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A text which is divided into two or more parts. Students have to listen to or read their part, then share their information with other students in order to complete the task. In this way, the text is made into an information-gap activity.

Jumbled paragraphs, pictures, sentences 段落、图片、句子排序

A text in which the paragraphs or sentences are not in the correct order, or a series of pictures that are in the wrong order. The students have to put the text or pictures into the correct order. Label 添加标签

To match the name of an object to the object. Students are often asked to label pictures of objects with the correct name.

Less controlled practice: see practice. 半自由练习 Mind map: see word map.

Picture stories 图片演示 Stories that are in pictures instead of words. Practice

Controlled practice, restricted practice

When students practise the target language in restricted situations in which they have little or no choice of what language they use. The teacher focuses on accurate use of the target language. 目标语言

Less controlled, freer practice

When students practise the target language more freely, with more choice of what they say and what language they use. Prioritising: see rank ordering. 优先级排序 Problem solving 问题解决

Students work in pairs or groups to find the solution to a problem. Problem-solving activities usually help to develop fluency.

Project work 特定项目工作

An activity which focuses on completing a task on a specific topic. Students often work in groups to create something such as a class magazine. Students sometimes have to do some work by themselves, sometimes outside the classroom. Rank ordering 优先级排序

An activity in which students have to put things into order of importance for a given situation, e.g. they have to decide which four things to take on holiday with them (passport, toothbrush, money etc.) from a list of ten. This is also known as prioritising. Restricted practice: see practice. Revision noun, revise verb 复习

When a student or teacher looks at language or skills that have already been taught again in order to remember this language better. Teachers often do this in the classroom to help students to prepare for a test.

Role-play 角色扮演

A classroom activity in which students are given roles to act out in a given situation. Substitution drill: see drill. 替换练习 Survey 调查

Students find out information from others by asking questions or using questionnaires in order to practise.

Target language 目标语言

1. The language which is the focus of the lesson or a part of the lesson. It could be grammar, lexis, functions or pronunciation. 2. The language being studied, L2.


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Task 任务

An activity which students complete which has a definite result. For example, problem-solving activities or

information-gap activities are tasks. 信息填空 Task-type 任务类型

A set of questions that are all of one kind which are used to assess students, e.g. multiple choice, gap-fill, matching.

Transformation drill: see drill. 转换练习 Visualize, visualization 形象化

To form a mental picture of something. Visualisation can help students to remember new words or can be used for creative story-telling. Word map 词汇群

A way of recording vocabulary on the same topic in a diagram. This is also known as a mind map.


Achievement test: see test. 测验 Assessment noun, assess verb 评估 Continuous assessment 连续评估

A type of testing which is different from a final examination. Some or all of the work that students do during a course is part of the final mark. Formal assessment, evaluation 正式测试

When a teacher judges students’ work through a test and then gives a formal report or grade to students, to say how successful or unsuccessful they have been. Formative assessment, evaluation 格式化评估

When a teacher gives students feedback on their progress during a course, rather than at the end of it so that they can learn from the feedback. See summative test. Informal assessment, evaluation 非正式评估

When a teacher decides whether a student is doing well or not, or whether a course is successful or not, but without a test or an official report or grade. Peer assessment, evaluation 同伴互评

When students give feedback on each other’s language.

Self-assessment, evaluation 自我评估

When students decide for themselves if they think their progress or language use is good or not. Assessment criteria 测评标准

The qualities against which a student’s performance is judged for assessment. For example, assessment criteria for judging students’ writing may be: accuracy of grammar, use of vocabulary, spelling and punctuation; organisation of ideas. Cloze test 完型填空

A type of task in which students read a text with words missing and try to work out the missing words. The missing words are removed regularly from the text, e.g. every seventh word. A cloze test is used for testing reading ability or general language use. This is different to a gap-fill activity which can focus on testing a specific language point. See gap-fill. 填空

Continuous assessment: see assessment.

Diagnostic test noun, diagnose verb: see test. 诊断性测试 Evaluation

When a teacher collects information about students’ performance and abilities. See assessment. Formal assessment: see assessment.


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Formative assessment: see assessment. Informal assessment: see assessment. Item 条目

1. A piece of language, e.g. a vocabulary or a grammar item. 2. The parts of a test to which a student has to respond. Learner profile 学习者描述

A description of a student, including their ability and their needs. Matching task 配对练习

A type of task in which students are asked to pair related things together, for example, match two halves of a sentence, or a word with a picture. Multiple-choice questions 多选题

A type of task in which students are given a question and have three or four possible answers. They choose the correct answer.

Objective test: see test. 客观性测试 Open comprehension questions 开放性问题

A type of task in which students read or listen to a text and answer questions using their own words. Oral test 口试 A test of speaking ability.

Peer assessment: see assessment. Placement test: see test. 入门测试

Portfolio 个人文档

A collection of work that a student uses to show what they have done in preparation for a particular course or exam.

Proficiency test: see test .熟练度测试 Progress test: see test. 进展性测试 Self-assessment: see assessment. 自我评估 Sentence completion 完成句子

A type of task in which students are given parts of a sentence and are asked to complete the sentence, using specific target language. Sentence transformation 句子转换

A type of task in which students are given a sentence and have to complete a second sentence so that it means the same as the first, e.g. It’s too cold to play tennis.

It ____________ to play tennis. (enough) It isn’t warm enough to play tennis. Subjective test: see test. 主观性测试 Summative test: see test. 综合测试


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Test 测试

A formal assessment of a student’s language.

An achievement test is used to see how well students have learnt the language taught in class. Achievement tests are often at the end of term or end of the year and test the main points of what has been taught in that time.

A diagnostic test is used to identify problems that students have with language. The teacher diagnoses the language problems students have. It helps the teacher to plan what to teach in future. 诊断性测试

An objective test is marked without using the examiner’s opinion, e.g. true/false questions, multiplechoice 多选题

questions. There is a clear right answer.

A placement test is used at the beginning of a course to identify a student’s level of language and find the best class for them. 入门测试

A proficiency test is used to see how good students are at language, or use of the language. The contents of a proficiency test are not chosen according to what has been taught, but according to what is needed for a particular purpose, e.g. English for hotel receptionists, English for studying at university. 熟练度测试

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First Certificate in English (FCE) and IELTS are examples of proficiency tests.