2016年湖北省技能高考文化综合试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2016年湖北省技能高考文化综合试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读



Lucy, a famous jazz singer,has her own style and life story, so I decided to see one of her performances and interview her for my magazine.

I went to a nightclub in New York and watched the stage lights go up. After the band played for a while, Lucy came onto the stage in a wheelchair. As she sang,her voice was so powerful and moving that everyone in the room forgot the wheelchair was even there. At 57, Lucy is small and pretty, clever and strong-minded. Raised in California, Lucy began performing in public at the age of 18,when she took a job as a singing waitress at a pizza parlor(店).After studying classical music in college,she moved to San Francisco and went on to sing with the San Francisco Opera Chorus.

Walking home from rehearsal (排练) one night when she was 29, she was caught in a shooting event that left her disabled from the waist down. I asked how she dealt with the realization that she’d never walk again,and she said that at first she didn’t want to face it. After a year of being upset she tried to kill herself.She was then taken to a hospital for treatment,where she was able to recover.

Lucy said she came to understand that the only thing she had lost in this unlucky event was the ability to walk. She still had her most valuable thing—her mind.Pointing to her head,she said,“Everything important is in here.The only real disability in life is losing your mind.”When I asked if she was angry about what she had lost,she admitted to being upset sometimes,“especially when everybody’s dancing,because I love to dance.But when that happens I just change myself,so I can focus(专注) instead on what I can do.” 42.Lucy became disabled at the age of ______.

A. 57 B. 29 C. 18 D. 1

43.Which is the correct order of the following events? ①Lucy studied classical music. ②Lucy got shot in a shooting event. ③Lucy learned to face the reality. ④Lucy began performing in public. ⑤Lucy was unable to walk.


A.①③④⑤② B.④③①②⑤ C.①④③②⑤ D.④①②⑤③ 44.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Lucy was brought up in California. B.Lucy lost her legs in an accident. C.Lucy realized the value of her mind. D.Lucy loves singing and dancing. 45.What can we learn from Lucy’s story? A.Bad luck never comes singly.

B.If you cannot dance,you cannot sing,either. C.Never give up hope in a difficult situation. D.It is safe to walk in American streets. 46.What do you think is the writer of the passage?

A. waitress. B. A reporter. C. A dancer. D. A doctor.





1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.B 二、综合题(本大题共7小题,共30分) 11.(4分)

人民奉立他们的君主,像爱自己的父母一样爱他,像仰望日月一样仰望他。 12.(4分)

你不是有一件非常时尚的米色衬衣么? 13.(4分)

能否向世人揭示出高尚的事物,能否激发起高尚的情操。 14.(6分)





母亲是触景生情,她想起了同样的场景下儿子三岁时问她话的情景,自然说出了儿子当年的问话。 16.(4分)

母亲问的次数与三岁时儿子问的次数对比,儿子回答母亲时的态度与母亲回答三岁儿子时的态度对比,突出了母爱的强烈与深沉。 17.(4分) A

三、写作题(本大题共1小题,30分) 18.略




19.B 20.D 21.B 22.C 23.D 24.A 五、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题6分,共24分)

25.(3,4)?(4,+∞)或{x|x>3且x≠4} 26. 0 27.14 28.±1 2六、解答题(本大题共3小题,每小题12分,共36分) 9??11??7?7?sin????tancos?sin4?6?36 ?29.解(Ⅰ)11?7??5??tancos?tan???434??????????????sin??2????tan?2???cos?2????sin????6?4?3?6???????? = ?????????cos?2????tan?????tan?3???3?4?4????????cos??sin??sin?tan36?? 64? =??cos?tan34???tan?41?1?1?????122?3 =2= ??14?1?12sin(3???)?tan(5???)?sin(???)?cos(3???) cos(???)?sin(???)?tan(3???)?(Ⅱ)原式= =sin??(?tan?)?(?sin?)?(?cos?) (?cos?)?sin??tan?sin??cos2? = cos2??1文化综合试卷第1页(共13页)