辽师大版快乐英语六年级上册全册教案备课 联系客服

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should create an active and interesting teaching atmosphere ,set real situations and use the task-based approach to train the students’ communicative abilities. 【Textbook Analysis】 The topic and content of this textbook are close to Ss’ daily life.It emphasizes language application.There is one topic in each unit.The topic of Unit One is how to give advice.This lesson is the second lesson in Unit One. The content is something about giving gifts on the Double Ninth Day.Discussing what gift one should give to others is familiar to the Ss.So it’s easy to set a situation.And during making cards for the old people,we can arouse Ss’ interests and train Ss’ abilities in doing things creatively. 【Teaching Aims】

Knowledge:To master the new words and sentences :double,festival,show,fold,wish , What shall we do for them? Why not make some cards? Abilities:

1、Ss can use the sentences “What shall we do for them? Why not make some cards?”in real situations.

2、Ss can understand the dialogue in Learn to say and act the dialogue. 3、To cultivate the communicative abilities and operative abilities Feeling,Attitude and Value:

1、To arouse the Ss’ interests in English.

2、To train the Ss’ cooperative and creative abilities. 3、To arouse the Ss’ love for the old people.

【Key points and Difficult Points】The key points are the dialogue in Learn to say ,the

words and the sentences in Try to use.The difficult points are how to use the new drills in real situations.

【Teaching Style】Situation creating、task-based approach,operating by hands 【Teaching Process】

Step 1 .Revision ,warming-up and leading 1.Greeting

T:Hello,boys and girls.

Ss:Hello,Miss Gu. T:How are you?

Ss:I’m fine,thank you.How are you? T:I’m fine,thank you.Let’s play a game. Ss:OK. 2. Game

(Divide the class into two or three groups.The teacher says the words in a very low voice.Ss guess what it is.The student who is the first to stand up will read the word and spell it. Go over the words :campus,term,idea,report,should,shall,etc.) 【Thinking】After the greeting,the teacher uses a game to go over the words.The students who enjoy games very much will focus their attention at once.This method helps the Ss go over the old words,and at last when the student spells the word , “shall”,the teacher can introduce the word “double”. Step 2 . Presentation and learning

1、At the end of the game above,the student spells “shall” like this, S-H-A-L-L.The

teacher repeats like this, S-H-A-double L. Then write the word “double” on Bb.

T:Look at me.How shall we read it? Let me show you.

After showing the pronunciation ,ask Ss to read after the teacher.Then read one by one,two by two,in groups,whole class.

Teacher shows the wallcalendar,points to September 9.

T:There are a lot of festivals in China.For example,September 10 is the Teachers’ Day.It’s a festival for teachers.Look at this festival.It’s a festival for the old people.It’s Double Ninth Day.It means “chongyangjie”. Ask Ss to say “Double Ninth Day”

2.T:Double Ninth Day is a festival.It’s a festival for old people. (Bb handwriting “festival”)

T:Can you read ? Let me show you.

(Learn the word in the same way.Read ,spell and write the word in the air.) 3.T:The Double Ninth Day is coming.It’s a festival for the old people----your grandfather and your grandmother.They love you very much.What shall we do for them?(Write this sentence on Bb,Ss read after the teacher) S1:Buy some good food. S2:Buy flowers.

T:Good children!Why not make some cards?(Write this sentence on the Bb.Read after the teacher)

(Show Ss a cardboard.)



T:How to make a card?Let me show you. “show”(Bb handwriting:show)

Teach this word with the same method.After Ss have learned to read,the teacher helps Ss make sentences with it,such as “ Show me your book.Show the way to me.etc”. 4.Teacher points out the pronunciation of “ow”in the word “show”,then introduces the word “old”,then “fold”.Write on the Bb,old---fold.Teacher shows the meaning of “fold” by doing action.Ss learn to read and write the word in different ways.

5、Teacher shows the cardboard again,and says:Oh ,What shall I do?Yes,make a card.Let me show you the steps.

First,fold the cardboard like this.Then fold it like this.Finally,what shall I do?Yes,write our wish on it.

Write the word “wish” on the Bb.Teacher shows the reading.Then ask Ss to read.Ss read and write it in different ways.Then ask Ss to say the plural form of wish,wishes.Ss try to make sentences with it.

【Thinking】The teacher begins from showing the date of the Double Ninth Day,then shows the new words step by step. When the teacher is talking to the Ss in real situations,the new words and sentences are introduced and learned.The teaching process is natural and smooth.

6.Have a competition to consolidate the words and sentences

Teacher points at the words and sentences on the Bb.The class reads together first.Then ask two students from different groups to read quickly.At last Teacher says the word or sentences in Chinese,Ss stand up as quickly as they can and say