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Research and Application on Quality

Management System of Standards

专 业:企业现场管理 学 生:

指导教师:××× 副教授

吉林大学 二○一○年×月


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摘 要





The 21st century is the century of quality, so the quality is an important task to all kinds of organizations. ISO 9000 Series Standard which was promulgated by International Standardization Organization (ISO) is an excellent management system of quality. It is based on the theory of the contemporary management of quality and the experience of successful practice. It is the theory and method of the Quality Management which is accepted by all over the world. It is of profound significance for the implementation of Quality Management and quality objectives. It also plays a positive role in the improvement of production quality and customer satisfaction.

The thesis is on the Quality Management and the development of ISO 9000 Series Standard. It does some research on the construction and operation of enterprises’ Quality Management System (QMS). It also gives the suggestions for the application of Quality Management System of Standards in automotive industry,which is based on the author’s experience of Quality Management.

Key words:Quality Management, System, Automotive Industry