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Monolingual dictionary 只有一种语言的字典

This uses only the target language for headwords, definitions, examples etc. See bilingual dictionary.

Phonemic chart 音位表

A poster or large diagram of the phonemic symbols. Reference materials, resources 参考资料

The materials which teachers and students can use to check information, e.g. grammar books, dictionaries or CDRoms.

Teaching materials and aids 教学资料及辅助工具

Activity book: see book. 课堂活动参考书 Adapt (material) 改编材料以适应课堂教学

To change a text or other material, so that it is suitable to use with a particular class. Audio script: see tapescript. 录音文本资料 Authentic material 原版资料

Written or spoken texts which a first language speaker would read or listen to. They may be taken from newspapers,

radio etc. The language is not made easier.


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Board game 棋盘游戏

A game played by two or more players on a board and often using dice. Teachers can use these for controlled language practice. Book

An activity book or workbook has extra practice and is often used for homework. It usually accompanies a coursebook. 课本

A coursebook or textbook is used regularly by students in the class. It generally contains grammar, vocabulary and skills work. A coursebook unit is a chapter of a coursebook.

A teacher’s book accompanies the coursebook, and contains teaching ideas, tapescripts and answers to 教师用书 coursebook activities. Brochure: see leaflet. 手册 Chart 图表

A drawing or graph that can be placed on the classroom wall and can show information such as irregular verb forms

or prepositions.

Coursebook: see book. Coursebook unit: see book. Crossword puzzle 纵横填字游戏

A word game in which students complete a grid. Students write the answers to definitions in the squares on the grid. It is often used to revise vocabulary. Dialogue 对话 A conversation between two people. Dice 骰子

Small blocks of plastic or wood with six sides and a different number of spots on each side. They are used in board games.

Exploit (material) 材料开发 To use material for a particular purpose. Flashcard 卡片

A card with words, sentences or pictures on it. A teacher can use these to explain a situation, tell a story, teach vocabulary etc.

Flipchart 翻转卡片

A pad of large sheets of paper fixed to a stand, which teachers use for presenting information to the class.

Graded reader 分级读物

A story book with language that has been made easier for students. Graph 图表

A drawing that uses a line or lines to show how two or more things are related to each other. Grid 格子

A pattern of straight lines that cross each other to make squares. Handout, worksheet 补充资料

A piece of paper with exercises, activities or tasks on it that a teacher gives to students for a range of reasons during a class.

Language laboratory 语言实验室

A room in a school where students can practise language by listening to tapes and by recording themselves speaking.

Leaflet, brochure 小册子

A piece of printed paper that gives information or advertises something. This is one example of realia. Learning centre: see self-access centre. 语言中心


? UCLES Cambridge ESOL 2005 25 Overhead projector (OHP) 投影仪

A piece of equipment that makes images appear on a wall or screen. It can be used in a classroom instead of a whiteboard or blackboard.

Overhead transparency (OHT) 投影仪用塑料卡片

The plastic sheet a teacher can write on and use on an overhead projector (OHP). Puppet 木偶

A model of a person or animal that a teacher can move by putting their hand inside it, which is often used when teaching young learners. Realia 实物教具

Real objects such as menus, timetables and leaflets that can easily be brought into the classroom for a range of purposes.

Resources: see teaching aids, reference materials, resources, learning resources. 资源 Rubric 书面指令 Written instructions for a task.

Self-access centre, learning centre 自学中心

A place with learning resources such as books, computers and cassettes where students can study by themselves.

Supplementary material 补充材料

The books and other materials which teachers can use in addition to a coursebook, e.g. pronunciation practice materials.

Tapescript, audio script, transcript 听力视频材料文本资料

The written version of the words students hear when doing a listening activity. These can often be found in a teacher’s book. 教师用书 Teacher’s book: see book. Teaching aids 教具

Any materials or resources a teacher uses in the classroom, e.g. OHP, charts. See realia and learning resources.

Textbook: see book. Transcript: see tapescript. Video clip 录像视频 Part of a video that can be used in class. Visual (aid) 可视工具

A picture or a diagram that can help teachers illustrate meaning. Workbook: see book. 练习册 Worksheet: see handout.


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Teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom 教师及学习者课堂用语

Candidates should be familiar with common terms such as ask, tell, reply Ask for clarification 要求归类

To ask for an explanation of what a speaker means, e.g. What I mean is…. What do you mean? Clarify 阐明 To make clear what you mean. Convey meaning 表达意思

To express or communicate meaning. Teachers focus on conveying meaning when they present new language.

Facial expression 面部表情

A teacher can show how they feel through their face, e.g. smiling, showing surprise. Hesitate 犹豫

To pause before or while doing or saying something. Students often hesitate if they are trying to find the correct words to say, because they are nervous, or need more time to think. Model noun + verb 例子

A clear example of the target language for students to write down and save as a record. If a teacher is focusing on the target language of a lesson, they usually choose a model sentence, which they write on the board. The teacher often models the language as well, by saying it clearly before drilling the students. Narrate 叙述

To tell a story or talk about something that has happened. Teachers often narrate stories to young learners. Praise 表扬

To tell someone they have done well, e.g. That’s excellent. Well done! Prompt 提示

To help learners think of ideas or to remember a word or phrase by giving them a part of it or by giving another kind of

clue. See word prompt.

Response noun, respond verb 回答

A reply or reaction to communication such as a laugh, a smile, saying something. Teachers and students may respond to each other in writing, speech or in the form of a facial expression. Word prompt 单词提示

When a teacher suggests a word that the student hasn’t remembered, e.g. Student: I want to …… in an office Teacher: Work?

Student: Yes, I want to work in an office.

A teacher can also use a word prompt to correct a student, e.g. Student: He don’t like that. Teacher Grammar.

Student: Sorry – he doesn’t like that. See prompt.