2018届二轮复习 短文改错专题10篇训练之二 学案(15页word版含有解析) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2018届二轮复习 短文改错专题10篇训练之二 学案(15页word版含有解析)更新完毕开始阅读


Journey to the West is a fantastic story setting in the Tang Dynasty. When opening the book, you would read an exciting story. Tangseng and his

three companions went through adventurous experience to get the scriptures(经文),

which could be beneficial for the ordinary people. They made the long and hard

journey westwards to achieve their dream. The Monkey King, also was called

Sunwukong, managed to fight against all kinds of difficulties. Therefore, the Monkey

King as a symbol of being bravery and determined is deeply loved by our Chinese.

The story is so amazing that it is very worth reading,I believe you can learn more

about Chinese culture from this book. 答案


Going to college can be terrifying. When I first arrived at my college, I was extreme nervous. What if I couldn’t fit? What if I couldn’t make friends? … All these thought just could not stop float in my mind. When I got to the campus, I was shocked at how outgoing everyone seems. I had only been on the campus for a few minutes when the lovely girl came up and started a conversation with me, which later became one of my best friends. His friendliness pushed me out of my comfortable zone and made me to open up faster than I had expected. So please reach out or you will find out people are more friendly than you think! 答案

Going to college can be terrifying. When I first arrived at my college, I was extreme nervous. What if I couldn’t


fit∧? What if I couldn’t make friends? … All these thought just could not stop float in my mind. When I got to the in thoughts


campus, I was shocked at how outgoing everyone seems. I had only been on the campus for a few minutes when the seemed a

lovely girl came up and started a conversation with me, which later became one of my best friends. His friendliness

who Her

pushed me out of my comfortable zone and made me to open up faster than I had expected. So please reach out or 删and

you will find out people are more friendly than you think! 【6】

Last Sunday,I volunteered in a tourists attraction.At noon,I was having lunch while I found a dog wandering around and looked for something










homeless.However,when I walked closer,it ran away.Obvious,it was afraid of people.How can I give it more help?I suddenly thought of my uncle,which liked dogs very much.He was likely that he would adopt it!I telephoned to him and asked him if he would adopt the dog.He agreed,but

when he came,the dog was going. 答案与解析 Last Sunday,I volunteered in a attraction.At noon,I was

having lunch I found a dog wandering around and for


to eat.Judging from its dirty look,I knew


homeless.However,when I walked closer,it ran away. ,it

was afraid of people.How I give it more help?I suddenly thought of my uncle, liked dogs very much. was likely that he would

adopt it!I telephoned him and asked him if he would adopt the dog.He

agreed,but when he came,the dog was .

①tourists→tourist 这里tourist作定语修饰attraction,因此要用单数。 ②while→when 语境的意思是“我正在吃午饭,这时我发现一只狗在流浪”,需要用并列连词when,意为“正在这时”。

③looked→looking looking和前面的wandering并列,因此形式要一致。

④homeless前加was knew后接宾语从句,从句缺少谓语动词,homeless是形容词,因此用系动词was。

⑤Obvious→Obviously 用副词作状语,形容词不能作状语。 ⑥can→could 文章基本时态为过去时,因此要把can改为could。