(s) in brief in brief Correct answer(s) in short in brief