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发布时间 : 星期日 文章2. 词缀与语法成分1更新完毕开始阅读


词缀: 通常可以通过词缀来判断词性,下面列出了主要的常见词缀 1. 前缀


我们曾经学习过的前缀包括:in-, il-, im-, ir-; mis-; un-; re-; dis-;over-; under-; non-; sub-; pre-; post-; co-; ex-; bi-这些都是比较活跃的前缀,其构词能力非常强。

in-, il-, im-, ir-(加在形容词和名词前)showing a negative, an opposite, or a lack

例词informal 非真实的;inaccurate不准确的;irregular不规则的;irresponsible 不负责任的;illegal非法的;illogical不合理的:impolite不礼貌的;imbalanced 不平衡的

mis-1. bad or badly; 2. wrong or wrongly; 3. showing an opposite or the lack of sth

例词misfortune 不幸,厄运;misbehave 行为不端;miscalculation 计算错误;misunderstand误解;mistrust不信任

re-(尤用于动词前)1. again; 2. again in a new and better way; 3. back to a former state

例词rebroadcast重播;rewrite重写;reunite重聚;retell复述; reform改革


un-1. (especially in adjectives and adverbs)(译:尤其是在形容词和副词当中)showing a negative , a lack, or an opposite;2. (esp. in verbs)showing an opposite; 例词unhappy, unfair不公平的, unload卸货, uncover揭露 dis-1. showing an opposite or negative; 2. shows the stopping or removing of the stated condition; 3. (esp. in verbs)to take away; remove

例词dislike(不喜欢), dishonest, disappear, discontented不满足的, disapprove不同意; disconnect切断; over- 1. too much; 2. above, beyond, across; 3. outer, covering(覆盖)在外的;4. additional(除此之外的)


under-1. too little; 2. going underneath; 3. inner, beneath others在…内; 4. less important or lower in rank

例词underdeveloped, undercooked未煮熟的; understaffed人员配备不足的;underexpose 曝光不足,underfeed给…太少的食物,未喂饱, underestimate低估,看轻

non-1. (esp. in adjectives and nouns)showing a negative2.(esp. in nouns) not deserving the stated name


例词 nonalcoholic不含酒精的;nonstick不粘锅的,nonstandard, non-smoker, non-monopoly非垄断的,非独占的,nonparty, nonprofessional;non-event枯燥无味的活动;

It was a really bad book --- a non-story with non-characters. 这是一本蹩脚的书---情节单调,人物缺乏生气。

sub-1. under, below; 2. less important or powerful or of lower rank than; 3. part of the stated bigger whole分支; 4.(derog)similar to, but not as good as or not real仿;5. (esp, tech) almost 近于 例词subzero 零下的;subway 地铁;subcommittee(委员会下设)专门小组;subtitle副标题;subsection分支,分部;sub-Victorian仿维多利亚的; subtropical亚热带的;subadult, subeditor, subagent, subhuman, subarea, subdivide, pre-1. before; 2. in advance

例词preschool 学龄前的; prearranged预先安排的,预定的; post- after, later than

例词postwar, postgraduate, postmeridian午后的,下午发生的, co-1. together, with; 2. doing something with someone else 和… 一起做;副

例词coexist共存; coeducation 男女同校制;coauthor合著者;copilot副驾驶员(飞机) co-owner, co-worker(同事), cooperate(合作), coeducation, ex-former (still living)


例词ex-con, ex-husband, ex-president

semi – 半; ultra – 外,极; trans- 跨越,移植; inter-之间的,相互的;super-超级的,上层的;fore-先的;self- 自我的,自动的;anti- 反,防; vice-副; uni-单的; bi- 双的;multi-多的; auto- 自动的

antisocial, expresident, self-important 自大的;self-control自控;interact相互作用;transport; ultraviolet 紫外线的;ultrasonic超声的;semi-final半决赛;semiconductor半导体;vice-president; vice-captain; unilateral; uniform(一致的;制服); multinational; multistage多级;automation(自动化操作), automobile… 给下列词汇填上恰当的前缀

agree, logical, possibility, play, fit, weight, paid, production, nuclear, linear, resistance, average, branch, central, examination, exist, face, star, heir, author, wife, girlfriend, basic(二元的),facial,




a. –er, -ee; -or; -ist(信仰…主义的人;…操作者;…家;); -ian(与…有联系的人,精通…的人,钻研…的人, …地方的人); -ese; -ant/-ent(起…作用的人)构成表示人或无的名词