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Where did you go over the winter holiday? My family and I went to Sanya. Really? Did you like it? Yes, it was so warm.

Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? We went there by plane.

How was the beach? What did you do there?

It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? Sure.

How was your summer holiday, Yifan?

It was good. I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures.

What’s your name?How about “Max”? Hello, Max!

Friday, April 23rd

Today was a sunny day. In the morning, we rode a bike for three people. Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. That was fun! We took pictures of the beautiful countryside. We bought some gifts and ate

some delicious food. In the afternoon, Mum ate some bad fruit and didn’t feel well. So we stayed in the hotel. Dad and I wanted to make her happy. We dressed up and made a funny play. Robin played the part of a dog. He was so cute. Max liked him so much. He jumped on him and licked him. Of course, Robin didn’t like it. We laughed and laughed. It was a bad day but also a good day!

Am I now on the moon? I can’t believe it! She must be Chang’e. Oh, there is the rabbit.

It’s time to go. Good! Here comes a spaceship. How was your holiday? It was fun. Where did you go? I went to the moon. How did you go there? By spaceship. What did you see?

I saw Chang’e, the rabbit and the tree. Did you take any pictures?

Yes, I did. Oops, where did I put the pictures? Oh, it was a dream.

Unit Four Then and now Yifan, that’s your father. Wow!

You weren’t very big then, Mr Wu!

No, so I didn’t like PE class very much. I couldn’t run fast or play basketball well. Our school was small!

We didn’t have a library, and there weren’t any computer rooms at all. There was no gym either!

Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school. Tell us about your school, please.

There was only one small building on a hill. Could you see stars at night? Yes, I liked the stars.

Me too. One day I’m going to visit the moon.

The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. How do you know that?

Easy, I looked it up on the Internet.

Ah! There were no computers or Internet in my time.

John, come and look at Mike’s photos!

That’s funny. Mike! You’re wearing a pink T-shirt. Yes, but I don’t like pink now. We are all different now!

Right. Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class. How about you? Well, I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day. I like it very much. That’s good exercise.

I didn’t like winter before. I thought it was too cold, and I couldn’t go cycling. How about now?

Now I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.

What a dream!

Wu Yifan had a race with his father and Max. There were many people there. His father ran very fast, but Wu Yifan could not. There was nothing he could do. He was so worried. “I could run fast at school,” he thought. “Why am I so slow now?”

Then Robin said, “Drink this!” and gave Wu Yifan some water. Wu Yifan drank it and suddenly he felt good. He could run fast again. There was a second race. There were many animals in that race. Wu