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发布时间 : 星期五 文章2020届高考英语专二轮复习题精题分解 书面表达汇编(11) 新人教版 精品更新完毕开始阅读

and avoid any form of fighting, which may only bring suffering and pain to us mentally and physically.

As far as I’m concerned, I feel all the students and teachers should work hard and creatively to keep the “safety at school” activity in mind. Besides, we supposed to observe the law discipline where we are at any moment. 4 (2020·山东省潍坊市高三12月份统考试题) 第二节 写作(满分30分)

假如你是高三学生李华,你校正在组织寒假赴英冬令营营员选拔活动。冬令营由英国文化委员会(British Council)组织,营地在剑桥大学(Oxford University)。请根据以下要点给你的英语笔友John写一封电子邮件:

1.你很感兴趣,认为机会难得; 2.家人反对及其反对的理由; 3.希望John写一封电子邮件。 注意:


2.可适当增加细节。 Dear John,

How is everything going?

Yours, Li Hua

5 (2020·山东省日照市高三模块考试)A卷


你在网络上读到一篇关于“九零后”的英语文章,你打算以“Post-90’s Generation”为题,用第一人称给《二十一世纪英文报》写一篇文章,内容包括:

“九零后”的缺点 1. 依赖性强; 2. 自私; 3. 贪图过舒适的生活等。 “九零后”的优点 1.渴望了解周围的世界; 2.思想独立; 3.有很多新观念等。 …… 你自己的感受 注意:1.必须包括表格中的所有内容;

2.为了使文章通顺完整,可以适当增加内容; 3.词数:120-150左右。

Post - 90’s Generation

第二节:写作(满分30分) One possible version:

Post - 90’s Generation

We, post-90’s generation, are living in a society full of fiercer competition, and developing our special manners and values, which has raised people’s concern.

It’s true that the post-90’s generation have some weaknesses. Some of us, for example, rely on our parents too much and tend to live comfortable lives. Some are even selfish and care little for others.

At the same time, the post-90’s generation desire to learn more about the world around us, and we are independent in thinking. We always keep up with modern science and technology and have many new ideas.

I think the post-90’s generation should carry forward our strong points and overcome the weaknesses, and try to tell the world that we are a hopeful generation. 6 (2020·山东省临淄中学高三上学期期末模块学分认定考试)

第二节 书面表达 (满分30分)

面对现实生活的各种压力,保持一个良好的心态非常重要。请你以The importance of

keeping a good mood为题,写一篇120-150字的英语文章,发表自己的看法,以及支持你的看法的原因(至少两个)。


The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood

People in modern society live under a lot of pressure from many aspects such as

education, career or family.It is important to keep a good mood in your daily life.In the following context I am going to justify my point from two aspects.

First, individually speaking, to keep a good mood makes everything easier to

you.Just like the grease smoothing a machine, keeping a good mood optimizes your life.If you are happy, work would not seem to be that hard.You may learn to enjoy the process.Second, for the sake of people around you, you should keep a good mood.If you are very cheerful everyday, you are apt to throw your positive influence upon others who are also faced with varied pressure.Just like a shining sun, keeping a good mood enables you to radiate your happiness to everyone around you and then they respond to you with an enlightening smile.

To keep a good mood helps to start a positive recycle around you which may free

pressures.Why not meet your life with a smile? 7 (2020·山东省聊城市高三12月月考) 第二节:写作(满分30分)

你在网络上读到一篇关于“九零后”的英语文章,你打算以“Post – 90’s Generation”


“九零后”的缺点 1.依赖性强; 2.自私; 3.贪图过舒适的生活等。



2.为了使文章通顺完整,可以适当增加内容; 3.词数:120—150左右。

Post – 90’s Generation

“九零后”的优点 1.渴望了解周围的世界; 2.思想独立; 3.有很多新观念等。 你自己的感受