辽师大版快乐英语六年级上册全册教案备课 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章辽师大版快乐英语六年级上册全册教案备课更新完毕开始阅读


【 Title of Lesson】Lesson One 【Time】

【Students Analysis】At the beginning of the new term,every student is confident and excited. They all hope that they will make some progress in the new term.They still like games.They like to do things that the adults should do.Their English abilities have been developed in the past five years.If the teacher creates the real situation in the class,most of them can understand. When the teacher asks them to offer some suggestions for the school,they will be happy to finish.

【Curriculum Analysis】The curriculum suggests English teaching must concern the students’ feeling and try to arouse the students’ interests and enthusiasm in English.The teacher should create an active and interesting teaching atmosphere ,set real situations and use the task-based approach to train the students’ communicative abilities.

【Textbook Analysis】 The topic and content of this textbook is close to Ss’ daily life.It emphasizes language application.There is one topic in each unit.The topic of Unit one is how to offer advice.This lesson is the first lesson in Unit One.The students will learn the methods of advising on how to make our school more beautiful.To master the knowledge in this lesson is very important for the goal of the whole unit.This lesson is the base. 【Teaching Aims】

Knowledge:To master the new words and sentences:term,campus,idea,report,What shall

we do? We should plant more flowers. Abilities:

1、Ss can give some advice with the sentences “What shall we do?We should ?. ” 2、Ss can understand the dialogue in Learn to say and act the dialogue. 3、To cultivate the communicative abilities. Feeling,Attitude and Value:

1、To arouse the Ss’ interests in English.Especially pay attention to the interests of the weak students.

2、To train the Ss’ cooperative and creative abilities. 3、To deepen the Ss’ love for the class and the school.

【Key points and Difficult Points】The key points are the dialogue in Learn to say ,the words and the sentences in Try to use.The difficult points are how to use the new words and sentences in real situations.

【Teaching Style】Situation creating、task-based approach 【Teaching Process】

Step 1.Warming-up and Leading

(The bell is ringing.)T:Oh,it’s time to have the class.What shall we do?We should begin our class. Class begins!(Ss stand up.)Good morning,boys and girls! Ss:Good morning,Miss Gu. T:Glad to see you again. Ss:Glad to see you. T:How are you?

Ss:Fine,thank you.And you?

T:I’m fine,too.Thank you. Sit down,please.

T:I had a good vacation.I played computer games and went to the beach.What did you do ?Did you have a good vacation? S1:Yes,I did.I went to Beijing. S2:Yes,I did.I played football.

【Thinking】As the class begins,the teacher talks to the Ss friendly.This can not only shorten the distance between T and Ss,but also make Ss enter the English world.At the same time,the teacher uses some of the important sentences in the talking,which gives Ss the first impression.This is a preparation of feeling and knowledge for the coming teaching. Step 2.Introduction and learning 1. Learn the word “term”

T:I see.You all had a good vacation.But the vacation was over.It’s a new term.This term we should learn Book 11.And today we should learn Lesson One. (Blackboard handwriting:Lesson One ,then “term”) T:Read after me. “term”

(Ss read.Repeat in groups, some individuals,whole class.) T:Can you say a sentence with “term”? S3:It’s a new term.

S4:I’m in Grade 6 this term. ?

(If someone says,“I should study hard this term.”,the teacher can use it to lead to the new drill.) 2. Learn “campus”

T:It’s a new term.Our school needs our help.Can you help our school?(Ss:Yes.) T:OK.First give me some ideas or advice about our campus. (Blackboard writing: campus)

Teacher shows the pronunciation.Then ask Ss to repeat. One by one. In groups.Whole class.Write the word in the air. 3. Learn “report”

T:We want to make our campus more beautiful.What shall we do?Please discuss in groups and say like this “We should ?”.

(Divide the Ss into three or four groups. First discuss in the group,then have a competition.Ask someone to report.) T:OK!Who can make a report to me?

(Write “report” on Bb,Ss learn to read,practise to spell.Ask Ss to translate “make a report to our headmaster”and read it) 4.Learn “idea”

(Ask the Ss to report.After the student reports,the teacher comments:Good idea.) T:You have so many good ideas.

(Writing on Bb:idea,Ss read this word in different forms,such as reading in a low voice,reading loudly,reading in groups, reading one by one,reading two by two,etc.Then practise to spell it,write in the air or on the desk)