[金版教程]2017届英语人教版一轮复习教案:选修8 unit 5 Word版含解析全面版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章[金版教程]2017届英语人教版一轮复习教案:选修8 unit 5 Word版含解析全面版更新完毕开始阅读



1.historian n. 历史学家 2.dynastyn. 朝代 3.ancient adj. 古代的 4.civilizedadj. 文明的 5.hardship n. 苦难 6.cultural gap 文化差异 7.originate from 起源于

8.come into being 形成;产生;出现 9.historic relics 历史遗产 10.date back to/date from 追溯到 11.in memory of 为了纪念 12.pass down 传递;使流传 13.look back at history 回顾历史 14.settle in 定居;安顿下来 15.ancient society 古代社会 佳句

1.Although_faced_with many problems, they didn't lose_heart. 尽管面临许多问题,他们没有灰心。

2.Life consists_of_not_only sunshine but_also hard times. 生活包含的不仅仅是阳光,还有艰苦岁月。

3.I find life an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others. 我发现生活是令人激动的事情,尤其是为别人活着时。


To the southwest of Beijing lies Zhoukoudian, where Peking Man are believed to have lived. They lived in the caves, regardless of the cold. They didn't have mats, blankets or quilts. But they made fires to cook the food, scare wild beasts away and keep warm.

Peking Man didn't grow their own crops but picked fruit when it ripened and hunted animals with a spear. They used the sharpened stone tools to cut up animals and remove their skin, onto which they rubbed an ample amount of salt to make it soft. They used a needle, which was at most three centimeters long, to make clothes made from the skins. They even wore a primitive necklace, which was made of seashells.

Peking Man suffered from cold, starvation and diseases. However, the discovery of the cave made by archeologists is of great significance to the study of human history.


1.alternative (n.) 可能的选择 (adj.) 供选择的;其他的 2.interrupt (vt.& vi.) 打断……讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止 3.acute (adj.) 有观察力的;敏锐的;严重的;深刻的 4.assume (vt.) 假定;设想;承担→assumption (n.) 假定

5.significance (n.) 意义;意思;重要性;重要意义→significant (adj.) 重要的 6.somehow (adv.) 以……方式;不知怎么地 7.delete (vt.) 删;删除

8.applaud (vi.& vt.) 鼓掌欢迎;赞赏→applause (n.) 鼓掌 9.accelerate (vi.&vt.) 加速;促进→acceleration (n.) 加速 10.arrest (vt.) 逮捕;吸引 (n.) 逮捕;拘留

11.starvation (n.) 挨饿;饿死→starve (vi.) 挨饿;饿死 12.accuracy (n.) 精确;准确→accurate (adj.) 准确的;精确的 13.messy (adj.) 凌乱的;脏的→mess (n.) 凌乱;脏

14.sharpen (vi.&vt.) (使)锋利,尖锐;清晰→sharp (adj.) 锋利的,尖锐的→sharpener (n.) 磨具,削具

15.division (n.) 分割;划分;分配→divide (vt.) 划分;隔开;分割 16.ripe (adj.) 成熟的→ripen (v.) 使……成熟;成熟

17.receptionist (n.) 接待员→receive (v.) 收到;接待→reception (n.) 接待处;欢迎


1.regardless_of 不管;不顾 2.at_most 至多;最多 3.cut_up 切碎

4.be_fed_up_with 受够了;饱受;厌烦 5.look_ahead 向前看;为将来打算 6.date_back_to 追溯到…… 7.arrest_sb._for... 因……而逮捕某人 8.with_relief 欣慰地;轻松地 9.be_proud_of 以……为骄傲 10.turn_to_sb._for_help 向某人求助 11.keep_out 阻止进入

12.have_no_alternative_but_to_do... 别无选择,只好……


1.It seems (to sb.) that/as if...“(对某人来说)似乎……”,as if后边可用虚拟语气 It_seems_that (看起来似乎) they used the sharpened stone tools to cut up animals and

remove their skin.(教材P38)

2.as 引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的内容,“正如,正像”

Yes, indeed, as_the_botanical_analyses_have_shown_us (正如植物学的分析结果已经向我们展示的), all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake.(教材P39)

3.if only 虚拟语气表示“要是……就好了”

If_only (要是……就好了)it could be just like last year!(教材P43) 4.“had+过去分词...when...”表示“刚刚……这时……”

She had_almost_reached (就要到达) her destination when(这时)a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped.(教材P43)

5.only to do表示意想不到的或令人失望的结果,意思是“结果却……”

Abruptly she sat down, only_to_be_scooped_up (结果却被……搂了起来)by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna.(教材P43)



1.It is a great pleasure to meet you students from England, ________ are interested in archaeology.

答案:who who引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中充当主语,先行词为互为同位语的you students。

2.You must be aware that it's here ________ we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world.

答案:that be aware that后的从句为强调句,故填that,被强调部分为地点状语here。 3.So we think it is reasonable ________ (assume) they lived in these caves, regardless ________ the cold.

答案:to assume; of 第一空前的it为形式主语,真正主语为不定式to assume;第二空为固定短语regardless of“不管;不顾”。

4.They couldn't have mats, blankets or quilts like we do. It must ________ (be) very uncomfortable.

答案:have been 由前一句可知此处表示对过去事实的肯定推测,应填have been。 5.They might have kept the fire ________ (burn) all winter. 答案:burning keep...doing“让……一直……”。

6.We haven't found any doors but we think they might have hung animal skins at the cave mouth to keep ________ the cold during the freezing winter.

答案:out keep out“使……留在外面;阻止……入内”。

7.We know that they moved around, ________ (follow) the herds of animals.

答案:following 主语we与follow之间为主动关系,故用现在分词作伴随状语,表主动。

8.That's ________ they are called hunters and gatherers. 答案:why That's why...“那就是……的原因”。

9.She had almost reached her destination ________ a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped.

答案:when had done...when...“刚做完……这时……”。

10.Lala smiled and handed some stone scrapers over to Dahu, ________ smiled and went outside the cave to begin his task.

答案:who 该句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为Dahu指人,且从句中缺少主语,故应填who。

1alternativeadj.供选择的;其他的 n.可能的选择;选择对象

Can you think of the alternatives we would use today?(P37) 你能想到我们今天可供利用的办法吗?

(1)have no alternative/choice but to do sth. 别无选择只好做某事 have the alternative of doing sth. 有做某事的选择 there's no alternative... ……别无选择 an alternative to... ……的替代品 (2)alternatively adv.可供选择地

①[2014·山东高考]If we expect people to give up the habit of driving, we must give them an_alternative they can rely on. 如果我们期盼人们放弃开车的习惯,我们就必须给他们一种可以依赖的替代品。 ②[2014·江苏高考]This—the alternative use of your cash and time—is the opportunity cost. 这——对您的现金和时间的选择使用——就是机会成本。 ③I'm afraid I have_no_alternative_but_to_report you to the police. 恐怕除了向警方告发你以外,我别无选择了。 2interruptvt.& vi.打断……讲话;暂时中断或中止

I'm sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here?(P38) 对不起,打断了你的讲话,但是他们怎么能够住在这个地方呢?

(1)interrupt sb./sth. (with sth.) (因某事)打断某人/某事 (2)interruption n. 打扰;插嘴;打岔;阻断物 without interruption 连续地;不断地