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Parametric Modeling for Modular Fixture Elements and the

Design of Body Drilling

Abstract: In recent years, products updates faster and the demand of product is variety. This requires products have a greater flexibility. Therefore, a computer-aided modular fixture design system is necessary. This paper completed the following three areas of content.

First, construction of graphics library based on parametric modeling for modular fixture elements. Modular Fixtures consist of basic parts, supporting parts, locate parts, pressed parts, fasteners, components of large holes, medium holes on components, etc. we can completed the parametric modeling effectively based on SOLIDWORKS platform.This paper completed the medium-sized holes parameterized components in storage.

Second,the establishment of computer-aided modular fixture design system. SOLIDWORKS software and the computer are the supporting of the system. The principles of the modular fixture designing and assembly are the control rules. The system can invoke the component series and will produce a set of modular fixture program

Third,verifying the computer-aided modular fixture design system. This paper use this computer-aided modular fixture design system design the S195 diesel engine spindle boring combination fixture program. Based on SOLIDWORKS platform, this paper makes use of the virtual assembly of SOLIDWORKS to design a modular fixture program. This paper verify the validity of computer-aided design system.

Keywords:Design system; Modular Fixture; Parametric ; SOLIDWORKS; virtual assembly


目 录

第1章 绪论 ..................................................... 1

1.1. 课题研究背景 .............................................. 1

1.1.1. 专用机床夹具的不足 .................................. 1 1.1.2. 柔性组合夹具的优势 .................................. 1 1.1.3. 柔性组合夹具拼合困难 ................................ 1 1.1.4. 柔性组合夹具元件参数化是前提 ........................ 1 1.2. 课题研究目标和意义 ......................................... 1

1.2.1. 研究的目标............................................ 2 1.2.2. 研究的意义............................................ 2 1.3. 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 ................................... 3

1.3.1. 国内研究现状.......................................... 3 1.3.2. 国际研究现状.......................................... 4 1.4. 课题研究内容及技术路线 ..................................... 5

1.4.1. 研究内容.............................................. 5 1.4.2. 技术路线.............................................. 6 1.5. 论文结构 ................................................... 6 本章小结 ........................................................ 7 第2章 定位元件参数化建库及系统构建 ............................... 8

2.1. 基于SOLIDWORKS平台定位元件参数化建库设计方法 .............. 8 2.2. 柔性组合夹具元件简介 ....................................... 9 2.3. 元件参数化设计 ............................................ 10 2.4. 定位元件参数化图库建立示例 ................................ 10 2.5. 图库建立中的注意问题 ...................................... 15 本章小结 ....................................................... 16 第3章 工艺规程优化 .............................................. 17

3.1. S195柴油机机体工艺分析.................................... 17 3.2. 零件加工工艺方案比较 ...................................... 17

3.2.1. 工艺路线方案一....................................... 17 3.2.2. 工艺路线方案二....................................... 20 3.2.3. 关键工序加工方案分析比较............................. 23 3.3. 夹具设计指定工序主轴钻的详细设计 .......................... 24

3.3.1. 机床、刀具、量具的选择............................... 24 3.3.2. 切削用量的选择(计算)............................... 24 本章小结 ....................................................... 26 第4章 柔性组合夹具装配设计 ...................................... 27

4.1. SOLIDWORKS平台的虚拟装配.................................. 27 4.2. 柔性组合夹具拼装的基本理论 ................................ 27 4.3. 机体钻孔柔性组合夹具设计 .................................. 29

4.3.1. 定位方案分析......................................... 29 4.3.2. 夹紧方案设计......................................... 29 4.3.3. 夹紧力计算........................................... 30 4.3.4. 定位误差的计算....................................... 30

4.4. 机体钻孔柔性组合夹具虚拟装配设计 .......................... 31 本章小结 ....................................................... 33 注释和参考文献 ................................................... 34 谢 辞 ........................................................... 35