江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2019-2020学年度第二学期初三英语一模试卷(word精校版包含答案和 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2019-2020学年度第二学期初三英语一模试卷(word精校版包含答案和更新完毕开始阅读

省锡中实验学校2019—2020 学年度第二学期 初三英语第一次适应性练习 2020年4月




1. ---I can stay for only one or two hours without my smart phone. What about you? ---Well. We are opposite. In fact, I often forget where I leave_________. A.it 答案:C


---好吧。我们是相反的。事实上,我经常忘记我把手机放在哪里了。 本道题考查代词的用法,包括物主代词和反身代词。mine=my mobile phone

2. Slow down at the crossing. It's dangerous to run__________ the red traffic lights.

A. across 答案:B

解析:在十字路口减速。闯红灯是很危险的。 run through 跑着穿过

3. ---The prices of food, clothes and houses have___________so quickly these years. ---So they have. Life becomes harder. A. increased developed 答案:A

解析:---这些年来,食品、衣服和房子的价格上涨得很快。 ---的确是的。生活变得更困难了。 increase 增加,提高。

4. ---Mum, my friend Peter is always too worried about what he'll do in the future.


C. improved


B. through

C. along


B. myself

C. mine

D. yours

---Maybe you could tell him not to cross that bridge____________he comes to it. A. after 答案:C


---也许你可以告诉他,船到桥头自然直。 否定词+until直到...才

5. Give me the names of his relatives who can be___________at once. He is in danger.

A. compared 答案:C


6. Miss Li said that it_________very difficult to make progress if I didn't work hard.

A. was be 答案:D



7. English learning isn't hard itself. How much you devote decides_________________.

A. who can you ask for help

B. whether you can learn it well

D. why you began to learn English


C. will be

D. would

B. communicated

C. contacted

D. connected

B. when

C. until

D. since

C. that you can take the lead 答案:B

解析:学英语本身并不难。你投入多少决定了你能否学好它。 本题考查宾语从句。A项为语序错误,B,D不符合句意前后搭配。 8. ---Excuse me, do you mind if I open the window? ---Well, if you_________, I can put on more clothes. A. can 答案:C


B. may

C. must

D. shall


9.I know how busy you are and naturally I wouldn't want to__________too much of your time.

A. take up 答案:A


10.Not everyone knows_________kids born in the 2000s are different from their parents.

A.what 答案:D


11. It’s our choice, my son, that shows what we truly are,_________our abilities. A.no more than than 答案:B

解析:这是我们的选择,我的孩子,这比我们的能力更能说明我们的真实身份。 far more than远远超过。

12.It’s never_________prepare for a healthy and meaningful college life.

A. too late to

B. too early to D.early enough to

B.far more than

C.no less than

D.far less

B. where

C. who


B. take in

C. take on

D. take off

C. late enough to 答案:B


13. ---Have you heard that Lei Haiwei, a courier brother (外卖小哥), won the championship at the Chinese Poetry Conference?

---It's not surprising, _____________. He has worked hard at it these years. A.every dog has its day C. no pain, no gain 答案:C



B.actions speak louder than words D. many hands make light work

14. ---Sorry, it's already 6 o'clock. I have to be off for an important dinner. ---OK.______________. A. It couldn't be better C. Take your time 答案:D

解析:---对不起,已经6点了。我要去吃一顿重要的晚餐。---好,那今天就到这里吧。 二、完形填空:先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

It was our first Thanksgiving in the new house and I wanted everything to be perfect. But my plan for everyone to contribute some preparation work couldn't be carried out for my husband's business trip. Even worse, I had to___1___ two days of planned vacation finishing the extra work. By Wednesday, since I didn't get an ideal table with fresh flowers, beautiful drinking glasses and various homemade desserts, I just hoped that I'd find a clean tablecloth and eight ___2____ forks.

In my perfect Thanksgiving, there wouldn't be any orange in my salad because I hadn’t made the shopping list. There would be no perfect family photos to record that day because I hadn't got the broken camera____3____. Someone had brought home the wrong toilet paper, which made me break down.

I don't remember what my son asked me as he was vacuuming (吸尘), but I do remember my serious mom-face before barking out an____4____. The noise and anger are terrible to kids everywhere that they might as well____5_____ me. But he didn't.

Instead of disappearing from view, my second-grader turned off the vacuum and walked across the room to face me. He never said a word. He just put his arms around me, making me feel a deep sense of____6____of myself until today.

The end result was that it was a(n)____7____ Thanksgiving. The people I loved gathered around my table and dined just one choice of the pie. My dad used a mismatched fork without____8___. My daughter drew a picture of us where everyone smiled.

My son took a(n)___9___to teach me that sometimes we need a hug (拥抱) most when we are least huggable. This is the best gift you can give. One size fits all and no one ever minds if you___10___.

1.A. spare 2.A. amazing matching

3. A. worked


C. offer



B. You really have me there

D.Let’s call it a day

B. challenging C. satisfying

B. fixed C. dealt D. hired