江苏省启东中学2018届高三英语最后一模试题(含解析) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章江苏省启东中学2018届高三英语最后一模试题(含解析)更新完毕开始阅读

TYPES OF ‘TEACHING EXPERIENCE’ PROGRAMMES: Angloville Junior -ideal for 18-35 MY COMMITMENTS: Participants combine several 3-11 day programs into a longer package ranging year-old Anglo-TEFL participants. You will from 4-8 weeks in total. During each be tutoring teenagers aged 12-18 years old. program, participants talk on average A lot of games, sports, conversations and fun for around 10-11 hours a day. The most to be expected! important difference between Angloville Adult -ideal for 30+ year-old Angloville and a traditional English Anglo-TEFL participants. You will be course is that we do not teach through tutoring adult learners. Most days consist books or theory. We will provide of 1 on 1 conversations with various professionals. APPLY IF YOU: ● Are aged 18+ for junior programs and aged 25+ for adult programs ● Are a native English speaker ● Have completed High School ● Have ability to cope with challenges, good communication skills, cultural sensitivity Open-mindedness is key to being a good participant in Angloville. If you enjoy new cultures, experiences, and people, this will undoubtedly be a wonderful opportunity for you.

36. What do we know about the Angloville programs? A. Meals are partly sponsored by the programs. B. Confirmation fee will be fully refunded later. C. 1 on 1 talks are arranged for junior participants. D. Material-stimulated talks make Angloville different.

37. What is the determining factor to be a good participant in Angloville?

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materials, but only to help stimulate (刺激) diverse conversations. A. Academic achievements. B. Communication skills. C. Cultural sensitivity. D. Open-mindedness. 【答案】36. D 37. D

【解析】这是一篇应用文。介绍了有关Angloville 项目的有关信息以及申请的条件。 36. 细节理解题。由MY COMMITMENTS:部分中的“The most important difference between Angloville and a traditional English course is that we do not teach through books or theory. We will provide materials, but only to help stimulate (刺激) diverse conversations”可知,Angloville和传统英语课程不同的地方是我们不通过课本和理论进行教学,我们提供材料,唯一目的是刺激不同的交谈。结合选项可知,D选项符合题意。 37. 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Open-mindedness is key to being a good participant in Angloville”可知,成为一个好的参与者的关键因素是思想开放,故D选项正确。 【点睛】细心审题,直接就题找答案。解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文,而应采取“带着问题找答案”的方法,先从问题中抓住关键性词语(题眼),然后以此为线索,运用略读及查读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的:段落、语句,仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。在第二小题中,考生可根据题干中的“the determining factor(决定性因素)”来确定答案信息在最后一段中的“Open-mindedness is key to being a good participant in Angloville”,从而直接确定答案为D选项。


Recent summer temperatures in parts of Australia were high enough to melt asphalt. As global warming speeds up the heat and climatic events increase, many plants may be unable to cope. But at least one species of eucalyptus tree can resist extreme heat by continuing to “sweat” when other essential processes stop, a new study finds.

As plants change sunlight into food, or photosynthesize (光合作用), they absorb carbon dioxide through pores on their leaves. These pores also release water via transpiration(蒸腾), which circulates nutrients through the plant and helps cool it by evaporation(蒸发). But exceptionally high temperatures are known to greatly reduce photosynthesis—and most existing plant models suggest this should also decrease transpiration, leaving trees in danger of fatally overheating. Because it is difficult for scientists to control and vary trees’ conditions in their natural environment, little is known about how individual species handle this situation.

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Ecologist John Drake of the S.U.N.Y. College of Environmental Science and Forestry and his colleagues grew a dozen Parramatta red gum (Eucalyptus parramattensis) trees in large, climate-controlled plastic pods that separated the trees from the surrounding forest for a year in Richmond, Australia. Six of the trees were grown at surrounding air temperatures and six at temperatures three degrees Celsius higher. The researchers withheld (扣留) water from the surface soil of all 12 trees for a month to imitate a mild dry spell, then induced a four-day “extreme” heat wave: They raised the maximum temperatures in half of the pods(three with surrounding temperatures and three of the warmer ones)— to 44 degrees ℃.

Photosynthesis ground to a near halt in the trees facing the artificial heat wave. But to the researchers’ surprise, these trees continued to transpire at

close-to-normal levels, effectively cooling themselves and their surroundings. The trees grown in warmer conditions coped just as well as the others, and photosynthesis rates bounced back to normal after the heat wave passed, Drake and his colleagues reported online in Global Change Biology.

The researchers think the Parramatta red gums were able to effectively sweat — even without photosynthesis — because they are particularly good at tapping into water deep in the soil. But if a heat wave and a severe drought (干旱) were to hit at the same time and the groundwater was exhausted, the trees may not be so lucky, Drake says.

Other scientists call the finding encouraging. “It’s definitely good news,” says Trevor Keenan, an ecologist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, who was not part of the study. “It would be very interesting to know how this translates to other species,” he adds. Drake hopes to conduct similar experiments with trees common in North America.

38. How does one species of eucalyptus tree cope with extreme heat waves? A. By releasing water. B. By blocking sunlight.

C. By absorbing groundwater. D. By reducing photosynthesis. 39. What did the researchers do during their study? A. They grew all the trees in artificial temperatures.

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B. They induced a heat wave in a dozen pods of trees. C. They created climate-controlled surroundings for trees. D. They varied trees’ conditions in their natural environment.

40. The underlined phrase “ground to a near halt” in Paragraph 4 means “________”. A. continued B. substituted C. strengthened D. ceased

41. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs? A. Photosynthesis is necessary for the trees to sweat. B. No further experiments will be done other species. C. Other species will be transplanted to North America. D. Groundwater helps the trees survive the extreme heat. 【答案】38. A 39. C 40. D 41. D

【解析】这是一篇科普说明文。联合国环境科学与林业学院的生态学家John Drake和他的同事们通过对红桉树做实验,得出结论:在极度的高温中,红桉树仍然可以通过释放水分来抵抗热浪,获得生存。

38. 细节理解题。由第一段中的“But at least one species of eucalyptus tree can resist extreme heat by continuing to “sweat”可知,桉树通过“流汗”,即释放水分来抵抗极度的热,故A选项正确。

39. 细节理解题。由第三段中的“Ecologist John Drake… and his colleagues grew a dozen Parramatta red gum … trees in large, climate-controlled plastic pods that separated the trees from the surrounding forest for a year in Richmond, Australia.”可知,研究者们将12棵红桉树种植在巨大的,气候受控制的塑料舱里,这种塑料仓将这些树和周围的森林分离开来。结合选项可知,研究者们为这些树创造了一个气候受控制的生长环境,故C选项正确。

40. 词义猜测题。由第二段中的“But exceptionally high temperatures are known to greatly reduce photosynthesis”可知,极度的高温会减少光合作用。由第四段后面的内容可知,令研究者们惊讶的是,面对着人工制造出来的热浪,这些树继续以接近正常的水平蒸发,有效地使自己和周围的环境凉爽下来。结合这两点可以推知,面对人工制造出来的热浪,光合作用应该是大大减少,但这并没有影响树木的蒸发。划线部分意思应当接近于“大大减少,降低”这一类的意思,结合选项,D选项正确:cease意为“停止”。

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