海归人才网请问面试能问点正常的问题吗 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章海归人才网请问面试能问点正常的问题吗更新完毕开始阅读




1)Google: \加拿大有多少头牛?(How do I know....)

2) Kimberly-Clark: \really loudly despite it being on silent, what would you tell me?\


3) PriceWaterhouse Coopers: \you recommend?\

我和我的老婆要去度假啊你有什么推荐吗?(Come to China please!)

4) Zappos: \the chance?\


5) McKinsey & Company: \children?\


6) Urban Outfitters: \a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?\


7) If you could only do one dance move the rest of your life, what would it be? 如果在你剩下的人生中只能跳一支舞,你想跳什么? 8) What punctuation mark best describes you? 哪个标点符号能够最好地描述你这个人?

9) If you were a Microsoft Office programme which would you be? 如果你是一款办公软件,你觉得你是哪一款? 10) How would you cure world hunger?



11) What happened in this country in the last 10 years? 这个国家过去十年发生了啥?

12) Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses? 如果要打架,你会选择和1只马差不多大的鸭子还是100只鸭子大小的马? 13) How would you explain Facebook to your Grandma? 你会如何给你的奶奶解释Facebook是个啥?

14) In a fight between a lion and a tiger, who would win and why? 一头狮子和一只老虎打架,谁会赢,为什么?

15) If you were to win £1m what would you do with the money? 如果你中了一百万会怎么花这笔钱?

16) What songs best describes your work ethic? 哪首歌最能描述你的工作方式?

17) How would we communicate in a perfect world? 我们在一个完美的世界中如何沟通? 18) What kitchen utensil would you be? 你是厨房的哪种工具?

19) If Germans were the tallest people in the world, how would you prove it? 如果德国人是世界上最高的人,你要怎么证明?

20) What are the first three things you'd do on your first day at work here? 在你工作的第一天,你要做的头三件事是什么? 21) On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you? 用1到10来形容你现在开心与否?

22) How would you design a spice rack for a blind person? 你会为盲人设计一个怎样的调味架?

23) How many people are using Facebook in San Francisco at 2:30pm on a Friday? 星期五晚上两点半的旧金山有多少人使用Faccebook?