最全的新视野大学英语第二版读写教程1-6答案 联系客服

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Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

tune disgusting appeal offensive horrible upset concern identity influence thorough burst negative stuff patience

1. If the bike ____ to you that much, why not buy it? You just got paid yesterday.


2. He managed to hide his ____ and moved to a new town where people would not know him. identity

3. All of your ____ was for nothing, because I was safe all night. concern

4. It was worse than horrible; the smell in the room was so ____ that it actually made me sick. disgusting

5. I wasn't quite angry, but I was a little ____ when my noodles were cooked poorly.


6. Modern music may have a negative ____ as well as a positive one on teenagers.


7. He has made an ____ remark that angers all of us. offensive

8. On hearing the news, the mother ____ into tears and rushed out of the room, followed by a few other people.


9. I bought some computer paper, but when I got it home I found it was the wrong .


10. I want you to be very ____ when you look in the park for the missing woman so you won't miss her.


11. I wouldn't have the ____ to sit doing the same thing over and over.


12. One should be positive instead of ____ about life. negative

13. I've heard that ____ before, but I don't know the words to the song.


14. It was really ____ coming home and finding all our things had been stolen.


Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb. 1. Sandy's father could not stand the offensive music, so he asked her to turn it ____.


2. I can't turn the tap ____, and there's water all over the floor. off

3. He is busy ____ usual, giving lectures and working on the textbook.


4. She asked the students who were working in the dark classroom why they hadn't turned the lights ____.


5. Sinking in the sand, he reached ____ his friend's hand, but it was too far away.


6. Teachers may exercise more influence ____ their students than parents.


7. The rock and roll music appeals especially ____ young people. to

8. I'd like to talk your offer ____ with my wife before deciding whether to take it or not.


9. The money offered may not be much, but ____ any case I'll take the job.


10. Perhaps listening to light music may get rid ____ some of the knots in your stomach.


11. Please turn the TV ____. I'd like to hear CCTV news. on/up

12. Five students burst ____ the schoolmaster's office just as he was about to leave.


13. The baby's mother escaped from the fire ____ with two other children.
