江苏省启东中学2018届高三英语最后一模试题(含解析) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章江苏省启东中学2018届高三英语最后一模试题(含解析)更新完毕开始阅读

◆ They flood into our lives. The influences of ◆ They ____51____ to remove us from certain databases. junk mails ◆ They cause receivers to be ____52____ about the possible risks. ◆ It will guarantee all EU citizens the ____54____ to The ____53____ of accept or refuse. GDPR ◆ It will require privacy ____55____ from companies. ◆ Most receivers are ____57____ to continue receiving The ____56____ from most receivers and the policies such emails. ◆ Some firms hold activities so that people may win a ____58____ if they go in. adopted by some firms ◆ Some firms offer to update people’s communication preferences. ◆ Companies hope to obtain explicit ____59____ from The reason and bottom line for companies sending such emails their users. ◆ The information you left ______60______ doesn’t mean you allow them to send you stuff. ◆ Without your reply, companies may take you off their databases.

【答案】51. threaten

52. concerned/worried/anxious 53. goals/aims/purposes/functions 54. right 55. protection/respect 56. response(s)/reaction(s) 57. unwilling/reluctant 58. prize/bonus

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59. consent/permission/approval/agreement

60. unintentionally/unpurposely/indeliberately/undesignedly/unconsciously 【解析】这是一篇新闻报道。GDPR的生效引发了很多公司给欧盟公民发电子邮件询问是否希望继续收到该公司的邮件,文章介绍了人们对该类邮件的反应以及公司会采用的一些对应措施。

51. 根据该空后面的“remove us from certain databases”可知,该题信息在第二段中的“Often the emails warn that if you don’t respond, you will be removed from the company’s database”,根据该句可知,垃圾邮件威胁要将我们从公司数据库中删除。故该空填动词“威胁”:threaten。threaten to do意为“威胁要做某事”。

52. 由第二段中的“What action, if any, do you need to take? Could it affect you financially?”可知,垃圾邮件引发了收件人的一些担心。该空在系动词之后,应填形容词做表语,故填“担心的”:concerned/worried/anxious。

53. 由第三段中的“It is designed to…”可知,该段介绍的是GDPR的目的,该空位于定冠词the之后,故该空应填名词“目的”:goals/aims/purposes/functions。

54. 由第三段中的“It is designed to give all EU citizens the right to know what data is stored on them and to have it deleted”可知,GDPR的目的之一就是给所有欧盟公民了解哪些数据可以储存,哪些数据可以删除的权利,故该空填名词right(权利)。

55. 由第三段中的“protect them from privacy breaches”可知,GDPR可以保护欧盟公民不受侵犯隐私的伤害。该空做require的宾语,故应填名词protection(保护)/respect(尊重)。

56. 第五段主要介绍了收到此类邮件的人们的反应以及一些公司采取的相应政策。该空在定冠词the之后,故填名词response(s)(回应)/reaction(s)(反应)。

57. 由第五段中的“the proportion of people saying they want to continue receiving a company’s emails - at UK micro-businesses was averaging just 10%, which meant they could lose 90% of their subscribers - the life-blood for their business”可知,大部分人都不愿意收到这样的邮件,该空做are的表语,故应填形容词unwilling/reluctant(不乐意的)。

58. 由倒数第三段中的“So it’s no wonder some firms have adopted policies such as offering to enter people into a prize draw in return for them going in and updating their communication preferences”可知,有一些公司会采纳一些政策,例如:如果人们进

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59. 由倒数第二段中的“the company that occasionally emails you newsletters is now asking for your consent is perhaps because you never explicitly gave it permission to send you stuff ”可知,因为你从未明确的允许某个公司给你寄送东西,所有,这个公司现在给你发电子邮件寻求你的许可。该空做receive的宾语,故应填名词consent/permission/approval/agreement(许可,同意)。

60. 由倒数第二段中的“…you never explicitly gave it permission to send you stuff. Maybe you only get its emails because you went to an event it organized ages ago or you once downloaded something from its website”可知,或许,你只是数年前参加过某公司组织的活动,或者你曾经从该公司的网站上下载了某些东西,你就收到了它的邮件。但是,你从未允许它给你寄送东西。总之,你无意间留下的信息并不意味着你允许某公司给你寄送东西。该空修饰动词leave,且意为“无意地”,故应填副词“unintentionally / unpurposely / indeliberately / undesignedly / unconsciously”。 第五部分 书面表达(百强校英语解析团队专供)(满分25分) 61. 请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

Recently, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH) issued a guidance to open cultural heritage buildings to the public, encouraging local governments, cultural heritage departments and organizations using or managing such buildings to better bring these buildings’ cultural and social value into play, on the precondition of full protection. The SACH is clear that, no matter what their current conditions are, heritage buildings should be opened as much as possible.

In the past, due to insufficient preserving technologies and lack of funds, repairing work was seen as a major hassle, and thus opening the buildings to the public was difficult. Even famous heritage places like the Palace Museum in Beijing were plagued by such difficulties.

Today, China has dramatically increased its input into cultural heritage protection, and archaeological protection technologies are improving. The time is ripe for heritage buildings to be opened up. 【写作内容】

1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;

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2. 用约120个单词就“对公众开放文物建筑”这一话题,阐述你的看法,并用2~3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。 【写作要求】

1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3. 不必写标题。



【答案】With more input into cultural heritage protection, cultural heritage buildings to the public are encouraged to be opened to the public to better bring these buildings’ cultural and social value into play.

I am in favour of this practice. The value of such buildings mainly lies in two aspects. First, they are of archaeological significance; second, they inherit and spread traditional culture and thus promote cultural transmission. If a heritage building is closed, only the first aspect is made use of.

Only opening heritage buildings can fully display their social value, and to make them so is the best way for us to show our respect for such buildings. Besides, opening cultural heritage buildings to the public can best satisfy their demands for spiritual life, thus benefiting the generations to come.

In short, opening cultural heritage buildings to the public is a win-win situation. Only in this way can we inherit our cultural heritages better.


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亮点说明:所给范文要点齐全,内容充实,条理清楚,点面齐全。first,second,besides,in short的使用使文章叙述条理清楚。适当运用了一些较好的词汇和句式:1. 被动语态:cultural heritage buildings to the public are encouraged to be opened to the public 2. with复合结构:With more input into cultural heritage protection 3. 倒装句:Only in this way can we inherit our cultural heritages better. 4. 精彩词汇:lies in two aspects, of archaeological significance, In short, a win-win situation.



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